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8 months ago he had a funny turn with his heart, he was drinking like a trooper every night, so after the heart scare he stopped drinking for nearly a year (he had an enlarged heart) so what does he do at xmas time?

He has a little drink - before you know it he is drinking a bottle of wine every night and some cider.

When he gets drunk he just stuffs his face with whatever food is in the house. at 58 I dont think its a good idea to be eating bacon.


Today he went to work and had another "flutter" (he works in the hospital) so they scoot him up to A & E and he has been confirmed with diabetes and a suspected heart attack... My mother just rang me and told me but i had a really big lie in today and did not get up till 2... fuck.


He didn't tell the doctor's he had been drinking again for over a month,(im gonna fucking tell them he has) i told him last time, "you had your warning" but nope he still went and drank and ate like a fucking pig.

He needs to lose weight full stop end of storey.


I Dont even know how this shit will play out now.

Fuck its like watching him get to his final furlong in life - if had not of started drinking this time round he wouldn't of got like this, he was warned.


If it wasn't for all the medication he was on he would be a dead man, they have to start him on warfarin or something like that, people say its basicly rat poison - it thins the blood.


Im off to see him in hospital later on, jesus.


My father is an Alcoholic. He is also a big dude, as in he was a body builder. Well... He lifted alot of weights, he was pretty big. Well anyway, he still eats like he used to... like I do... and the constant strain of alcohol over the years, mixed with eating habits and his age... He is a diabetic now and has to be wheeled around in a chair when he goes out. He has poor circulation and cant walk for long distances.


I love food. So I understand how hard it is to either reduce the intake, or increase the incinerator... Which isnt so hard for us. We stay hearty (strong) well into "old" age. This issue was enhanced though... from the decades of alcohol abuse.


So... I understand mate.


Cheers grim looks like we got the same shit going on here.

the neagtive side in me is thinking now its gonna be like watching him slowly get worse, the positive side of me is thinking he can enjoy his next years how ever many there may be.


God bless.


Hope he recovers fast, Paul.


I m now in hospital too, due to stomach complications. Awaiting endoscopy now


Well i went to see him and while I was there he had two "jittery" moments (i guess if you think your heart is gonna pack up it could be quite nerve racking) he got a blood test, and is staying in the hospital - this has come after three days of stopping drinking, i personally think it has more to do with the withdrawal of booze rather than his condition...

My first week my heart was up and down, stressed, anxious, took two weeks to settle back down. so still not sure if it is a heart attack.


Was wired up to a mobile heart rate monitor on the cardio ward.


They sticking a camera down your gullet LSD?

You'll be aight, try eating micro machines so when they go looking they find about 6 toy cars.


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