CJ Jackson Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Yes very nasty very manipulative sadly I think the same can be said for teenagers in general in the UK/I had it from a 22 year old lass, i was texing her and she text back then all of a sudden she started behaving like I was stalking her, I was like wtf? you been texting m back and now im a stalker, she began to tell people that I had "stalked" her but it turned out she was threatened by my ex-girl and she told this one that she was going to kill anyone who went near me, in her panick Im pretty sure she tried to make t look like i was stalking her - nasty people, nasty games and sadly good people tend to get the rough end of the stick. I like to add that some women who actually got "stalked" didn't get believed mostly because of selfish people such as you ex which is terrible. Yeah, what funny is that bad role models tend to have good reputation/karma, good role models tend to have bad reputation/karma, what really amazes me is that some people still believe in karma and not even thinking about negative people and how they would exploit the concept of karma. Role model is base on your own performance and karma is base on other people opinions, am I correct? I dont have time for people that i think are in my opinion "borderline evil" the UK has a lot of idiots youg idiots that is growing up thinking they can call some guy a peadophile or whatever and that guy gets his head kicked in. That to me is just terrible, last year a guy was murdered over been falsely accused of been a "peado" all because some kids thought it would be a laugh, i tell you some kids want locking up. I have never known such an arragont, ignornat, nasty minded, peopel in all the time i have walked this earth that some of the young people that currently inhabit the UK, absaloutly pathetic excuses for human beings. I think evil comes down to lack of productivity and imagination.
emsley Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Possibily not sure about the karma thing CJ Im due a lot of good things if thats true I think that kids are having kids, and been raised by kids, smoke too much weed and are subject to really crappy music and culture. Now I sound like a 60 year old bloke here but its true, no body marries anymore young girls think its good ot have a kid with no real father about and as early as possible, they get a house and 100 pound a week and rent paid coupled with community care grants and 500 in "first child benefits" now some women are genuine some are just lazy. And these women cant even be arsed getting a part time job, what a load of crap. Why do they want to go to work when they can live the same lifestyle without working, and suck up benefits. So they live a medicore life with no ambition and maybe thats where the rot sets in and they see only what they got, an estate life with not much going for them so they start to game with what they have got. Another thing which i think is largely overlooked now is their is no church or faith no body believes in religion id say 90% of the people i click on facebook say "lol its bullshit" what's bullshit is that they no longer get taught about jesus, or sing some gospel songs in assembly anymore. Cause as soon as they are out of primary school there is no assembly. And all this peadophile shit why has this suddenly come to light in the past ten years? You cant be nice to kids becasue your a peado? what a way to shut down social communication. The kids run schools now, who the hell in their right mind allows a 8 year old to believe they have very important opinions? to let a young teenager say "you cant touch me i do what i want" or "ill get my dad to come up to school" Look at that teacher recently who was having a nervous break down because of the kids all taunting him in the class, well guess what kids? Teacher is pissed off! He wraps a weight round the fuckers head and tells them he will kill them all. now that fucker is looking at 9 years in jail when i think he should of got a medal. The judge asked the kid: Did you miss behave or tease your teacher they day he assaulted you? No replied the kid... Yeah right he just decided to smash you over the head because of your excellent behaviour. These kids KNOW they lie, insult and take charge of their surroudings, and as SOON as you you give them some real punsihment they run to mammy and daddy and demand you be arrested for them behaving like a little snot nosed shit.Or daddy comes and gets you, 15 years back if you ran to mammy and daddy you would have gotten a beating, and told not to cause trouble again. I fucking hate the people here, I really hate young people.
emsley Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 You guys seen Harry Brown? UK kids are evil yo. A lot of them are verstic a lot of them are. My generation was the beginning of "little shits" ,and every lot since then has gotten worse. Why should good people tolerate insanity? Any teacher that teaches teenagers should get more money, and they should have zero tolerance to bad behaviour in school.
emsley Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 Oh here is that article on the teacher who beat that kid. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/c...icle7111814.ece Quote "While the boy’s family stormed out of Nottingham Crown Court as the verdicts were delivered, Harvey simply bowed his head. He later apologised for the “pain and damage” he had caused." Hahahaha stormed out cause their son is a little shit more like. Says they "wind you up" its something kids have started doing for the joy of it, they like to torment you to the point you go ballistic but now its getting worse.I swear your gonna see more reports of kids getting their asses kicked, they think its funny to "wind you up" but what they dont know is that every so often you'll make something snap and you will get torn apart. Each generation learns from the last. If a kid knew every-time he ran his mouth he would get a knuckle sarnie you would soon see a different change in attitude, a great one at that.
veristic Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 No offense but the racially western folk and their passive approach to child-rearing is laughable. Threatening child services because you hit your kid is laughable, abuse is one thing but discipline is another. I've had my ass beat by my dad plenty to know when you do something bad enough and you get flogged for it, you deserved it. And I thanked him for it as I grew up, seeing the delinquency in people my generation and younger. In Korea, teacher's are allowed to whip you for misbehaving. You know what the parents do when it happens? They say "THANK YOU TEACHER, PLEASE TEACH MY CHILD A LESSON." Talk in class, they chuck hard piece of chalk at your skull, get in trouble they whip the soles of your feet or palms of your hands bare with wooden rods. Not like in the U.S. or even the U.K. I suppose, where parents who do such a shitty job at parenting act like victims when their kid is smacked by a teacher. I blame MTV, and shows like Jackass and characters like Bam Margera etc. for helping make kids think being retarded is cool.
emsley Posted June 9, 2010 Posted June 9, 2010 No offense but the racially western folk and their passive approach to child-rearing is laughable. Threatening child services because you hit your kid is laughable, abuse is one thing but discipline is another. I've had my ass beat by my dad plenty to know when you do something bad enough and you get flogged for it, you deserved it. And I thanked him for it as I grew up, seeing the delinquency in people my generation and younger. In Korea, teacher's are allowed to whip you for misbehaving. You know what the parents do when it happens? They say "THANK YOU TEACHER, PLEASE TEACH MY CHILD A LESSON." Talk in class, they chuck hard piece of chalk at your skull, get in trouble they whip the soles of your feet or palms of your hands bare with wooden rods. Not like in the U.S. or even the U.K. I suppose, where parents who do such a shitty job at parenting act like victims when their kid is smacked by a teacher. I blame MTV, and shows like Jackass and characters like Bam Margera etc. for helping make kids think being retarded is cool. Everything you wrote is awesome. How to stop shitty kids in their tracks right there. My old man beat the shit out of me on only a few occasions, I never stole again I never talked back to my father, my mother got some cheek but mothers are softer (hence why England is falling apart a little because there are so many single parent mothers), she would threaten to tell my father and I would say sorry and behave. It teaches them a positive morally correct state of mind, where humble pie is important.Parents are scared to hit their kids here. Your always gonna get lone wolfs and crazy little bastards anyway so i dont see why we cant take our own country back and give pwoer back to oh i dunno a grown up instead of mtv hyper kid. As i have got older i can argue with my old man but realised how much respect i had for him and his iron attitude.
ken_cinder Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 No offense but the racially western folk and their passive approach to child-rearing is laughable. Threatening child services because you hit your kid is laughable, abuse is one thing but discipline is another. I've had my ass beat by my dad plenty to know when you do something bad enough and you get flogged for it, you deserved it. And I thanked him for it as I grew up, seeing the delinquency in people my generation and younger. In Korea, teacher's are allowed to whip you for misbehaving. You know what the parents do when it happens? They say "THANK YOU TEACHER, PLEASE TEACH MY CHILD A LESSON." Talk in class, they chuck hard piece of chalk at your skull, get in trouble they whip the soles of your feet or palms of your hands bare with wooden rods. Not like in the U.S. or even the U.K. I suppose, where parents who do such a shitty job at parenting act like victims when their kid is smacked by a teacher. I blame MTV, and shows like Jackass and characters like Bam Margera etc. for helping make kids think being retarded is cool. Everything you wrote is awesome. How to stop shitty kids in their tracks right there. My old man beat the shit out of me on only a few occasions, I never stole again I never talked back to my father, my mother got some cheek but mothers are softer (hence why England is falling apart a little because there are so many single parent mothers), she would threaten to tell my father and I would say sorry and behave. It teaches them a positive morally correct state of mind, where humble pie is important.Parents are scared to hit their kids here. Your always gonna get lone wolfs and crazy little bastards anyway so i dont see why we cant take our own country back and give pwoer back to oh i dunno a grown up instead of mtv hyper kid. As i have got older i can argue with my old man but realised how much respect i had for him and his iron attitude. Sure, save for the fact that nobody disciplines my child but me. If my daughter came home and told me the teacher hit her, I'd break that teachers hand.My daughter is however disciplined...unlike 95% of other children I know. When she's older and she threatens to call child services, I'll hand her ass the phone and dial for her like my parents did. Better hope they get here FAST, cause I'm gonna break my foot on your ass before they do!
veristic Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I would say its that mentality that hampers child discipline, seeing as how kids spend more than half their lives growing up at school, I think teachers should be allowed to discipline kids.
ken_cinder Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I would say its that mentality that hampers child discipline, seeing as how kids spend more than half their lives growing up at school, I think teachers should be allowed to discipline kids. Do you have kids? I'm the parent, nobody else gets to discipline my daughter with the use of anything but their voice. Anyone else ever struck my daughter, and they would be needing dentures.
emsley Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I think cinder is saying his kids are good. Seriously cinder you would have to see the states of some teenagers over here they are real bad. I am of the school thought that kids should be under much more stricter discipline in school. Much much much stricter.
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