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Posted (edited)

No such thing as pixel perfect as i keep telling you.

The last version of CoinOps had "pixel perfect" which as i pointed out was all wrong in HD.

The supposed pixel perfect settings you have now are from other emu's and certain members websites.

Not your work at all, nothing new there then, just like the emu.

Unfortunately that's the only info i got from your couple of post as i didnt read the rest as its usually a load of shit.


PS. You need your video building tools out tonight, im flying through these n64 vids by hand.

You know the tool, its run from xbox, captures video, detects action scenes, edits and encodes for you.

What a f***** load of shit you you bullshitter. Do you think anyone believes you ? Fool.

I would love to see a copy of one you've made, i need a good laugh.


Dont need automated tools/scripts for artwork as i already know what im doing, newbie, lol.

If your a good boy i'll show you how to do 3d video's, no automated scripts involved, just skill.

Edited by cba.gy

there is the maths for you guys....includes automatically knowing NTSC PAL 720 if monitor is rotated and and also know how to fit it to any adjusted window size you may create.....

im gone for good you really are a total newbe...prove me wrong and find any of these calculation on an source in the world....as I wrote each line by hand...you are a total cock who could never do such things...bug check it if you want you will see the maths is perfect and it autosense everything the reason why I put it in and no one asks any questions about it ever since....


the other code for this ive seen is so bad I would never ever ever put it in anything ive done...and I refused to do so and people complained then they saw oh it can be done properly on any screen resolution monitor rotation...maybe he was right to not want to add hacks where you adjust everything yourself by eye for each game.....and remember arcades have 288 aspect ratios unlike the one of a console game....and have multiple ways to view it unlike consoles and yes the maths does all of the calcualtions for you....if you rotate it, it wont matter to any game


also it has 10x11 pixel ratio detection and a mode to let you shrink cps2 (street fighter alpha 3) games in pixel perfect for sd screens if you require as they are wide screen.....this was discussed by a few till they thought it was all perfect then theres been no more from them on this stuff


Also its PSX game videos they want if you have CoinOPS EPIC it allready has alot of N64 videos but if people want it and ask me ill do some for them...and it will be discussed soon cba no matter what you do




FLOAT gamepixelx;

FLOAT gamepixely;

FLOAT screenpixelx;

FLOAT screenpixely;

FLOAT gamepixelratio;

FLOAT screenpixelratio;


if (g_rendererOptions.m_Hidefrunning == FALSE)


screenpixelx = 640;

screenpixely = 480;




screenpixelx = 1280;

screenpixely = 720;



if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 3) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7)) // Ken True Pixels


if ((!(g_createParams.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)) || (g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_90))


gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;




gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;


if ((g_romListOptions.m_fixaspect == TRUE) && ( gamepixelx == 384))


(gamepixelx = 288);




xpos = gamepixelx / screenpixelx;

ypos = gamepixely / screenpixely;


if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) // Pixel Perfect Auto Fit


if (((gamepixelx * 2) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 2) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 3) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 3) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 4) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 4) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 4) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 4) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 5) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 5) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 5) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 5) / screenpixely;




if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7) // Pixel Perfect Overscan


if (((gamepixelx * 2) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 2) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 3) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 3) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 4) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 4) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 4) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 4) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 5) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 5) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 5) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 5) / screenpixely;




if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) // Pixel Perfect x2


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;



if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) // Pixel Perfect x3


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;






if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 1) // Ken Scale


if (g_rendererOptions.m_Hidefrunning == FALSE)


screenpixelx = 640 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

screenpixely = 480 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;




screenpixelx = 1280 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

screenpixely = 720 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;


if ((!(g_createParams.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)) || (g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_90))


gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;




gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;


if ((g_romListOptions.m_fixaspect == TRUE) && ( gamepixelx == 384))


(gamepixelx = 288);



gamepixelratio = gamepixelx / gamepixely;

screenpixelratio = screenpixelx / screenpixely;


if (gamepixelratio > screenpixelratio)


ypos = ((screenpixelratio / gamepixelratio) * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY);

xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;


if (gamepixelratio < screenpixelratio)


xpos = ((gamepixelratio / screenpixelratio) * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX);

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;




if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 2) // Ken Stretch


xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;





if ((g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_180) || (g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_270)) // Ken Correct for monitor on its side


if (g_rendererOptions.m_Hidefrunning == FALSE)


screenpixelx = 640 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

screenpixely = 480 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;




screenpixelx = 1280 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

screenpixely = 720 * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;


if ((!(g_createParams.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY)))


gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;




gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;



gamepixelratio = gamepixelx / gamepixely;

screenpixelratio = screenpixelx / screenpixely;


if (gamepixelratio > screenpixelratio)


ypos = ((screenpixelratio / gamepixelratio) * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY);

xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;


if (gamepixelratio < screenpixelratio)


xpos = ((gamepixelratio / screenpixelratio) * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX);

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;


if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 2) // Ken Stretch in monitor on it side


xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;



if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 0) && (g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_180)) // Default sizes in monitor on it side


xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX;

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;


if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 0) && (g_rendererOptions.m_screenRotation == SR_270)) // Default sizes in monitor on it side


xpos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX * 0.7;

ypos = g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY;


if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 3) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7)) // Ken True Pixels


if (g_rendererOptions.m_Hidefrunning == FALSE)


screenpixelx = 640;

screenpixely = 480;




screenpixelx = 1280;

screenpixely = 720;


if ((g_createParams.orientation & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY))


gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;




gamepixely = Machine->visible_area.max_x - Machine->visible_area.min_x + 1;

gamepixelx = Machine->visible_area.max_y - Machine->visible_area.min_y + 1;




xpos = gamepixelx / screenpixelx;

ypos = gamepixely / screenpixely;


if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) // Pixel Perfect Auto Fit


if (((gamepixelx * 2) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 2) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 3) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 3) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 4) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 4) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 4) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 4) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 5) < (screenpixelx * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageX)) && ((gamepixely * 5) < (screenpixely * g_rendererOptions.m_screenUsageY)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 5) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 5) / screenpixely;




if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7) // Pixel Perfect Overscan


if (((gamepixelx * 2) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 2) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 3) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 3) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 4) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 4) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 4) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 4) / screenpixely;


if (((gamepixelx * 5) < (screenpixelx * 1.25)) && ((gamepixely * 5) < (screenpixely * 1.25)))


xpos = (gamepixelx * 5) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 5) / screenpixely;




if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) // Pixel Perfect x2


xpos = (gamepixelx * 2) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 2) / screenpixely;



if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) // Pixel Perfect x3


xpos = (gamepixelx * 3) / screenpixelx;

ypos = (gamepixely * 3) / screenpixely;






Posted (edited)

lol, im a cock, that's rich coming from you, software/code thief.

Pixel perfect can't be your code as you don't even understand aspect ratio's.

You don't even care about aspect ratio's as you've posted above.

Edit. Probably removed that now have you !


Why do you have a feature that informs the user of how many times they've played a game, is that usefull for anything at all ??? There are more "clutter" features but let's not go there we will be here all day. lol, knobhead

Edited by cba.gy

why oh why are you so retarded no one comes to your stuff at all cba...only the people you talk to and you post on every site the same thing and get the same people to look at it..... you dont even get it when people think your skins are faulty and you guys say oh no its designed that way..... if you dont get multiple posts like that theres something wrong


take the crap out of me and say I steal stuff (even though im doing stuff never done on any emu on the xbox ever)......I feel sorry for you now


best of luck maybe your right.....


PS : ive seen the surreal people skills and really it sadens me they wont ask for help...stuff wanted in is so easy and its in the CoinOPS source just take it...............although judge by the issues and the time I feel he doesnt even know to much about this stuff....really I do feel sorry for you guys...im sure you can make screenshot packs or whatever but really you should look at the position your in and the way forward....




you can sort by times played so the stuff you play goes to top of list...you can get it to add the games you play alot to favs....you can get it to pick random games you play alot...or you can disable it in one click....this is only capabile as times played is tracked.....I feel so sorry for you....if you cant understand that stuff


man you really have little to no idea...


OK I stole the code I dont understand coding or maths....you are the aspect correct person I dont understand and acidentally added this code which I stole from some emu...but im unsure of it cause ive never seen this done anywhere...really cba are you crying for attenion....once again im sorry I really am....

Posted (edited)

Honestly didn't read your post past the first 3 words, although you have started talking English.

If i was retarted then simply mentioning it would be bad form and quite frankly a disgrace, however that's what you are, a disgrace, so no harm done there then.

I've always said your skills and dedication would be an asset to any project but your such an asshole that no-one wants to do anything with you.

I believe Surreal is flying along, i'll keep you posted on purpose.

If anyone can't use my simple skins then quite frankly they must be one of your crew or just plain thick, drag n drop, it doesnt get much easier than that.

When you start shaving and your balls drop you may start vieving the world in a more calm frame of mind and be able to control your ego, which by the way has no reason to be as influencial on your persona as it is, as you've done nothing to deserve an ego.

I genuinely think the CoinOps emu is looking better, although dated, just like the core which as we all know wasn't your work.

Has this fantastic emu been submitted to xbins yet just like all other original work does ?

Had a look earlier, so i could laugh at your media, alas it wasn't on there.

Can you explain that for me and those that may be interested.


PS. I care not a jot if anyone uses my stuff, in fact, i'd prefere it if they didn't.

Here's for for you as i know your obsessed with numbers.





Edited by cba.gy

you expalin it to me...ive never asked or aproached them or cared....I have no idea and no links to xbins or releases....feel free to explain...this is everywhere and pretty much number one on most forums as you know so its easy to get and I never see much else used now...but sure mamedox which I helped is there plus other stuff I did is on xbins without my permision :D I dont really care who or where it goes....


enjoy your play ground as you know im not in your sand pit and dont want to go there....you love to come to mine :) as you know the stats and you know how much people are playing what and it pisses you off......well do something about it...this just gets better while you complain and say I wont let you in.....lol I dont want in to any of your club ever..........what would I want any of it for?

people know if they work with me im the boss except for people like iq as they clearly know there stuff better than me and hes the boss of the stuff hes doing when he was working with me....its all about knowing your skills and admitting whos running what....I work with anyone and agree if they know more than me they take it over ill only do suggestions....otherwise I need to use my skills and im the boss and they need to make suggestions


you post everywhere get your friends to support it .... probably post it to xbins or where ever you must care and all I see is nothing much.... I dont care its just noticeble and im tring to get though your pride and make you see I really dont need your help and you need my help more than yours... so it would need to be done my way or you can let the most simple of things A not happen or B take soo long... but thats your decision I think its silly but its yours to make


it wasnt that they couldnt use your skin, they thought the graphics where incorrrect and distorted and the skin was downloaded wrong but it was your design as you know and use of photoshop filters...people thought the background elements where not supposed to be like that but you thought it was good....really did you not notice all those posts... ive never seen comments like this ever unless it really actually was a skin upload issue


but hey tell everyone ill leave you to it...watch carefully you will find this will die id say...im sorry for that....and sorry you cant stand to see this as your to proud maybe....


Sorry Sorry Sorry SorryI believe I really understand aspect ratios 99 percent and how they work, I dont care you dont, I also know I coded everything from scratch and why I did it....if you dont want to listen to it from the horses mouth I wont make you and you can believe anything you want :) ill push forward now.... you live with your truths and ill live with mine

hows it going slowing....have you checked your stats :D first few days where slow but this is the most Epic release ive seen and surprising....maybe thanks to your help marketing it...cheers


Anyways good to see your still soldiering on best of luck

uh... Are you trying to woo me or what ?


Seriously... Get a life man. Really.


As we are talking about maths, why not simply write:


if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode >= 3 && g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode <=7)


instead of that shit:


if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 3) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7)) // Ken True Pixels



As we are talking about maths, why not simply write:


if (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode >= 3 && g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode <=7)


instead of that shit:


if ((g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 3) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 4) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 5) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 6) || (g_rendererOptions.m_AspectRatioMode == 7)) // Ken True Pixels





so I can easily adapt move around modules as coso keep wanting new ones and in basic / advanced mode I might enable disable different modes that might be in any random order....and I did the basic work but due to no one ever wanting any changes I never relooked at the code as it worked 100 percent...so ill leave it there as its 6 of one, half dozen of another and its more customisble as it is now....


PS remember I did proper pixel perfect in everyway in a few hours never use it myself and wouldnt do it the ways people said as they wanted screen corid so they can move stuff around to get it right for each game.....this is automatic and knows the res the aspect ratio and puts black bars on top/bottom if your aspect ratio has greater hight than it should and black bars left and right if your aspect ratio has more width than you need....so it will fit it properly to any defined window....patch the code into fba it works a dream :) if you think the other way is right or that I stole the maths like cba says thats up to you....I know what I did and anyone can use it if they can see past there nose to spit there faces

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