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Hai! :)


As i'm currently waiting for coinops to finish downloading, finding a good arcade stick for the ol' xbox is quite hard, nothing left in stores, all google search always give xbox360 info...


Only other stick i have are my 2 neogeo sticks but i have no desire to open them and try to mod it with a xbox pad pcb...


I was thinking maybe buying some old ps1 (like the famous namco) or ps2 (like the neogeo replica) along with a PS to xbox adaptor but i'd hate to throw money in old hardware to realize it won't work :)


So what do you guys use or know what should work?


Thanks (also sorry for my english :) )


thanks for answering.


sorry btw, i did not post'n'run but when i got the xbox out and powered it to install coinops, had the damn error 7 screen... Guess the hard drive don't like not being used for months. and not even one IDE hdd left in the house, everything is SATA FFS. Buying a ide hdd in 2010 is just wrong but i'll do it :)


For the stick, well that gamester seems like a cheap option honestly. Forgot about the x-arcade now that's nice but they seem heavy and only suitable for sitting on a table, not laps...

Actually i forgot that i still had an official dreamcast stick, but finding a DC to XBOX adapter isn't that easy...

Posted (edited)

DreamCast maple bus to XBOX USB is gonna be very hard to find !

In fact, see how you go finding a live unicorn on ebay. You will have more luck.

Edited by cba.gy
  • 2 weeks later...

I use an xarcade stick with an adapter. I also replaced the stock buttons it came with to instead use HAPP pro parts which were a lot better than the grimy ones that it came with when i bought it used.

  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

up :)


Just thought as i opened the thread i ought to show the end (for me lol), also got the IDE hdd btw, just in time for EPiC :]


So a xbox 'hackpad' was so much cheaper than buying a dedicated xbox stick (granted you own any other stick already...), just some wire and a db-15 male connector were needed.


That way a neo-geo stick can be plugged, works perfect, and the pad still works like nothing happened. :)

Of course, only 6 buttons in total (ABXY & start/back) can be used by the neo-geo stick, but no big deal, only so few titles make use of more than 4 buttons...

The black and white buttons have been connected though, so if a 6button stick ever comes my way everything will be ready^^


The NG stick has such tight controls, it even works amazingly well with platform games. Playing donkey kong country wit htit feels way better than the xbox pad :lol:


some pics (before applying the epoxy ;) )




Edited by Lacerta

Damn. Is that your first controller hack? My first didn't look nearly that good. Now that you've got the db-15 on there you could hack a bunch of SNES, NES, or any old retro controller. I've always just soldered directly to arcade switches and left the xbox controller pcb in a project box. Nice work.


Posted (edited)

Thats not my work. Mine were messy but solid and currently in the hands of friends across the country now! If I didn't use my wii for easy emulation I'd be interested in making more. But, been there, done that. There are some nice relatively cheap wii/gamecube adapters available for the retro stuff. If there was MAME for the wii that was worth a damn maybe I'd make a Wii Cab.

Edited by RedCapsMan
Posted (edited)

Thanks guys ! Yes PhilExile post some pics please :)


I think it looks okay, after that i used some epoxy glue to attach to db15 connector to the pad. And cut some black electrip tape around it to cover up. Doesn't look bad imho :)


I need to do the 2nd pad but it's just so annoying to do, even more when using same wire color for all pins :) And i need to buy one of these pcb holders because i got nothing to hold the db15 connector while soldering to it, and that thing weighs like a feather.




RedCapsMan you're tempting me with the snes controller... :)

Edited by Lacerta
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