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I laughed and my whole experiment worked as I thought it would.


Sadly you need to jump around like an idiot to get a woman's attention or do something that quickens the pulse.

No amount of reasoning works.

But im pretty sure you already know that.

Like punching them in the face.


Dude Im not gonna lie I punched a girl in the face.

While i had exceptional circumstances to do this - I can safely say it was a great moment.

I'm also probably going to hell for it.

I was in the dock facing no bail and she was sat there with the greatest shiner in the universe...

I know im a bastard for this but after what she did to me I laugh. yeah im going to hell.


One of my girls said I hit her once when i was drunk (she used to hit me throw shit at me) she said i was stood there drunk and i just jabbed her in the cheek. then went to bed and went to sleep...

I Dont remember that at all.

I did it though because she had a red mark on her cheek.


Dont let them get that rise out of you, some of them get off on been hit, ive seen it with my own eyes, my ex was arguing with me telling me all these vile things about me purposefully winding me up - and it just came out of my and i slapped her round the face, two minutes later she was telling me how much she loved me... :D

Some of them are just plain bad news!


Ive been with some serious nut cases - im no sane sheriff eithier, but i know now i dont want any of that in my life ever again, guess i learned the hard way about some things.


i give you mad props ems you have went thru some tough shit but u came out of it with a smile on your face not many people can do that.


Just dont make my mistakes, there are good (genuinely) good women out there, you just have to hope one spots you or you spot her, and it could be years :D


Yeah, um, so what should one wear while punching women in the face? A string vest maybe?

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