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ok adding a few hidden skin features in the code...to give some skin control....alpha fade for videos...picture and movie at the same time or movie/picture depending on whats avail


Woaw, excelent, it is the option what i want :D

To make a Skin with the video preview of the game and the pics of the title screen or a scan of the box :(

Many thanks for that :D


Just think to document the feature for people who want to use them and give a new skin to test ...


ok adding a few hidden skin features in the code...to give some skin control....alpha fade for videos...picture and movie at the same time or movie/picture depending on whats avail

Hey there!


The only thing can think about skin matters is the possibility

to control the "extra information overlay box" position.


I really would like to be ale to move it anywhere

in the skin, to be able to adjust it where it better

suits me, just using coordinates.



cos thats easy to do now :( and pixel perfect now works everywhere


Aaah yes!!!

Superb news then!!


I had a very crazy week...

Did not get a "real free time" to spend on the Xbox.


But weekend is getting closer!




all stuff for xbox games will be supported catagoies pictures videos..times played it...its all in the same gui


Thats exciting. That means that you've just turned CoinOps into a dashboard that runs Roms.


I need a list of games to add xboxs ones and also psx...and spectrum andc64 lol

right now ive just placed in the code till i get a list of names it wont go in....SF3 3rd is in now and has been for 3months


Added removal of menubackround in home screen if set to...the 3 new skin features should give alot more scope to skinners who get confused and can just work with a backround like they are used to crude and basic but easy for them I guess :(

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