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XreliC: Get rid of those path changes you made and use the path.ini that came with the download. If you're using XBMC this is all you need to do:


1. Turn on your XBOX and wait until you XBMC boots. You'll see Videos, Music, Progams, Settings, Weather, etc... on the left hand side. If you do not see "Programs" you'll have to add it to your home screen by going to Settings -> Skin Settings -> Home windows -> and enabling "Show programs in main menu" then drop back to the home screen by pressing B two times.

2. Select "Programs"

3. Select "Add source"

4. Select "Browse" and type in the path to your CoinOPS directory. In XreliC's case "E:\Programs\Coin OPS Epic\" but without the quotes.

5. Enter a name for this media Source. That can be whatever you'd like. e.g. "CoinOPS"

6. Select "OK"

7. You'll drop back to the "Programs" folder and you'll see the source name that you just added. For this example we used "CoinOPS"

8. Select the folder and you'll here the XBOX hard drive chugging and XMBC will pause for a few seconds while it scans the directory for "default.xbe"

9. Once it's done scanning you'll see the red CoinOPS icon titled "CoinOPS EPIC R2".

10. Press A on CoinOPS EPIC R2 and it will launch.


You don't need to create any shortcuts to do this. If you have them, delete them.


Edit: Updated some spelling :D




tnx tnx tnx!!!!

Just Thanks.

I hope your post will be included in the future official ReadMe files.

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where did you all come from and why so many new users???? ive noticed the other sites have died to nearly nothing now...im curious of where all you people have come from...what sites and why here...and also if you are using the others stuff now (if so why I guess)



pikkey this is xbmc help not CoinOPS help :D no offense thats why it isnt in the CoinOPS readme.....anyway if you stick around this year ill also be doing XBMC which will simplfi everything for you id say

where did you all come from and why so many new users???? ive noticed the other sites have died to nearly nothing now...im curious of where all you people have come from...what sites and why here...and also if you are using the others stuff now (if so why I guess)



pikkey this is xbmc help not CoinOPS help :D no offense thats why it isnt in the CoinOPS readme.....anyway if you stick around this year ill also be doing XBMC which will simplfi everything for you id say



I've been using Coinops for a few months now, only using it for arcade games though. I came here because I was looking for help when I first installed Coinops and someone sent me here saying that it was the 'official' forum. Never used any other arcade emulators on Xbox. Thats where I'm from.


I took a look at the readme for save states in arcade games, it says (buggy), what exactly is not working fine with it?




**** CoinOPS EPIC R3 (Standalone Release) ********


Added Advanced Video Options to "VIDEO Consoles Use Correct Aspect Ratio" this works at all resolutions (note this disables the resize function)

Added Saves for all the console types

Made the Screenresize for consoles less restrictive so you it wont auto correct it if it falled into SD screensize when in HD (will still autoadjust if you change from SD to HD or HD to SD)

Console Key Remap shows the gameplay behind it while this is happening

Disabled Console Keymapping untill the advanced setting to enable default keymapping is set

Fixed up help files and documentation



pikkey this is xbmc help not CoinOPS help :) no offense thats why it isnt in the CoinOPS readme.....anyway if you stick around this year ill also be doing XBMC which will simplfi everything for you id say


forgive me, you're right, I was off topic, but it still allowed me to reach a goal of mine.

After long searching for infos, I got carried away by the enthusiasm :)



where did you all come from and why so many new users???? ive noticed the other sites have died to nearly nothing now...im curious of where all you people have come from...what sites and why here...and also if you are using the others stuff now (if so why I guess)


uhmm.. because of the above.

I've discovered Coinops name somewhere , (because I am passionate about and retrocomputing and retroconsole) inside an italian newsgroup , and I guessed it was a great thing.

I've searched and downloaded the main archive but once I was facing on it my difficulties have emerged, having no previous know-how on Xbox and no files explanatory.

4-strokes of google brought me to this forum and ..


Well, time to back between the shadow-readers :D


no worries... what you need help with you should make another thread....called


Getting a dashboard to launch CoinOPS....ill come and help there for sure and others will :D but welcome and we will do our best to help you....


Do you have the full epic?

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