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Posted (edited)

Odamex is a modification of DOOM to allow players to compete with each other

over the Internet using the client/server architecture in classic death match, CO-OP, exc . Odamex also provides

a feature-rich single-player engine.


You can download Odamex for Xbox HERE but you have to join the forum to gain access to the download area


If you want to thank someone dont thank me, thank Hyper_Eye HERE :)



The Read Me



Odamex v0.5.0 for Xbox


Authored by:

Michael "Hyper_Eye" Wood

Revision date: September 12th, 2010



Table of contents:

1. Introduction

1.1 What is Odamex?

1.2 Xbox Features at a Glance


2. Installation

2.1 Requirements

2.2 Installation - binary download

2.3 Installation - source download


3. Xbox Controls

3.1 Launcher

3.2 Game Client


4. Issues

4.1 TODO

4.2 Known Issues

4.3 Bug Reporting


5. Frequently Asked Questions


6. Acknowledgements




Section 1: Introduction


1.1 What is Odamex?


Odamex is a modification of DOOM to allow players to compete with each other

over the Internet using the client/server architecture. Odamex also provides

a feature-rich single-player engine.


Please see the general README provided with Odamex for a thorough description

of Odamex and its features.


1.2 Xbox Features at a Glance


* Supports all online game modes and features that are available on other


* Game launcher with server browser and solo launcher with wad selector

* Multiple wad search paths can be configured

* Complete analog Xbox controller support with configurable axis assignments,

turn sensitivity, optional freelook, and configurable button bindings

* Support for USB mouse and keyboard

* Saved games and configuration files are stored in UDATA and TDATA paths so

they integrate properly with the official memory manager as well as

homebrew dashboards complete with icons

* Saved games can be deleted using the memory manager

* Saved games can be copied to and from a memory card

* Vanilla 320x200 resolution, multiple SDTV resolutions including 480i, and

HDTV resolutions up to 720p are supported




Section 2. Installation


2.1 - Requirements


Odamex requires a modded Xbox in order to operate.


2.2 - Installation - binary download


Binary downloads of Odamex are not available from odamex.net or any site

associated with The Odamex Team. Because Odamex is built with the official

XDK binary builds cannot be provided.


2.3 - Installation - source download


If you are interested in the bleeding edge development of Odamex, you can

access the SVN at http://odamex.net/svn/root with anonymous read access. Be

warned however that it might be incompatible with current release versions,

and stability is not guaranteed.


The following libraries are required:


* SDLx (http://svn.huntsvegas.org/wsvn/SDLx)


Additionally the launcher also requires SDLx and the following libraries:


* pthreads-Xbox (http://svn.huntsvegas.org/wsvn/pthreads-xbox)

* Agar (http://www.libagar.org)


Building the Odamex and AG-Odalaunch source for Xbox requries the use of the

Microsoft Xbox Software Development kit (a.k.a XDK). You must be a Microsoft

approved Xbox developer to gain access to the required software.




Section 3: Xbox Controls


3.1 - Launcher


Left Analog Stick - Move Cursor

Left/Right Trigger - Increment/Decrement list selection by 10

D-Pad Up/Down - Increment/Decrement list selection by 1

Left/Right Trigger (Held) - Scroll list selection

D-Pad up/Down (Held) - Scroll list selection

D-Pad Left/Right - Cycle focused widget/button

A Button - Activate cursor selection

B Button - Activate focused widget/button


3.2 - Game Client


The D-Pad is used to navigate the game menus while A activates

items within the menu and B returns to the previous menu.


When the console is down the left and right triggers scroll.


Default Controller Binding:


Left Analog Stick X Axis - Step left/right

Left Analog Stick Y Axis - Move forward/backward

Right Analog Stick X Axis - Turn Left/Right

Right Analog Stick Y Axis - Look Up/Down (Freelook disabled by default)

D-Pad Up - Move Forward

D-Pad Down - Move Backward

D-Pad Left - Turn Left

D-Pad Right - Turn Right

Left Trigger - Walk/Run

Right Trigger - Attack/Fire Weapon

A Button - Activate

X Button - Strafe

B Button - Next Weapon

Y Button - Previous Weapon

White Button - Scoreboard

Black Button - Toggle Automap

Start Button - Menu (Not Configurable)

Back Button - Toggle Console




Section 4: Issues


4.1 - TODO


* Virtual (On-Screen) Keyboard

* Configurable overscan in launcher

* Rumble

* Use a DVD as a wad source

* Further optimization (Improve 720p performance)


4.2 - Known Issues


* The game currently cannot be launched from a DVD. This is hampered by a bug

that is very difficult to debug.

* Controller events are not received in the launcher while the master list is

being queried or a complete server list refresh is taking place. Joystick

events are disabled during these tasks because of a mutex issue or race

condition that results in a freeze before processing the final queried

server. The cursor can be moved with a mouse during these tasks.

* The "Query Master On Start" launcher option does not work. It might be that

the Xbox network controller takes a little longer to initialize but I

don't really know at this point.

* You must hit A inside the main launcher window before you can use B to

activate a focused widget. This is due to a window focus issue.

* The version of SDLx used with Odamex supports 1080i but 1080i has been

disabled in the library as it is not currently usable in Odamex. Selecting

1080i results in unplayable framerate and likely a crash when the system

runs out of memory.

* SDLx reports all 4 joystick ports as active regardless of whether or not a

joystick is plugged in. If the active joystick selection is changed to a

port that does not have a joystick plugged in control may be lost and a

reboot is required or the selection must be changed with a keyboard.


4.3 - Bug Reporting


Please report any bugs you find at http://www.odamex.net/bugs

Your bug submissions help us make Odamex better. Thank you!




Section 5: Frequently Asked Questions


Q. How do I communicate with other players?

A. At this time communication requires the use of a USB keyboard. A virtual

keyboard is a planned feature that will make it possible to communicate

with the gamepad.


Q. How do I change my player name without a keyboard?

A. You will need to manually change the setting for your player name in

your odamex.cfg file. To do this perform the following steps:


1) Launch the Odamex game client from the launcher (a solo game is fine)

2) Quit Odamex using the game menus (turning off the power without

quitting will discard configuration changes.)

3) Quit the launcher and return to your dashboard.

4) FTP into the machine or use another method of accessing the file system.

5) Copy E:\TDATA\4f444d58\odamex.cfg to your computer.

6) Open odamex.cfg in an editor.

7) Find the "cl_name" option and change the name to your desired handle.

8 ) Save the file.

9) Copy odamex.cfg back to E:\TDATA\4f444d58\odamex.cfg


Q. What is required to use a keyboard and/or mouse?

A. A simple USB-to-Xbox adapter will work. These can be easily obtained

from online stores and auction sites for little cost. A device with a

cable modified to use an Xbox safety release cable will also work.


Q. Is it safe to try all the resolutions listed in the resolution list?

A. SDLx scales all resolutions to 640x480 except for 720x480 and 1280x720.

Only resolutions that are supported by the AV pack and system settings

are shown.


Q. I have a widescreen television but the 720x480 options isn't available?

A. In your Xbox system video settings select "Wide Screen" or "Letterbox".


Q. I have an HDTV and the HDTV AV Pack but the 1280x720 (720p) option isn't


A. In your Xbox system video settings enable the 720p HDTV resolution.




Section 6: Acknowledgements


This port would not be possible without the contributions and assistance of

many people. The following especially deserve to be mentioned.


* Undead of Team Assembly - Undead donated 2 Xbox debug kits that proved

to be instrumental in the development of the libraries that Odamex

depends on as well as Odamex itself. HUGE thanks to him for his

kind donation!


* Vedge of Hypertriton, Inc. (Developer of Agar) - Agar is a critical

piece that serves as the cross-platform GUI toolkit behind AG-Odalaunch.

Vedge provided assistance and knowledge as well as bug fixes and feature

enhancements that directly benefited the Xbox and the development of

AG-Odalaunch. He also trusted me with commit access so that I could

more efficiently get code changes into Agar. Thanks for not getting

annoyed while I flooded the channel with my thoughts, inquiries, and

general ramblings.


* Sirlemonhead - Sirlemonhead helped get me set up for development and I

e-mailed him with questions and ideas on many occasions. Also, he made

the AvP port and nobody can thank him enough for that.


* weinerschnitzel - Provided testing and feedback throughout development.


* ldotsfan - Bouncing Xbox development tricks back and forth with him has

been both an enjoyable and educational experience and I look forward

to more of the same.


* Likklebaer - Thanks for your role in Doom-X and for sharing your experience.


* To all those at Xbox-Scene that have provided interest, suggestions, and

great encouragement. I hope you guys love playing this port as much as I

enjoy working on it - Clockface, Cheema201, guybird, ultimate509, neil222,

moonmaster1, lawdawg0931, Mega Man (?), flux2k, Pulsemasta, rubarb, Koooi,

Finker282, Rygrass, trrobin, |11|1VeNoM1|11|, XTecuterX73


* Special thanks to the faithful Odamex bug testers and patch contributers who

put up with our crap on a daily basis because they believe in Odamex and

the philosophies behind it - Spleen, Ladna, HeX9101, tm512, GhostlyDeath,

and a hat tip to blzut3


* To anyone I missed and all the developers in the Xbox development scene that

released source and made it possible to work on the system without being

completely lost. The Xbox Linux guys, XBMC devs, Arnova and the rest of the

XBMC4Xbox devs, XPort, madmab, Team Assembly, RessurectionXtras, Team Evox,

MXM devs, everyone who has contributed to openxdk, and all the rest.


* Finally, all the members of the Odamex development team. Working with you

guys is great. I appreciate the maturity, intelligence, and dedication each

of you has brought to the team. It is the level-headedness and respect that

everyone working on this project maintains that will see Odamex succeed as

a great open-source project and Doom source port - Manc, Russell, Ralphis,

Denis, and NES

Edited by NeoBomb

Congrats on the release man!


I was going to work on DOOM Wads on Dosbox but was directed to your thread about this project and it just didn't make any sense to put any effort into that when there would be an XBOX port that could support online multiplayer. Wasn't expecting anything this quick!





Wonder if the Total Conversion version of Doom \ Goldeneye would work...


Everyone loves Goldeneye... Right?


anywho nice post



You can ask Hyper_eye HERE


I know that it is miles ahead of Doom-x and the like, as far as compatibility.... and he has stated that the future builds will support Hexen wads as well


Awesome. This is far better than any doom player for the xbox. I had a question about playing online. I try to connect to a server, and it takes forever. It says it is downloading the wad, but when it is done it launches Doom II the single player game. Is there something I need to do differently? Thanks!

Awesome. This is far better than any doom player for the xbox. I had a question about playing online. I try to connect to a server, and it takes forever. It says it is downloading the wad, but when it is done it launches Doom II the single player game. Is there something I need to do differently? Thanks!



Hey. Thats weird. You can ask Hyper_EYE HERE


I don't the ins and outs of it myself, he just isn't a member here so I thought I would post the release announcement.


I realized that it works much better just to look at what WAD is being used, then download it on the internet and upload it to the xbox. Instead of waiting for it to download through the server.

I realized that it works much better just to look at what WAD is being used, then download it on the internet and upload it to the xbox. Instead of waiting for it to download through the server.



yeah, the server can be a bit slow :)


Per request, I've made a video for the new release. Hope it can convince some of you to jump on the bandwagon. This plays so much better than any other doom player on the xbox and Co-op is a lot of fun! Enjoy


Posted (edited)

Cool video and thanks for this thread. I've never played doom before because this kind of games has never seemed funny to me.

I've just given it a try in 720p and... I think I'll go through all the solo levels with pleasure.



Edited by stf

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