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I totally remember this being talked about on the forums a while ago. But the film was just released...




For those of you who have an hour and a half to kill. I'm 13 minutes into the film atm and have a smile on my face. The robot masters all look like toys though :).


The one playing as Wily is the only one acting worth a fuck. Everyone else is shitty.


Why is Wily so sweaty? I'm 25 minutes in and don't know how much more I can take. it's not very good so far.


I sat through the whole thing, it wasn't very enjoyable.


It did do some things right, but all I kept thinking about beyond the 30 minute mark was, "How cool would this be with an actual budget?".


Couldn't stand to watch it all, skipped through in chunks. They tried to make it so epic, but it was laughable. Maybe if they'd played it as a spoof, instead of trying to be serious, it might have worked. If you want a serious Mega Man film, I think it has to be all CGI, made by Dreamworks or Pixar, with voice actors who can actually act. Points to the Wily actor for trying, he had the right idea of having some fun with it, but he was just surrounded by a cast of dead pan wooden dummies.


Dr Light shoulda boned Roll.

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