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sorry if im posting this in the wrong section but the site setup is confusing...i need help setting up final burn alpha or if someone can upload a full set up where i can download it that would help tOo because the set up guide on the site blows


Full set up? Ask specific questions. Don't expect us to give you a guide to an emulator that's easy to figure out if you just put some effort into it. It's not rocket science, really. Look around the menus and see what they do. If entries are greyed out, there's usually a good reason for that. FBa Alpha comes with a good Help file too - read it, it's not just filler.


To give you a starting point:


  • If you don't know where to put your games, the default is the subfolder 'roms'.
  • Games are loaded via Load Game (surprise there, huh?), available ROMs are scanned by clicking Rescan ROMsets.
  • You cannot set your controls until a game is loaded (Game --> Map game inputs)


Like I said, if you need help with something specific, ask. Don't be broad, be concise.

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