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Street Fighter X Tekken

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Its also politics. Who gets to be the one that designs the game? Why should it look like one company's style over the others? Or if they try to blend the two, who owns the property? They do versions of each so that these aren't an issue and both get to "own" the idea of the crossover and to maintain the play styles of each without trying to blend the two for balance. Because there are fans on both sides who will hate on the other's style of gameplay.

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Yea it woulnt be fair to only have one team make a game. The other games characters are changed to work. And not only do you get the best of both worlds, the respective companies both make even more money.

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In my opinion the 2 franchises are incompatible. (3d and 2d, "realistic" and Projectile, ect.) the reason CvS works so well is because they are so similar. character wise and even down to input style. 1/4 circles and charges. any SF player can figure out the basics of a SNK character within a round. And vice versa. Tekken's input style is completely different. the fighting style is completely different. just throwing characters into a new engine they weren't designed for is just asking for trouble.

SF characters have about 18 normals and 2~4 specials. Tekken characters have what... 40+ normals? and 4~8 throws.


2 separate games just splits the fan base. SFIV guys are gonna buy Capcom's and Tekken guys are gonna buy Namco's. few will have 120 bucks to blow on 2 vs fighting games.


For instance I am sure 'Grim will get the Namco offering. which means if I want to play him I have to get it too. Solidius may go for the Capcom version and on and on down my friends list. splitting my potential friendly opponents in half.


I just don't see anything good coming from this. hopefully I am wrong but I guess we won't know for quite some time.

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I don't know why its such a big issue. Obviously Tekken characters can't have all their moves turned into specials for SFxTekken, but their most recognizable and useful ones i'm sure. For that matter, Tekken does have input moves like SF, they just don't visually and technically maneuver the same way because of their different engines. Paul Phoenix's QCF + P move is a good example. Kazuya's electric uppercut move itself is inputted much like a shoryuken, albeit a little slower inputting. Clearly the Tekken side will need refining to match their animations to fit in the SF4 world but its not like that would ruin the game imo. Hardly.


If any number of these characters were invented before being labeled a "Tekken" character or a "Street Fighter" character they could be created for either series, programmed to work either way and none would be the wiser, they would just be another character in this or that game.

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hypothesizing about if a character were created some other time and place for some other game is ridiculous. Of course if Capcom had come up with Jin he would fit in with SF. He'd prolly have a fireball, and vise versa. (I say Jin cuz he's the only tekken character who's name I can remember or reliably spell.) they were created as they are. and they each have the advantages and limitations of their respective franchises.

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Fighting games are boring!

you only think that cuz you're gay.

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