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I realize this is slightly archaic by now, but I am trying to get KOF 2003 to play in Nebula 2.25b. After several days of downloading a buffet of old, new, bootleg, and decrypted roms and fiddling with the DAT files countless times, I am unable to make anything work. If someone could share a method for making this game work, I would be very appreciative.


You need a hacked version of nebula 2.25 that allows you to create your own DATs, and preferably a non-decrypted set (one that works a-ok in something as ancient as NeoRAGEx), unless you happen to come across a DAT that has the correct decryption key value.


Having said that, why are you going through all this trouble? Why not just use a better emulator, like say, FBA or FBA Shuffle, which supports King of Fighters 2003 as is without all the extra hassle? Hell, even MAME is an alternative. Blame ElSemi for not bringing his emulator up to scratch.


The reason for this troublesome request is that Nebula has the only shots factory that allows sprite tiles to be moved. If Winkawaks had this very useful feature, I would never use anything else.


Now, pardon my ignorance, but I assumed that I could edit the NEOGEO.DAT in Romdata with a standard text editor. I did this and even got certain versions of the rom running, but always with jumbled graphics. It seemed to me that Nebula 2.25b is not locked in the same manner as 2.25, but of this I may be mistaken.


To be as specific as possible, I compiled a version of KOF 2003 from the latest MAME release with decrypted C-roms and GfxCrypt values from the pinned DAT thread on this board. Now matter how I fiddle with the variables, it will load to a black screen and crash every time.


This is my problem, as best I can describe it. Were using another emulator a viable option, I wouldn't have such trouble.


Yeah, I figured that it must be the shots factory you're after.


I haven't touched Nebula in a while, so I can't say if 2.25b is fully unlocked; perhaps it is in which case I'm misinformed. Yes, you are correct in that you can edit NEOGEO.DAT with a plain text editor just fine.


Did you try this DAT? Note that sizes and CRC pretty much need to match.


System: NEO
RomName: kof2003
Game: // K.0.F. '03 //






CartridgeID: 271
GfxCrypt: 2
GfxKey: 9D
PCM2: 8
ButLayout: 9
Fix: 26



Other than this, I can't help you.

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