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Posted (edited)

For NES, SNES and Mdrive there are many custom hacks for popular games like Mario Bros, MegaMan etc.

and they are included in the Xtras sets.

Which ones do you think are good ? Which are crap ?


I want to know if the levels / maps are changed, or if it's merely gameplay/grafx changed in the custom.

I'm only interested in custom that do have their levels changed.


Furthermore, is it a good, fun and playable custom game, or is it a sadisticaly difficult and unplayable one ?

Which ones would you put on a recommended list,

and which ones would you put in the trash ?



CUSTOMS with levels changed



Adventure Island 3: The Lost Isles



Bubble Bobble Hack

Bubble Bobble Madness



Ultimate Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle

Ultimate Second Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle



Castlevania Retold

Orchestra Of Despair

Castlevania: Chorus of Mysteries



Mega Man: The Return of Wily

Rockman 2000

Rock Man Kenk

Googie's Megamix


Megaman in the Mushroom Kingdom


Byte’s Adventure

Sonny Bono's Ski Adventure



Mega Man 2 Remix

Rockman Exile

MM2: Revenge of the 8 Robot Masters

Megaman Ultra

Rockman Exhaust

Rockman No Constancy

Rockman2MIN (Hard)

Rockman Deus Ex Machina

The Adventure of Bass II



Mega Man III Return

MM3: The Rise and Fall of Dr. Wily



Mega Man C4

Mega Man 4 - Maverick Revenge

Megaman 4 Gadget Master



Rockman 5 Wily's Dream Space



Metroid Remix

Metroid Deluxe

Metroid Master

Metroid: Wart's Invasion

Metroid Revenge



Mr. Pac-Man



Strange Mario Bros 1

Luigi's Chronicles

SMB1 Bowser's Jumping Challenge

Super Mario Bros HF


Mushroom Nightmare

Super Loco Spoof!

Mario Evolution

Super Mario Evolution (True)

Super Mario Bros. Challenge

Super Mario Bash

Super Mario Bros Mushroom Kingdom Chaos

Strange Mario Brothers: The Lost Levels 2.0

Super Mario Brothers - Ninja Insanity


SMB Special for NES

TKB Super Mario Bros.

TKB Super Mario Bros. Volume II

Funny Princess

Toad's Adventure

Super Mario Remix

Super Ninja Bros

Toad's Christmas Adventure



Super Mario Bros. 2 : 2nd Run



Mario in : Some Usual Day

Mario Adventure

Super Mario Bros. Chaos Control

Blue Mario Bros. 3

Frank's Super Mario Bros III

Frank’s 2nd SMB3 Hack

Super Loco Spoof! 2

Mario Chronicles

Quick Bros.



After Burner II

Aladdin (Unl)

Aladdin II

Batman Flash

Batman III


China Rabbit Baby

Contra Fighter

Contra Spirits

Darkwing Duck II

Donkey Kong Country IV

Earthworm Jim II

Earthworm Jim III

Felix vs Jerry

Fire Dragon

Harry's Legend

Huang Di

Metal Force

Mickey Mania VII

Night Arrow

Panda Prince


Pocahontas II

Pocket Monster

Robocop IV


Sonic 3D Blast

Super Aladdin

Super Contra VII

Super Donkey Kong I

Super Donkey Kong II

Super Mario World

Tiny Toon Adventures VI

Urban Strike

Wait and See!


NEED INFO (PIRATE Carts Fighting)

Double Dragon IV

Fatal Fury II

Fighting Hero

Final Fight III

Garou Densetsu Special

Kart Fighter

King of Fighters '96

Mari Street Fighter III Turbo

Master Fighter II

Mortal Kombat I

Mortal Kombat II

Mortal Kombat II Special

Mortal Kombat III

Mortal Kombat III - Extra 60

Mortal Kombat III - Special 56 Peoples

Mortal Kombat III Special

Mortal Kombat IV

Mortal Kombat Trilogy

Mortal Kombat V 1996 Turbo 30 Peoples

Power Rangers III

Power Rangers IV

Samurai Shodown I

Samurai Shodown II

Samurai Shodown III

Street Fighter Alpha Zero '97

Street Fighter II

Street Fighter III

Street Fighter V - 20 peoples

Street Fighter Zero II

Street Heroes

Tekken II

Tekken III

World Hero


NEED INFO Castlevania

Castle VI

Castlevania - Dracula's Revenge

Castlevania - Fan Edition

Castlevania - Horror of Dracula [Easy]

Castlevania - Horror of Dracula [Hard]

Castlevania - Opposing Bloodlines I

Castlevania - Opposing Bloodlines II

Castlevania - Skel's Revenge

Castlevania Extreme

Castlevania II - Trevor's Quest

Castlevania II - Unknown

Castlevania II - Vengence on Hell

Castlevania III - D Curse [uncensored]

Castlevania Poisonous Offering

Castlevania Resurrection

Castlevania Shadows




Mega Man Alpha

Mega Man Neo

Mega Man Showdown I

Mega Man Showdown IV EX

Mega Man Showdown IV

Mega Man Showdown VI

Protoman - The Red Bomber

Rockman II Dash Plus

Rockman II Dash

Rockman III Alpha

Rockman III Endless

Rockman IV Endless

Rockman Kai

Rockman Neo

Rockman RX

Rockman V Endless

Rockman Z

Tom Servo



Final Fantasy Chaos Realm

Metroid - Eternal Darkness

Metroid - Pocket Edition

Metroid - Zebian Illusion

Metroid 2000

Metroid 99

Metroid Adventure

Metroid Challenger

Metroid Genocide

Metroid Hard Core Elite

Metroid Invasion

Metroid M

Metroid Mutation

Metroid Omega

Metroid Origin

Metroid Planet

Metroid Quest

Metroid X

Second World of Metroid

Samus - Mother Brain Returns



1st Ultimate Super Mario Bros

2nd Ultimate Super Mario Bros - Easy

2nd Ultimate Super Mario Bros

3rd Ultimate Super Mario Bros

Atario Bros


Bowser vs Wario

Excite Mario Bros

Extra Mario Bros

Hyper Mario

Justin and Friends

Mario in Time is Ticking

Mario in Zebes

Millenium Mario

Mr Sandman!

New Mario Bros

New Strange Mario Bros

Pixel Kingdom

SMB - Mystery of the Flying Fish

SMB Paradyce

SMB Special for NES

Super Greyscale Brothers

Super Mario Bros - After World 8

Super Mario Bros - Hard Type

Super Mario Bros - Pocket Edition

Super Mario Bros 2007

Super Mario Bros 3 - 2nd Run

Super Mario Bros All-Star Levels

Super Mario Bros DX

Super Mario Bros II Challenge

Super Mario Bros III Challenge

Super Mario Bros Remix II

Super Mario Bros Remix III

Super Mario Bros Revisited

Super Mario Color Edition

Super Mario Evolution

TKB Super Mario Bros

Toad's Treasure Quest

Yoshi Islands


CUSTOMS with levels changed


Super Mario Kart

Super Mario Kart Alternate Tracks

Super Mario Kart - The Impala Battles

Mario Kart R

Super Mario Kart: Pro Edition

Super Mario Kart By NandoPro


Super Metroid

Metroid Legacy

Super Metroid: Redesign

Super Metroid: Dependence


Super Mario World

Dr. Mario World: House Calls

Mario is Missing 2: Luigi's New Adventure

Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom

Panic in the Mushroom Kingdom 2

Super Awesome World

Super Mario Bros: Deluxe

Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels Deluxe

Super Mario World: Death Land

Super Mario World: Return to Dinosaur Land

Super Mario World: The Pit of 100 Trials

The Ninji Saga

The Second Reality Project 1 (Hard Type)

The Second Reality Project 1 (SNES version)

The Second Reality Project 2


Super Mario World 2 - Yoshi's Island






A Halloween Walk!

Brutal Mario [unofficial English Trans

Kid Adventure I

Kid Adventure II - Biza Strike Back

Mario & Luigi and the 7 Eggs

Mario's Amazing Adventure

Mario's Return Again

Mega Rex Adventure

New Retro Mario Bros

Super Choco - The Insane Islands

Super Luigi - The Power Scepters

Super Mario - Bowser's Last Stand

Super Mario Bros 3 X

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Omega

Super Mario World (Kaizo Edition 2)

Super Mario World - Hell Edition

Super Mario World - Master Quest 6

Super Mario World - Master Quest 7

Super Mario World III

Super Mario World Ultima

Super Mario's New Adventure

Yoshi's Island - Kamek's Revenge


Another Super Metroid [Normal]

Another Super Metroid [Hard]


CUSTOMS with levels changed


Mortal Kombat II Unlimited

Knuckles in Sonic 1 - Rev 01

NEW Sonic the Hedgehog

Sonic 1 Megamix



Aladdin II

Disney's The Lion King II

Disney's The Lion King III

Hercules II

Mortal Kombat V

Magic Girl

Samurai Spirits

Sonic Jam VI

Soul Blade

Squirrel King

Super Donkey Kong '99

Tekken III Special

Top Fighter 2000 MK VIII

Virtua Fighter vs Tekken II


Rings of Power - The Hand of Nexus

Robotnik's Revenge


Sonic - Pixel Perfect

Sonic - The Lost Land I

Sonic - The Lost Land II

Sonic Gaiden

Sonic Remastered

Sonic the Hedgehog - Westside Island

Edited by grr
Posted (edited)

Nice list,


I love these mods n hacks.... I have been playing a couple of these... The mario hacks are classics, Some serious time and effort has gone into making \ modding these games.


The castlevania hacks are great too but a couple only have cosmetic changes like clothing or back ground colour changes.


Some like playing a whole new game!


If you have never played one, you should give em a go and compare to the original the post your findings :).


C'mon, Lets see what people think !

Edited by ace9094

i played Tekken vs virtu fighter, that was good, also playrd top fighter 2000 that was ok, however soulblade, had graphics issues when using cervanties :(


i dont really play a lot of hacks but the ones i like which are not in the xtras are


splatterhouse chrome edition (pc engine)




contra hard corps enhanced edition (megadrive) no vidoes available for that one.


Splatterhouse Chrome is great.

I have it too, since it's part of the maybe-intro hack collection.

So it seems there's more then is included in Xtras even.

Posted (edited)

Being one of the main persons who recorded Xtras videos for all of these, I had the opportunity to play a little of all of them (or most).

Some are great...Many of them being complete remakes/overhauls of the original games.


-There are many many more hacks than what you see in the Xtras... We tried our best to get all the greatest ones we could find.

-There are many other hacks out there that are not included in the Xtras where only minor things have changed, such as just some small character spirits.

ex. Like, Link in Zelda, walking around with his butt crack open...or Mario running around with a kkk uniform on... :( oh brother..right?



-If they have been included in the Xtras, that means that they were a good hack or that there was something significant that made it unique and worth playing. (that's not to say there isn't more out there like this...and we know more are being made all the time)


-God... that is only a small hand full of the Super Mario World hacks I went through... there are literally hundreds more and many are crap or just EXTREMELY hard. (making them not worth playing) (side note: There was a special community just for Super Mario World hack makers, look it up)



-I personally think many many of these are great and are worth trying out... :)


-Many were found here: http://www.romhacking.net/

(if you would like to see what else they have in store)

Enjoy guys. :)

PS. If you guys ever find more good ones (like Fumanchu did), you can always post them to us and we will try to get them in for a future Xtras update. (that's how many of these got in here in the first place.)

Edited by Mega Man (?)

Yes, the list is shortened by taking out all that I know is crappy, but there's still a lot of roms left.

And having lots of stuff changed isn't enough to get on my fav-list.

I want to end up with the good ones only, that are fun to play.


Good topic here grr...


I've been out of it for so long that I don't even remember the good hacks. I know there were a few that I did play for quite a while, but most of those have been purged from my memory now.


If you include every single hack that was ever made, I would think that we only covered about 5-10% of them. For instance, it's just silly how many lame SMB hacks there are out there. The "winners" of that contest for me would be "Super Bud Brothers" and "Super Afro Bros". Take a look at the Super Mario Bros zip in a goodset and you'll see what I mean.


I can say that we included close to 100% of the hacks/trans that were complete or near-complete at the time of the 1.0 release at the romhacking site. There are also a few other hack sites that we used that escape my mind right now as well. RomHacking, is just an amazing site and really did their best to only bring the best hacks available to the public, particularly for the translations.


When in doubt, you can always use the "Synopsis" feature in the Madmab Edition emus to get a brief description of what was changed in the game. Whenever there was a description available at the site about the hack/trans, it was included in the synopsis file and the reviewer was credited with the webpage url at the bottom of the synopsis entry.


Good luck,





P.S. Oh yeah... there was a hack of Dragon Warrior that I believe had "Omega" in the name that was really good. It was a completely different story about Aliens invading a futuristic world. I never played it to the end, but I got pretty far into it and was really impressed how much was changed and the quality of the storyline and text.

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