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Well Ill definitely agree to the bullshit about issues. There is money to be made.


But ADD... I have this. In school I just couldnt focus. Id read something boring and it wouldnt stick... my mind was a million places at once. If I wasnt interested in what I was reading, I just couldnt focus. My mind would wander and I couldnt help it. I remember so many times, getting to the bottom of a paragraph and having to re-read it cause I dont remember what I just read... mostly. Then as I read it I was like "oh yea" then get to the end and not retain anything. This shit is real. If it was Science or something else I was interested in, I was glued and I retained 95% of it first read.


Which is odd. I have grown with this ability. ADD is an advantage to me, I have learned to use it. But it can be a pain in the ass. Imagine not remembering the majority of what you just read. You read it but try as you might, your mind is also thinking about that pretty girl, the Football game yesterday, the fact that its Pizza night in a couple of days, your shoes need replacing, that weird sound you hear, the itch on your shoulder, etc... all at once or at least a bombardment of random thoughts seething and crawling in your mind. Not allowing you to focus on this boring ass material your trying to read.


Then your interested, and you retain so much. I remember details about things years after the fact (anything in general), that some dont remember at the end of the day it happened. I'm not exaggerating.


For me, Im not sure how it is for others, Its like power thats hard to control or contain. Since the mind is everywhere at once, its easy to make connections or have ideas about a subject. I think outside the box... as Im pulling in ideas from so many angles... at once. On the flip side, say im trying to focus but I cannot... my mind races over 10's to 1,000's of things in a minute. As long as Im interested, Im ok. My age has tempered my patience and interests/tastes, so Im in a better position not to be at a disadvantage. But sometimes I feel the burden of the problem.


Doing my taxes for instance. Sure I'm interested in my money, but when all these factors are considered that I need calculate, or press against the current value... I get agitated. OK Im in Virginia now. They have state taxes... So I had 2 versions of taxes to file. It was agitating even though the process was simple.


So yea, you see my crushing walls of text all the time. Imagine that rushing through you head instantly. As Im trying to write and Idea, I make laps around what Im saying and think about new things, then back then forth then back etc. I believe this is why I have soooo many unfinished projects. My joystick, my art, my games, my room, many other things. So much is left undone. I get bored and move onto something else.


So yea... Weirdy says its just boredom but it is indeed more than that. But he is right though, boredom is the root.


If I Dont have interest in something there is no way in hell I can study it or even commit it to memory.

But anything that does interest me like you said it just sticks, I can remember loads of songs and chord sequences, but say when i was in a band and I had to learn a song i did not like it was pure torture.

But anything detailed or odd like physics, or even psychology where the finest details are important I can soak it up like a sponge.


Still I ask - why has this come to light now? and why are so many of us suddenly been diagnosed with ADD?

20 years back people did not have this.


Im 31 and I was diagnosed in 4th grade. ~20 years ago. I believe they just didnt know enough about it way back when. They didnt diagnose people before my time cause they didnt know it existed. But of course, they have a term for every little thing... I believe alot of it is BS to make money on medication.


The (western style) medical groups think every little issue needs medication. I dont trust it. BUT I can say I am no specialist. Im not saying someone doesnt need medication, I'm just saying there is more than one way.


From what I have read the diagnostic is loose, and they happily diagnose the meds to kids.

take the pill go away.


I believe too many people claim to have a disorder only to "fit" in. Ever since ADD was a big topic in news years ago, people came out of the woodwork claiming to have it. OCD as well. Alot of people can no longer form an ounce of individuality so copy everyone else they do.


It goes hand and hand with other things too besides disorders.


I've known guys play on this and be complete assholes.

Both of them where pretty low in intelligence though, and I came close to getting in to a fight with one because he couldn't shut his mouth, playing music full blast all the time, basic douchebaggery.

Thank god they moved out.




Well everyone is fucked up one way or another. Its a damn shame there are pills for all of "it" I notice society puts too much merit into complexes. They have anti depressants... and ambien that makes the anti-depressants work if not on their own. I know someone (specifically) who could use some medicine but she refuses to, as it robs her of her highs to fill in the lows. She is always happy and joyous, but every so often she snaps. She would rather deal with it than have medication rob her of who she is. I agree with this. It isnt for everyone... but I refuse to believe we cannot control ourselves.


Sure I cannot focus on boring stuff well. I literally cannot absorb info that has absolutely no interest to me. I.E. stupid stories that you had to read in English class. American History. American history now holds more relevance to me so I am now interested, but learning about U.S. past just didnt stick at all. Date of the Boston tea party, hell... even the date the declaration was signed. I just didnt care, so shit like that was in one ear and out the other. I couldnt help it, it just was. But considering that...


When it comes to natural law. Are there are those who really need medication, those who are compelled to do things... is it real or a cop-out? Are they just making excuses? I had a GF who had an older brother who wasnt right. Her mom was on mad drugs when she carried him and he was... well... retarded to some degree. He was in his early 20's when this happened, he broke into his moms bedroom and stole some pot. He isnt bright at all and left much evidence. It was obviously him. When confronted, he lied. I was arguing with my GF privately... she said to me he doesnt know better. BULLSHIT!!! He lied, which means he does know he did wrong, he was hiding it to not get in trouble. He does indeed know better.


I wonder if its like that. Someone kills a bunch of people and the lawyers claim he is insane and they lock him up. WTF! The motherfucker killed. Multiple times... Put him on meds and throw him in a cage? WTF


So... I have A.D.D. I took ritalin in 5th grade and it did help... immensely! But was it right? Turns out ritalin can cause heart problems and stunt growth. And with anti depressants... you are actually more likely to kill yourself on them, than off. WTF! I remember watching a thing on 20/20 or some similar show about some mother going ballistic on the doctor that prescribed it. Girl was ~13 and killed herself.


F.D.A. is a joke. A really bad one.


I dunno man, without my citalopram I would be fucked.

I've seen a shrink before and I was considered normal but with mild anti-social traits.

They could not pin point my under lying depression, me personally I think my serotonin receptors and fried from all the years of weed so I need a boost in the stuff.


Even when I was in full time work and enjoying my job I still had to take meds to keep me from going down hill.

I can exercise my ass off and keep busy, but it aint enough on its own.

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