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Thrill Kill is a fighting game that was developed for the Sony PlayStation by Paradox Development. It was cancelled by Electronic Arts a few weeks before shipping after EA acquired the original publisher, Virgin Interactive. In a release, EA stated that they didn't want to "publish such a senselessly violent game", as they felt that it would harm their image. They also stated that they deemed the game so offensive that they would not even attempt to sell the game to be released by another publisher either. Later, former employees that had worked on the game released the full game onto the internet, and along with various beta versions. All are still widely available through filesharing.


Gameplay consisted of a closed 3D room where up to four opponents would fight to the death, and proceed to finish each other off with Thrill Kills, much like the fatalities of Mortal Kombat. Instead of the usual life bar, characters built up a kill meter. Once this meter was full, a player's character could activate a Thrill Kill move to brutally slay an opponent.


Thrill Kill was considered a technical feat for the PlayStation for allowing four players to fight simultaneously in the same room. The content included amputated and handicapped characters, and extremely violent and sexual moves with names such as "Bitch Slap", "Swallow This", and "Head Muncher."



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Not sure if this is the right thread for it (assuming it to be), but the old arcade racing game "Turbo" seems to work if the steering issue could be fixed

Posted (edited)

OK - below are the initial arcades adds I'm working on. There will be a few more. Any marked 128 only are ones I believe will only work on upgraded Xbox systems, but I could be wrong.




4 Fun in 1 (4in1)




Ace (ace)

Agress (agress)

Ah Eikou no Koshien (koshien)

Ali Baba and 40 Thieves (alibaba)

All American Football (addb)

Alley Master (alleymas)

Amazing Maze (maze)

Aquarium (aquarium)

Ark Area (arkarea)

Arkanoid Returns (arkretrn)

Arm Wrestling (armwrest)

Armor Attack (armora) – needs sound samples and overlay art

Armored Car (armorcar)

Armored Scrum Object (aso)

Astro Blaster (astrob)

Atari Baseball (abaseb)

Atari Football (atarifb)

Atari MiniGolf (mgolf)

Atari Soccer (soccer)

Avalanche (avalnche)

Azurian Attack (azurian)




Bakuretsu Breaker - works great

Balloon Bomber (ballbomb)

Balloon Brothers (ballbros)

Bang Bang Ball (bangball)

Barricade (barricad)

Barrier (barrier)– needs artwork

Basketball (bsktball)

Beraboh Man (berabohm)

Big Run (bigrun)

Big Twin (bigtwin)

Bigfoot Bonkers (bbonk)

Birdie King (bking)

Birdie King 2 (bking2)

Birdie King 3 (Birdie King 3)

Black Hole (blkhole)

Blades of Steel (bladestl)

Blasto (blasto)

Block Carnival (blockcar)

Blockade (blockade)

Blue Print (blueprnt)

Boggy '84 (boggy84)

Bomb Bee (bombbee)

Bongo (bongo)

Boot Hill (boothill)

Borench (borench)

Bottom of the Ninth (bottom9)

Boulder Dash (bouldash)

Bowl-O-Rama (bowlrama)

Brain (brain) - (weird distortion on this game – looks like an X)

Bubble 2000 (bubl2000)

Bullfight (bullfgt)

Bull Fighter (bullfgtr)

Bulls Eye Darts (bullsdrt)




Calipso (calipso)

Cannon Ball (cannonbp)

Canyon Bomber (canyon)

Capcom Baseball (cbasebal)

Capcom Bowling (capbowl)

Car Jamboree (carjmbre)

Carnival (carnival)

Cassette: Astro Fantasia (castfant)

Cassette: Boulder Dash (cbdash)

Cassette: Disco No. 1 (cdiscon1)

Cassette: Fighting Ice Hockey (cfghtice)

Cassette: Flying Ball (cflyball)

Cassette: Cluster Buster / Graplop (cgraplop)

Cassette: Highway Chase (chwy)

Cassette: Mission X (cmissnx)

Cassette: Night Star (cnightst)

Cassette: Peter Pepper's Ice Cream Factory (cppicf)

Cassette: Pro Bowling (cprobowl)

Cassette: Pro Golf (cprogolf)

Cassette: Pro Tennis (cptennis)

Cassette: Rootin' Tootin (clapapa)

Cassette: Scrum Try (cscrtry)

Cassette: Super Astro Fighter (csuperas)

Cassette: Terranean (cterrani)

Cassette: Tornado (ctornado)

Cassette: Treasure Island (ctisland)

Cavelon (cavelon)

Challenger (challeng)

Champion Boxing (chboxing)

Check Man (checkman)

Cheeky Mouse (cheekyms)

China Gate (chinagat)

Circus / Acrobat TV (circus)

Cleopatra Fortune (cleopatr)

Colony 7 (colony7)

Columns (columns)

Columns II (columns2)

Commando (Sega) (commsega)

Comotion (comotion) – needs sound sample

Competition Golf – Final Round (compgolf)

Cops 'n Robbers (copsnrob)

Cosmic Avenger (cavenger)

Cosmic Guerilla (cosmicg) – needs sound samples

Cosmo (cosmo)

Cosmos (cosmos)

Crazy Kong (ckong)

Crowns Golf (crgolf)

Crush Roller (crush)

Cuby Bop (cubybop)

Cutie Q (cutieq)




D-Con (dcon)

D-Day (dday)

Daisu-Kiss (daiskiss) *128 ONLY

Dangerous Dungeons (ddungeon)

Daraku Tenshi - The Fallen Angels (daraku) *128 ONLY

Darius (darius)

Dark Planet (darkplnt)

Dark Warrior (darkwar)

Dazzler (dazzler)

Defend the Terra Attack on the Red UFO (redufo)

Demon (demon)

Depthcharge (depthch)

Devil Fish (devilfsh)

Deep Scan or Invinco (invds) – needs sound samples

Diamond Run (diamond)

Dingo (dingo)

Disco No.1 (disco)

Dock Man (dockman)

Domino Man (domino)

Dominos (dominos)

Dommy (dommy)

Dorodon (dorodon)

Double Axle (dblaxle)

Drag Race (dragrace)

Dragon Master (drgnmst) - 30 megs free

Dragonball Z (dbz) - 36 megs free

Dragonball Z II (dbz2) - 28 megs free

Dream Soccer 94 (dsoccr94)

Driving Force (drivfrcp)

Dynamic Country Club (dcclub)




Eggor (eggor)

Eight Ball Action (8ballact)

Eliminator (elim2) – needs sounds samples

Emeraldia (emeralda)

Enigma II (enigma2)

Espial (espial)

Evolution Soccer (evosocc) *128 ONLY

Exciting Soccer (exctsccr)

Extra Bases (ebases)




Field Day (fieldday)

Fighting Golf (fitegolf)

Fighting Roller (fightrol)

Fire One (fireone) – no sound

Fire Truck (firetrk)

Fit of Fighting (fitfight) – no sound

Flash Point (fpoint)

Football Champ (footchmp)

Free Kick (freekick)

Freeze (freeze)

Frisky Tom (friskyt)

Frogs (frogs) – needs sound samples & art overlay

Funky Bee (funkybee)

Funky Fish (fnkyfish)




Gaiapolis (gaiapols) *128 ONLY

Galactic Warriors (gwarrior)

Galaxy Gunners (galaxygn)

Galaxy Wars (galxwars)

Gals Hustler (galhustl)

Gals Panic S2 (galpans2) *128 ONLY

Gee Bee (geebee)

Genpei ToumaDen (genpeitd)

Gigas (gigasb)

Gigas Mark II (gigasm2b)

Gimme A Break (gimeabrk) – needs controller tweak

Goal 92 (goal92)

Goal! Goal! Goal! (goalx3)

Gold Bug (goldbug)

Golden Tee Golf (gtg)

Golden Tee Golf 2 (gtg2)

Grand Striker 2 (gstrik2) - 40 megs free

Grand Tour (grndtour)

Great Swordsman (gsword)

Gridiron Fight (gridiron)

Gridlee (gridlee) – need sound samples

Grudge Match (grudge)

Guided Missile or Missile X (gmissile) – needs sound samples

Gumbo (gumbo)

Gun Dealer 94 (gundl94)

Gun Fight (gunfight) – needs sound samples

Gunbuster (gunbustr) - 64 megs free

Guzzler (guzzler)

Gyakuten (pbancho)

Gypsy Juggler (gypsyjug)




Hachoo (hachoo)

Hard Yardage (hardyard)

HAL 21 (hal21)

Hang On Jr (hangonjr)

Hard Hat (hardhat)

Hat Trick (hattrick)

Hatris (hatris)

Head On (headon)

Head On 2 (headon2)

Heart Attack (heartatk)

Heavyweight Champ (hwchamp)

Hebereke no Popoon (heberpop)

Hero (hero)

Hexa (hexa)

High Impact Football (hiimpact)

High Voltage (hvoltage)

High Way Race (hwrace)

Hoccer (hoccer)

Homo (homo)

Hopper Robo (hopprobo)

Hopping Mappy (hopmappy)

Hot Shocker (hotshock)

Hot Shots Tennis (hstennis)

Hustle (hustle) – needs sound samples




Indoor Soccer (idsoccer)

Insector (insector)

Ikki (ikki)

I'm Sorry (imsorry)

International Cup '94 (intcup94)

Invaders Revenge (invrvnge) – needs sound samples

Invinco (invinco)




Jack Rabbit (jackrabt)

Jack the Giantkiller (jack)

John Elway's Team Quarterback (teamqb)

Jr Pac-Man (jrpacman)

Jumping Cross (jcross)

Jumping Jack (jjack)

Jump Bug (jumpbug)

Jump Coaster (jumpcoas)

Jump Shot (jumpshot)

Jungler (jungler)




Kaiser Knuckle (kaiserkn) - 37 megs free

Kaitei Takara Sagashi (kaitei)

Kamikaze (kamikaze)

Kaos (kaos)

Kick (kick) – need driver update?

King & Balloon (kingball)

Kitten Kaboodle (kittenk)

Kokontouzai Eto Monogatari (eto)

Konami GT (konamigt)

Kozmik Kroozr (kroozr) – needs artwork

Krazy Bowl (krzybowl)




Lady Master of Kung Fu (ladymstr)

Las Vegas Girl (lvgirl94)

Lasso (lasso)

Last Striker (kyustrkr)

Lazer Command (lazercmd)

Levers (levers)

Libble Rabble (liblrabl)

Liberator (liberatr)

Liberation (liberate)

Lizard Wizard (lizwiz)

Lock'n'Chase (lnc)

Loco-Motion (locomotn)

Logger (logger)

Lost Tomb (losttomb)

Lot Lot (lotlot)

Lunar Lander (llander)




Mariner (mariner)

Mach Breakers - Numan Athletics 2 (machbrkr) - imperfect sound *128 ONLY

Macho Mouse (machomou)

Mad Planets (mplanets)

Magical Spot (magspot)

Magical Spot II (magspot2)

Magix (magix)

Major Title (majtitle)

Mania Challenge (maniach)

Maniac Square (maniacsq)

Marine Boy (marineb)

Markham (markham)

Mars (mars)

Martial Champion (mtlchamp) *128 ONLY 3 Megs Free

Maya (maya)

Mayhem 2002 (mayhem)

Meadows Lanes (medlanes)

Megadon (megadon)

Megatack (megatack)

Meosis Magic (meosism)

Mighty Monkey (mimonkey)

Minefield (minefld)

Minky Monkey (mmonkey)

Miss Puzzle (mspuzzle)

Mogura Desse (mogura)

Money Money (monymony)

Money Puzzle Exchanger (miexchng)

Monster Maulers (mmaulers) *128 ONLY

Monte Carlo (montecar)

Moonwar (moonwar)

Mosaic (mosaic)

Motos (motos)

Mouja (mouja)

Mouse Trap (mtrap)

Mouser (mouser)

Mr. Goemon (mrgoemon)

Mr. TNT (mrtnt)

Mr. Kougar (mrkougar)

MTV Rock-N-Roll Trivia (rocktrv2)

Mutant Fighter (mutantf)




Naname de Magic (naname)

NATO Defense (natodef) – needs sound samples

Naughty Mouse (nmouse)

Navarone (navarone)

Neck-n-Neck (neckneck)

Net Wars (netwars)

New Fantasia (newfant)

New Sinbad 7 (newsin7)– distortion?

New York! New York! (nyny) – driver update?

News (news)

Nibbler (nibbler)

Night Driver (nitedrvr) – needs art overlay (possible to fix resolution of art?)

Nova 2001 (nova2001)




Off the Wall (offtwall)

Omega Race (omegrace) – needs overlay

Onna Sansirou - Typhoon Gal (onna34ro)

Orbitron (orbitron)

Ozma Wars (ozmawars)

Ozon I (ozon1)




Pac-Man Plus (pacplus)

Pairs (pairs)

Palamedes (palamed)

Paradise (paradise)

Paris Love (pairlove)

Penguin Brothers (penbros) *128 ONLY

Pepper 2 (pepper2)

Perestroika Girls (perestro)

Perfect Billiard (pbillrd)

Phozon (phozon)

Pickin' (pickin)

Pinball Action (pbaction)

Pinbo (pinbo)

Pioneer Balloon (pballoon)

Pisces (pisces)

Pistol Daimyo No Bouken (pistoldm)

Pit & Run (pitnrun)

Play Girls (plgirls)

Play Girls 2 (plgirls2)

PlayBall (playball)

Plotting (plotting)

Poitto! (poitto)

Polaris (polaris)

Poly-Play (polyplay)

Ponpoko (ponpoko)

Poolshark (poolshrk)

Pop Flamer (popflama)

Popper (popper)

Power Instinct 2 (pwrinst2)

Power Play (powrplay)

Power Surge (psurge)

Premier Soccer (prmrsocr)

Progress (progress)

Puzzle Club (puzlclub)

Puzzle De Pon (puzzledp)




Q*bert's Qubes (qbertqub) – needs sound samples

Quantum (quantum)

Quester (quester)




Rack 'em Up (rackemup)

Raimais (raimais)

Red Baron (redbaron)

Red Robin (redrobin)

Relief Pitcher (relief)

Rescue (rescue)

Riddle of Pythagoras (ridleofp)

Rip Cord (ripcord)

Rip Off (ripoff) - needs sound samples

Robby Roto (robby)

Robot Bowl (robotbwl)

Rock Climber (rockclim)

Round-Up (roundup) – distortion




Sadari (sadari)

Safari (safari)

Samurai (samurai)

Samurai Nihon-ichi (tsamurai) - works great

Satan of Saturn (satansat) - needs samples

Saturn (saturn)

Scion (scion)

Scooter Shooter (scotrsht)

Scrambled Egg (scregg)

Screw Loose (screwloo)

Sea Fighter Poseidon (sfposeid)

Sengeki Striker (sengekis) – update driver *128 Ram

SF-X (sfx) – update driver

Shanghai Kid (shangkid)

Shoot the Bull (shootbul)

Shot Rider (shtrider)

Shuuz (shuuz)

Side Track (sidetrac)

Sky Base (skybase)

Sky Fox (skyfox)

Sky Lancer (skylancr)

Sky Raider (skyraid)

Sky Skipper (skyskipr)

Snap Jack (snapjack)

­Solar Fox (solarfox)

Solar Quest (solarq) – needs art overlay

Soldam (soldam)

SOS (sos)

Space Fortress (spacefrt)

Space Fury (spacfury)

Space Intruder (spaceint)

Space Invaders II (invad2ct)

Space King 2 (spcking2)

Space Launcher (spacelnc)

Space Panic (panic) – needs samples

Space Trek (spacetrk)

Space Wars (1977) (spacewar)

Spatter (spatter) - works great

Sparkz (sparkz)

Speak & Rescue (speakres) or Stratovox (stratvox) (better sound?)

Spectar (spectar)

Speed Ball (speedbal)

Speed Coin (spdcoin)

Speed Spin (speedspn)

Splash (splash)

Splendor Blast (splndrbt)

Springer (springer)

Sprint 1 (sprint1)

Star Cruiser (starcrus) – needs samples

Star Guards (stargrds)

Strategy X (stratgyx)

Streaking (streakng)

Steel Gunner 2 (sgunner2)

Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha (sfz2al)

Street Fighter The Movie (sftm) *128 Xbox only

Strength & Skill (strnskil)

Subroc-3D (subroc3d) – need samples

Super Basketball (sbasketb)

Super Sidekicks 2 (ssideki2)

Super Sidekicks 3 (ssideki3)

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo (ssf2t) - 52 megs free

Super Bug (superbug)

Super Cup Finals (scfinals)

Super Doubles Tennis (sdtennis)

Super High Impact (shimpact) *128 only?

Super Mouse (suprmous)

Super Rider (suprridr)

Super Tank (supertnk)

Super Toffy (stoffy)

Super Visual Football (svf)

SWAT (swat)

Syusse Oozumou (ssozumo)




Tactician (tactcian)

Taisen Tokkae (tokkae) - 128 only? 5 megs free

Taito Cup Finals (cupfinal)

Targ (targ)

Target Ball (tgtball)

Target Hits (targeth)

Taxi Driver (taxidrvr)

Tazz Mania (tazmania)

Tecmo World Cup (wc90)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Extra (tmnt) - 4 players, maybe rename to (4 player)

Teeenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II (4 Player) (tmnt2)

Terra Force (terraf)

Tetris (tetris)

The Crystal of Kings (crysking) - works great, very rarely the fps drop slightly (during cuts) very rare though - 1 meg free

The History of Marial Arts (histryma) - works great, but no sound, driver update?

The Next Space (tnextspc)

The Ninja Warriors (ninjaw)

The Simpsons (Extra) (simpsons) - rename to 4 Player?

Thunder & Lightning (thunderl)

Time Scanner (timescan)

Top Player's Golf (tpgolf)

Top Ranking Stars (trstar) - 58 megs free

Top Speed (topspeed)

Triple Fun (triplfun)

Triple Punch (triplep)

Twin Falcons (twinfalc)




Ultra Balloon (uballoon)

Ultraman (ultraman)




Van-Van Car (vanvan)

Virtua Fighter (vf)

Virtua Racing (vr) – needs some sort of fix

Volfied (volfied)

Vs Atari R.B.I. Baseball (rbibb)

Vs Balloon Fight (balonfgt)

Vs Baseball (vsbball)

Vs. Battle City (btlecity)

Vs Block Breaker (vblokbrk)

Vs Castlevania (cstlevna)

Vs Clu Clu Land (cluclu)

Vs Dr Mario (drmario)

Vs Duck Hunt (duckhunt)

Vs Excitebike (excitebk)

Vs Freedom Force (vsfdf)

Vs Gong Fight (vsgongf) *128 RAM

Vs Gradius (vsgradus)

Vs Gumshoe (vsgshoe)

Vs Hogan's Alley (hogalley)

Vs Ice Climber (iceclimb)

Vs Ice Climber Dual (iceclmrj)

Vs Mach Rider (machridr)

Vs Mighty Bomb Jack (mightybj)

Vs Ninja Jajamaru Kun (jajamaru)

Vs Pinball (vspinbal)

Vs Platoon (platoon)

Vs Raid on Bungeling Bay (bnglngby)

Vs Slalom (vsslalom)

Vs Soccer (vssoccer)

Vs Star Luster (starlstr)

Vs Stroke and Match Golf (smgolf)

Vs Super Mario Bros (suprmrio)

Vs Super SkyKid (suprmrio)

Vs Super Xevious (supxevs)

Vs Tennis (vstennis)

Vs Tetris (vstetris)

Vs The Goonies (goonies)

Vs TKO Boxing (tkoboxng)

Vs Top Gun (topgun)

Vs Wrecking Crew (wrecking)




Wacko (wacko)

Wai Wai Jockey Gate-In! (wwjgtin)

Warp & Warp (warpwarp)

Water Match (wmatch)

Wheel of Fortune (wfortune)

Who Dunit (whodunit) - loads - NOTE - This gun game works fine w/ DPad, maybe apply the fix here to other Exidy gun games?

Wild Pilot (wildplt)

Wizard of Wor (wow) - needs samples for sound

Wonder Momo (wndrmomo)

World Class Bowling (wcbowl)

World Tennis (wtennis)

Wiping (wiping)

Wild Western (wwestern)

Wit's (wits)

Wiz (wiz)

Wolf Pack (wolfpack)

World Soccer Finals (wsf)

World Stadium (ws)




Xyonix (xyonix)




Yam Yam (yamyam)

Yamato (yamato)




Zaviga (zaviga)

Zero Hour (zerohour)

Zodiack (zodiack)

Zzyzzyxx (zzyzzyxx)

Edited by PhilExile
is phil using a proper build as alot is in there now....but mostly it isnt :P ill add them all if you send them to me



Not to add to your massive list already, but another game that could work if the crosshair controls could be made to react better (a lot better) when using a joystick would be the shooter game "crossbow"

Posted (edited)

Ya, there are likely some dupes in there. I found a few myself after going through the list again before posting. The set needs a fresh pair of eyes and you know this the best. :P


is phil using a proper build as alot is in there now....but mostly it isnt ;) ill add them all if you send them to me
Edited by PhilExile

Hi Robot3,


Yes, I know that game. I actually have a bunch of gun games to be added from the company that produced CROSSBOW - Exidy. Another (really cheesy) one they made is CHILLER. Its awful, but I love it.


Some of these games work OK, but a crosshair is left in the middle of the screen (maybe for a 2nd player?), others the control is mess up so you can't move the crosshair to any of the four corners of the screen, and others work fine. I'll be adding notation to each of the ROMs so its clear which is which.


I'm going to be posting these games, along with some others that need a little work at the end of the list. All the ones here can be played as-is, without any fixes from BP.


Talk soon



Not to add to your massive list already, but another game that could work if the crosshair controls could be made to react better (a lot better) when using a joystick would be the shooter game "crossbow"
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