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What's new


•Maps!!! - Coruscant: Chancellor's Office and Endar Spire (both by RepSharpShooter)

•Character Class - The three new classes have been replaced with a Commando class

•Bug fixes - too numerous to count. See the v1.4 bug report thread to see some of the things I fixed and what still needs to be done that I'm aware of

•Stability - Only about 2-4 unique game types don't work properly (SWBF1 Kamino CTF is one)

•Sounds! - most maps have proper sounds now. Not all, but most. If you notice a problem, please report it in the v1.4 bug report thread.

•Cheat menu - a handful of cheats to unlock characters, make humans nearly invincible, etc. It's all for fun

•To find SWBF1 Kamino - scroll all the way past Yavin IV Arena. It says %KAM2_%S% - (I haven't localized it yet)



What's coming in the future


•Ground maps - Nal Hutta (by EraOfDesann) and Korriban (by martin105038). I may have another map up my sleeve as a very talented editor gave me some great "Lego" pieces to build an all new map based on his models.

•Space maps - Space Coruscant and Space Mustafar will be playable in Assault and 1-Flag. 1-2 NEW space maps will also join the fray

•Loading screens - I have the technology all ready to go, but I'll be playing Halo: Reach for awhile, so I wanted to get this release out the door (in other words, I ran out of time)

•More bug fixes - Campaign will work properly again

•To find SWBF1 Kamino - scroll all the way past Yavin IV Arena. It says %KAM2_%S% - (I haven't localized it yet)



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