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Posted (edited)
  L.S.D said:
The easiest thing is to concentrate on one char only. So, you have to find one that really suit your style and train all out for it. For me, I have been maining Abel since SFIV so it is easy to adapt in SSFIV. I just learn one extra char in T.Hawk (he doesn't have much to learn) so it is easy. Comparing this to trying to mater T6BR's Lei's 160++ moves, SSFIV is really easy to learn IMO



Well once you master one you basically have mastered them all, to an extent.


You learn the shoryukens, the quarter-circle back club, the charge characters and the 360s and its all downpacked.


Then you learn to link an attack to one of the above and your set. The majority above that is basically learning to zone and reading your opponent and following through with your attacks.



I do have to say though that I think they have gotten a little overboard with the combo system. Linking 3 jabs into a medium and then a special going back into the medium and more is a little much.


I main ken, rufus and gen. I picked up cody with ssf4. I play with everyone though cause like I said once your good with one, the others come in time



Tekken is a whole nother ball game though. My personal method of madness is to go through training mode and do ever move until I know about it. Then I practice it all until I can pull it out in a match

Edited by echoman
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Where are you located Echoman? Maybe we can get some games in.

  veristic said:
Where are you located Echoman? Maybe we can get some games in.



I'm located in Jersey. My ps3 name is litehazelbandit.


sadly as time has caught up with me I've noticed a measurable difference in my reaction time and hand speed.

as Danny Glover said in Lethal Weapon "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."


lol i was thinking the same stuff, I can still pwn neo-geo fighters but this...

Feels like it takes too much time.


I know I'm getting to the point. People that I have played fighters with since 96 and earlier need to yell at me to get focused when we play, lol. I've been through the stages of playing xmvsf, mvc, motw and last blade back in the day on kaillera in a clan. Sheesh I remember before 1emu was even up, all of us playing alpha 1 and 3 in tournaments nonstop.


I think I've had a good run but I still play for fun. Its nice to see people you taught how to play pwning you like your their grandfather, lol


Ah c'mon you guys, sounding like senior citizens when you're not even middle-aged yet lol. It's not that you're too old for this shit, your patience has just worsened as adults lol.

  veristic said:
Ah c'mon you guys, sounding like senior citizens when you're not even middle-aged yet lol. It's not that you're too old for this shit, your patience has just worsened as adults lol.



Lol I'm getting up there.


I just want to push the button once and instant satisfaction.


Hopefully MVC3 will push me back into hardcore practicing but the more I see it, the more I want to just say no

  Inky said:
sadly as time has caught up with me I've noticed a measurable difference in my reaction time and hand speed.

as Danny Glover said in Lethal Weapon "I'm gettin' too old for this shit."

I also thought along the same lines. Playing MWF2 had the same effect too.


But Echo is right. Were not old. Look at 60 year old martial arts masters. They will fuck you the fuck up. Its more a matter of were not youthful anymore, and all the shit we did having fun messed us up. As in, We are full of pollutants and our not so young bodies has more work to do to keep us running. Any hand eye coordination we may be loosing out on is more likely due to diet and routines. You work graveyard Inky, you have a wife and a kid.


Thats what I think anyway... cause there are times still when I go Super Sayin and fuck everyone up... or drive uber perfect, or dodge every speck of fire in a shooter. We still have the ability... just our age makes it not as simple as jump on in.


LOL I was surfing youtube for an example... Being "too" old is a complaint! Check this out!!! Rem


Ambalamps!!! ROFL!

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