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why would you care?

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  solidius23 said:
we don't NEED it we just think we do if u r counting on others to give u recognition then u r in for some serious fucking disappointment in life

Lol I meant more along what Fatal said, and that those who feel alone or are alone because they don't have anybody in their lives need it SOMETIMES. I would think most if not all have felt alone at some point.


  Devia Eleven said:
The only thing that can come out of making selfish threads such as these, is a verbal bashing over the head by many different people, much older than me.


I should think twice before making this mistake again.

Hey, why you made it I can't say for sure, you just wanted to get it out there maybe. You who says you don't care what people think or engage with but you clearly care about your own feelings and thoughts, its natural. So despite not caring about anything or anyone you gotta share what you do care about, which is yourself. That's fine, better than doing something crazy bottling shit up at least. And this place should be where you can feel comfortable to do that, don't let some harsh critics make it worse for you, your opinion of others I mean.


I would work on how you get your messages across though lol.


Dont count on other people like Solid said.

Friends are not perfect, though some are more trustworthy than others.


Over the last 4 years My friends, well my real friends have staid true and I can always count on them to bail me out of the shit, or understand if I make a mistake.


Some "fringe" freinds tend to have odd standards, like one or two of mine wouldn't hesitate to sleep with your girl or give you shit to make them self look better to a new bunch of people - these are not friends - they are favour seekers you normally have something they want or need, for such one of my friends uses me as the "girl magnet" once I bring the girls he will put me down or be very sly when he sees a weakness in my game and try to jump in, and over a girl wouldn't hesitate to walk all over me. He must think cause I get a different girl every month that I have enough or whatever...


Some friends start of great you have similar, views ideas etc, and humour.

But sooner or later something will crop up that will test it all, a woman, a fight, something you did, something he did...

They get a bug up thier ass and it wont leave them, this is resentment at work. Like a rotten apple core.


The best advice I can give you:


Find friends that are mature, when I was 25 I had friends who were in their late thirty's older guys who have a woman or a kid or two are normally great guys.


Avoid drug users, now some of my pals do weed and drugs on a weekend, you Dont want to get mixed up in this.

The company will be off their heads no matter how in control they think they are.

In this case like attracts like and it will just end up bad. Avoid, or limit company with these people like I do.

I know guys who take drugs and they dont give a fuck who they walk all over. They can be very manipulative.


Avoid "Bossy" guys.

Some guys think they are the best thing ever, the drive a car, they drink a lot of beer, they fuck women, they are ALWAYS right.

These guys might be good for a laugh but if they suddenly think you have "crossed them" they go fucking mental and spit their dummy out, these types of guys are entitled to your women, your opinions, and you.

They are actually very insecure people.


Im 29 and here is a list of my friends.


Pete, 44 year old one kid and a girlfreind, plays football, goes to work we go drinking on a weekend, drives, always count on him.


Craig, 34, has two kids, been in prison, drives, i work with him sometimes, he looks after my short sightedness and always gives me good advice. Cant get a lift out of him though! ;P


Russ: 26, If im stuck anyplace or need to eject he will always show up for me in the car no matter what time it is.

He is anti social often, does go out but is VERY selective bout his company. conservative. Good guy even though he is a little fucked in the head. We have a strong bond from the band we were in.


Pete B, Crazy as a fucker 48 years old, has a drink and puts the world to rights, a complete dickhead when he is pissed but he is the most trustworthy guy I know, i saw him go for a guy who stole 50 quid of my neighbour, the guy was huge and pete is tiny compared to him but he still had a go cause he thought it was "right"


Shaun, dont see him now he is busy living his life and pursing his teaching stuff, known him since i was 7.

One year younger than me, hes kinda like the middle class lad who knows a dole bopper like me.

I could ring him up and sort something out, we have different tastes in just about everything.

When he had an affair, his girlfreind got his car smashed up, i dare not say anything.


Carl, 34 he has his faults and if you cross him his shirt goes up for weeks on end, moody as fuck, fancys all my birds, sells me out, but he is still my pal, although recently i get a feeling he is going off me, not much I can do though.

Sometimes everything can be alright and it just withers away.


My interent broskis - Probably the greatest guys I know which sucks cause ill never get to hang with you guys.


  Devia Eleven said:
I wasn't planning on posting a reply to this thread, but I will now because this is the best forum on the interwebs.


Many people, even my Dad is telling me that having no desire to talk or interact with people is bad. It's not that I'm afraid of doing it, which is the basic template for an anti-socialist, it's just that I don't care, I don't care what other people or doing, I don't care how your day is going, I don't care if you find me attractive, I don't care what a person thinks of me, I just don't care about any of it.


It doesn't pique my interest at all.


Because of this I just keep to myself, participate in activities alone unless I absolutely have to get someone else to do it with me.


My life isn't about seeing how many people I can befriend, it's about doing anything I want, and if people want to criticize me because of my lack of interest in social interactivity, then so be it.


I was basically generalizing, that in a stereotypical human society, my life right now, all of the symptoms, is ensuing, that I am a complete loser. I don't talk to many people unless it is absolutely necessary, I hate small talk because it goes nowhere, social gatherings don't do anything for me.


Then again, like I said before, a socially active person will keep telling me, "If you keep living your life in social apathy, you will suffer, you suck, I hope you die", and I am accepting this, I don't care about conforming to everyone else's way of life.


Anytime anyone inquires about how my life works, they basically tell me, "Well, since you're not a social expert like I am, who has sex with many girls, has many friends, goes to parties, drinks alcohol, and has very healthy social life, you aren't worth my time, you don't even deserve to look at me because of it".


Why can't I just do what I want?


  Devia Eleven said:
The only thing that can come out of making selfish threads such as these, is a verbal bashing over the head by many different people, much older than me.


I should think twice before making this mistake again.

I have so much to say Id end up crushing this thread. Walls of text...


You can do anything you want, no one is stopping you.


There is so much to write...


I considered not writing this, but to hell with it. You say all we did is bash you but that is NONSENSE.


This is bashing.


You miserable fucking wretch! All I practically hear from you is pessimism. Your account of the people around you is seriously fucked. But thats perfectly fine as the world in general is fucked and so are all it inhabitants.


You say you dont care but here you are, accounting certain things here in the forum. Emsley, Myself and a few others actually wrote something constructive and it is true to them. Ones truths may not mesh with others. But one thing in this thread is true nonetheless. We are social beings and without some form of contact we are stagnant.


I for instance am not telling you to go out and get drunk and party and get laid. All I am saying is you should find someone who you relate to. I think you have not found anyone who fits the bill and you generalize way to fucking much. The world as a whole is filled with epic fail. U.S. is overseas fighting and dieing for no more than selfish desires, glazed over with propaganda to make it palatable. Our gas prices are ridiculous! It costs $1000 for a doctor to look at an exray and send you on your way 30 min later!!! There are people spending ridiculous $$$ on bullshit while there are children starving. I have seen people drive up in their Escalade and pay for their snacks at 7-11 with foodstamps!!! I can go on forever but the point is the world is filled with people who are the very definition of fucked up. It is hard to find someone who is decent.


That being said, having a ton of friends is an illusion. When anyone dies, they can count their REAL friends on one hand. In that sense, it is hard to find someone who is truly a friend. But bygod, being able to talk to friends about anything at all is mostly taken for granted.


Anyway... I am not telling you what to do and never have. I suggest this and that so whatever.


This has been a whittled down version of what Id like to say. I will finish with this.


Live in your room and only come out to work for all I care. I actually contribute something without being an ass much like many in this thread and all you say is some fucking bullshit about bashing over the head by people who are "much" older than you.


If you want to be a hermit so be it. I wish you the best. You dont want to go out, fine! I dont think you are less of a person because of things like this. I honestly believe you would be happier if you were to be able to do something from time to time. Your account of people around you makes it sound as if you havent found the right people at all. And I do not mean to say "people" as in surrounding yourself with tons of individuals. Life is not measured by how many people you know, how popular you are, or what others think of you. Life is what you make of it, not what others think of it.


Your mistake here was not the thread, but how you perceived our words.




oh and...




Stop being a social puss-tard and go meet some people and make some friends. Don't you ever want to have a gf?

it's just that I don't care, I don't care what other people or doing, I don't care how your day is going, I don't care if you find me attractive, I don't care what a person thinks of me, I just don't care about any of it.


this is where my problem lies. this guy came and dumped his shit in our doorstep. it's not the first time either. I remember at least one other "poor me" thread.

But he doesn't care, yadda, yadda, yadda. why the fuck are you sharing your bullshit with us if you don't care what we think or how our day has been or whatever else.


This forum is really built on a core group of people who have at least a passing interest in each other's lives. the day to day narration far outways the talk of roms and emulators. I'd be willing to bet 75% of this forums members haven't fired up an emulator in years. we stay around here cuz we are "internet friends" and just like real friends when you post your problems expect equal parts ribbing and advise. you get that and turn fucking hostile. what was your intention with this thread? a pity party? real advise? what?


If I hear you cry one more time about sitting in your room I am gonna pop a blood vessel. the door is open, no one is blocking you from the world except your own bad attitude.


Guys, take it easy on the guy.

he just needs some enlightenment and encouragement.

Daria sounds depressed to me and when your depressed everything and i mean EVERYTHING is like a blade in your brain.

He just needs guidance and nurturing.

The worst thing you can do to someone who is depressed is be like "pull your self together" it just does not work.

Depressed people leach energy from others especially people who have a nice nature, in turn that person resents that person because every-time they try to help they get drained with negativity.

Deppresion is contagious, when you hit rock bottom, you can fall threw the floor and fall again.

And its SO HARD to come back from it, my last bout took me three months of sleeping to get "over it."


Deppresion leads to anxiety and anxiety breeds more depression its a serious illness that can be treated. (social anxeity been quite a bad one that can turn to agoraphobia)

When I started my citalopram I was on 20mg for two months, I couldnt do shit!!!!

Id wake up and take it and 20 minutes later POW i was out like a light.

I constantly felt like shit, my head used to ache, my body ached, my brain was just a box of lose wires.

Every place i went i felt alone like no one was interested or cared, i even found my mother ignoring me because i drained her with my negative thoughts.


In the end i had to do what i never wanted to do UP MY DOSE!

3 Weeks later things MASSIVELY improved, I was back to my old self.

I felt brilliant, my anxiety had gone, i could handle people 20 times better, i was thankful for my medication.

Now i have taken a few steps back... but will try again this week.

All im saying is people dont post stuff like daria does without in my honest but quite experience opinion with out suffering from Deppresion.


Daria needs to see a doctor and explain his thoughts and feelings, it could possibly the best thing he does for him self all year.


Inky is right and I omitted as much as possible from my wall of text... this is not the first time we have read how you believe others perceive you.


I on several occasions have put in my two cents and all I see of it is "bla bla bla, guys much older than me, bla bla" Well fuck you! I give you the benefit of my experience and for what its worth, get shitted on. Dont even listen to what I say, fine with me. But never ever have I said, led to, or insinuated that if you dont do as I suggest your a looser, a failure, or that you should go die.


And dont think for a second that my crushing walls of text is a book of protocall that I think you should abide by. I talk too much. Do not mistake it for massive guidlines that I believe you should follow.


But Inky whent ahead and called forth what was festoring in me while I wrote what I did today... If you treat those who actually care as you do: that actually TAKE THE TIME TO WRITE SOMETHING CONSTRUCTIVE... no.


Fuck it. What use is it. You make threads and communicate something and we do what we do... Instead of actually having some type of communication you shut down and insult us.


And even if you dont care... Im still putting this out. I do care. I stand by what I have said and I wish you the best.

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