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uBee512 4.6.0 released

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uBee512 v4.6.0


An emulator for the Microbee Z80 ROM, FDD and HDD based microcomputers.


New for this release:

* Added Quickload mechanism for 8-bit systems. Options --ql-list, --ql-load, --ql-x, --qla-arc, --qla-dir, --qla-list and --qla-load are used to support this new feature.

* Disassembly of Z80 code now makes use of the z80ex_dasm library code.

* Added Z80 instruction t-states to disassembly output.

* Added --debug-open and --debug-close debug file capture options. When enabled all commands in the debug group will be captured to a file with time and date stamping.

* Added --dump-header option to enable/disable the header when memory dumping.

* Added --dump-lines option to determine the default number of lines for a memory dump.

* Added --dasm-lines option to determine the default number of lines for disassembly.

* Added --find-count option to determine the maximum number of matches for the new --db-find* options.

* Added --reset option to reset the emulator.

* Options --bp, --bpr, --bpclr, --bpc now have a corresponding prefixed '--db-' name for consistency with the new '--db-' options.

* Added --db-bp-port option to set a port r/w break point.

* Added --db-bpclr-port option to clear a port r/w break point.

* Added --db-bpr-port option. to set a repeatable port r/w break point.

* Added --db-bp-rst option to set a Z80 RST n break point.

* Added --db-bpclr-rst option to clear an RST n break point.

* Added --db-bpr-rst option. to set a repeatable Z80 RST n break point.

* Added --db-break (--break) option to stop Z80 code execution (pause).

* Added --db-cont (--cont) option to continue Z80 code execution (pause off).

* Added --db-dasm option to disassemble Z80 code between start and finish addresses.

* Added --db-dasml option to disassemble Z80 code at starting address for a specified number of lines.

* Added --db-dump option to dump memory between start and finish addresses.

* Added --db-dumpb option to dump bank memory between start and finish offsets for main and video banks.

* Added --db-dumpl option to dump memory at starting address for a specified number of lines.

* Added --db-dumplb option to dump bank memory at starting offset for a specified number of lines.

* Added --db-dumpp option to dump current state of i/o ports.

* Added --db-dumpr option to dump current value of all Z80 registers using 'all' output settings.

* Added --db-fillb option to fill a type of banked memory with a specified type, bank and value. types are attribute, colour, main memory, PCG, and screen. A video type is also provided to fill all video RAM.

* Added --db-fillm option to fill memory between start and finish addresses with a specified value.

* Added --db-findb option to find occurrences of a sequence of bytes, words and ASCII stings in banked memory starting at a specified bank and offset.

* Added --db-findm option to find occurrences of a sequence of bytes, words and ASCII stings in memory between a specified start and finish address.

* Added --db-go option to execute code at a given Z80 address.

* Added --db-loadb option to load banked memory from a file.

* Added --db-loadm option to load a file into memory.

* Added --db-move option to move (copy) memory from source to destination addresses for a specified amount.

* Added --db-popm option to restore state of memory from an earlier --db-pushm option.

* Added --db-popr option to restore state of Z80 registers from an earlier --db-pushr option.

* Added --db-portr option to read a Z80 port with optional A or B register.

* Added --db-portw option to write a value to a Z80 port.

* Added --db-pushm option to save state of memory between a specified start and finish address.

* Added --db-pushr option to save state of Z80 registers.

* Added --db-saveb option to save banked memory to a file.

* Added --db-savem option to save memory between start and finish addresses to a file.

* Added --db-setb option to set bank memory location(s).

* Added --db-setm option to set memory location(s).

* Added --db-setr option to set a Z80 register value.

* Added --db-step option to step for a specified number of lines or to start/stop continuous stepping.

* Added 'off', 'debug10', 'debug20', 'piopoll' and 'tstate' arguments to the --debug option.

* Added 'all' argument to --modio arguments and use prefixing.

* Added EMUKEY+L for quick repeats of --db-dasml

* Added --edasm option which can be used as an alias for the --pak0 option.

* Added binary number output to debugging functions.

* Added 'UBEE_MODEL' and 'UBEE_RAM' variable.

* Added Windows 7 (W7) to options_init() system detection.



* The 256TC key code has been improved allowing faster key entry and eliminating lost key presses.

* When using 'roms.md5.auto' and the 'roms.alias' files the ROMs directory will automatically be re-scanned for MD5s when a ROM file can not be located before retrying again.

* Changes to the option module to allow run time only options.

* Changed all prefixed (+abcd) type arguments to use '+' and '-' prefixes. The new '-' prefix has the opposite affect to '+' where this is supported. The arguments are now also checked for errors.

* Changed 'clear' and 'none' arguments to 'all' for --regs, --keystd-mod, --osd, --status and --output options. These use the new +/- prefixes.

* --pak(n) options can now also specify 4K ROMs for A and B.

* The 2mhz model can now load 4K EPROM images by default.

* Changes to vdu_init() function to clear the colour RAM with 0s to prevent the checker board pattern on start-up. This is only a temporary work around and the real solution may need some type of 6545 initialisation delay to make it work like a real model.

* Changes to make the console much more responsive when emulator is paused.

* Configuration files may now use trailing '\' line append characters.

* Improvements made to detect errors in option argument conversions.

* Improvements made to --help option to provide better information.

* Changes made to the 'ubee512rc.sample', 'games.ini.sample' and 'roms.alias.sample' configuration files.



* The Teleterm model is now working after some changes and bug fixes to the TC key and PIO interrupt code.

* 256TC code that used TC key interrupts should work much better.

* Fixed a regression bug introduced in v4.0.0 that had originally been fixed earlier in v2.8.0 concerning calling the rtc_poll() function. The 256TC boot ROMs now updates the time again.

* Fixed --varuset option as was incorrectly removing a variable entry resulting in segmentation error when creating a new variable.

* Fixed -if-* compare options as an incorrect result was being returned in some circumstances.

* Fixed a problem loading a Basic ROM image on the '2mhz' model when a 16K image was not available and 4K images were available instead.

* The --modio reporting on a port access should now show the correct Z80 PC address where the i/o instruction occurred instead of after completion.

* Fixed bug in ubee512 API that was causing or had the potential for HOSTDIR and HOST2CPM tools to crash.


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