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I don't agree with other people making offensive personal attacks against you either. I can't comment about other forums because I only post on this one but this forum's rules should be upheld in such a way that nobody can get away with making personal attacks against anybody without consequence, including yourself. It sounds to me like you became 'staff' here just by designing a logo and that's fine, but somebody should have made you aware that 'staff' members should be setting an example of the rules and not abusing their position or their standing with the site's admins to break them as they choose.


By all means criticise. By all means argue; that's what a forum is for. But do NOT make offensive and personal insults against other members because you think you are immune to the consequences of doing so.

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Posted (edited)

BP ...valium is good for you :angry:.,.take some pills....or maybe..you can ask your gf to blow you :(

Edited by Sparda
  + T + said:
I don't agree with other people making offensive personal attacks against you either. I can't comment about other forums because I only post on this one but this forum's rules should be upheld in such a way that nobody can get away with making personal attacks against anybody without consequence, including yourself. It sounds to me like you became 'staff' here just by designing a logo and that's fine, but somebody should have made you aware that 'staff' members should be setting an example of the rules and not abusing their position or their standing with the site's admins to break them as they choose.


By all means criticise. By all means argue; that's what a forum is for. But do NOT make offensive and personal insults against other members because you think you are immune to the consequences of doing so.

The difference between here and our forum is that emuxtras.net is moderated. When it's needed to be.


We rarely saw arguments there except of course with CoinOPS because of it's controversial nature and the behavior of it's author. An author who have been permanently insulting this site and people he doesn't even know like Madmab since we went online a year ago. That's the reason why we chose in the first time to not release any CoinOPS build on the site to keeps things separated. But after internal discussions, it was recently decided to also provide it like any xbox software. What I've noticed then is immediately after the announcement on the site, someone came with a fake ID to bring controversy. We know who he is but we don't really care as it was a 2mn fix to delete the fake account and suspend the guilty one for... a week (bouh !). Further reading on this particular topic on emuxtras.net also reveals the resentment that members have after reading the XBOX section of 1emulation.com.


And I'm only talking about the XBOX section. The other sections on 1emu seem to be pretty decent compared to this. Curiously, people behave nicely on the other topics. Even thread views behave normally (:angry:).


Now I don't know what is the position of the owners of this forum. I mean do they care if their own forum is used to permanently defame two other places: A more recent like emuxtras.net and a landmark like xbox-scene.com ?

But hey, I won't go further. I already asked twice, one time nicely then one more time much less nicely, and I had a weird feedback from some staff member each time...

Looks like the question is taboo, here ? Maybe it's the reason why they put such a pitiful person in charge of this forum section... Or maybe not.

Who knows ? Maybe they're therapists leading some kind of experience... Maybe they just want us to swallow that big blue pill and shut up...


Anyway, as they are no rules in this section since years and now lead by such a guy it's normal to read such crap and it's also normal we answer this way and worse... You know... Eye for an eye...


Hi guys, new here.


Just a quck question: I'm having trouble with Rad Mobile in CoinOps2, i cant control the car. Am I missing something? Thanks!

Posted (edited)
  BritneysPAIRS said:
bazinga....the only time I see traffic on your site is with CoinOPS lol it owns all your other threads combined


You may adjust your glasses then.


...but if it's not enough just go for a cure.



Edited by waal

if I give you proof of the view numbers will you admit it? :angry: and never comment again about the trend that coinOPS has on your site...most of threads get only a few views...whole sections get only a few views....CoinOPS I think pretty much equaled all the views of all the treathed in the section combined....its nearly at the top of thread count in the shortest time.....


so once again if I can show you tracking data from your site will you admit it? and I wonder why you dont do it yourselves....enough said I do feel sorry for you guys and I know its the reasosn you come here...even though you like to pretend it isnt ive looked at the stats....enjoy your tumbleweeds if you dont come here


me and a few others have started talk on the direction of updates at present...and looks like we will tell you how this will be handled soon....alot has been done and alot in BETA....we will start rolling out updates soon and keep them organised and structured.....ill post about it tonight on the devopment thread...and start the final push and bug bash

  BritneysPAIRS said:
if I give you proof of the view numbers will you admit it? :angry: and never comment again about the trend that coinOPS has on your site...most of threads get only a few views...whole sections get only a few views....CoinOPS I think pretty much equaled all the views of all the treathed in the section combined....its nearly at the top of thread count in the shortest time.....


so once again if I can show you tracking data from your site will you admit it? and I wonder why you dont do it yourselves....enough said I do feel sorry for you guys and I know its the reasosn you come here...even though you like to pretend it isnt ive looked at the stats....enjoy your tumbleweeds if you dont come here


Will you admit the 100 000 fake views you somehow added to your locked thread in a day ?


Which thread at EmuXtras are you referring to ? The "CoinOPS (Release History)" that has 517 views ?


Well done!

  BritneysPAIRS said:
if I give you proof of the view numbers will you admit it? :angry: and never comment again about the trend that coinOPS has on your site...most of threads get only a few views...whole sections get only a few views....CoinOPS I think pretty much equaled all the views of all the treathed in the section combined....its nearly at the top of thread count in the shortest time.....


so once again if I can show you tracking data from your site will you admit it? and I wonder why you dont do it yourselves....enough said I do feel sorry for you guys and I know its the reasosn you come here...even though you like to pretend it isnt ive looked at the stats....enjoy your tumbleweeds if you dont come here

Post whatever you want.


The reason I come here is explained above.


Poor guy.


ok ill continue on and let the admins deal with stuff....I got a bit side tracked by the weekend...but its all good now....

ignorence is bliss and if one cant see they cant see or admit stuff then one cant move forward...if you cant see the same 5 people post the same things on all sites and then the thread dies well to me its a joke but to you guys its the way to handle things....ill stop laughing about it and just let it go......anyways dont know why im explaining the obvious...unless you get 1000 plus hits while sleeping on one thread at release time its not in the same ball park...anyways you ague it out...your stuff is not worth aguing about to me your numbers are so low here and on other sites......so no offense but its not really worth looking at your stuff for me......but good luck thing will continue as they should and all is well again....


release info tonight about 2.1...im out of here till there stuff worth looking at


peace all....

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