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Well the game is out, I spent an enitre day and half playing it.

I took a break after I was pissed at my self being so unproductive for so a whole day but I cant deny.... It has me engaged in.


Now as far as the "dumb down" claims go, I beginning to see that "dumb down" means "alotta extra bs"


I loved the many ways i could armor my companions and I sometimes still do miss how when i find a new mage robe and I cant give it to my mate because all partner's armor upgrabable only. Then again, it was sooo tedious after every quest finding the 2nd, 3rd and 4th best armor to give about my teammates making sure not to forget the ones i didnt take with me. SO with that, it cancels out for me.


Combat works, its still strategic as f***, especially when nightmare it! Now as hard as DA:O? Ehhh thats a stretch, i think because the stop click way of playin was your only way of playing the game so DAO was much more unforgiving to difficulty. Also, enemies dont have the whole "Even though you dogeded the animation of the attack, a few seconds from now, you're still get hit". SO you get a few hits in and dodge an attack, rinse and repeat. However to counter this, you have to be on that person the whole time, so unless you tatic'ized your team so well where you dont need to manage them then you should have no problem.


Lastly story,

MOre compelling but less immersive.... if that makes sense..

Unfortunalely I cant say my final words on it until im finishedm then i jsut may do a review.


P.S - Isabella is such a who.Re!


You don't need to self-censor "whore".


Personally, I've never been that interested in Dragon Age. Mass Effect 2 gets me riled up, but not this. Lack of scifi perhaps...?

You don't need to self-censor "whore".


Personally, I've never been that interested in Dragon Age. Mass Effect 2 gets me riled up, but not this. Lack of scifi perhaps...?

lol you know I thought "whore isnt that bad of a word", but just did it on instinct.

Pple have been saying that Dragon age 2 took alot of "lessons" from ME2 so you should at least try the demo.


Maybe when i'm done with ME2, i'm still playing through all the classes. Rolling an Adept right now, only have Engineer left. Insanity ftw.


Do you think its required to play Dragon Age 1 first before 2?

Do you think its required to play Dragon Age 1 first before 2?


Not really.


This game is sex to me.


What I really love about ME and DA is, its almost obvious that you're gonna replay it for nearly each different class.

Im loving my rouge, I started out with my bow and with was effective but once i started dipping my points into dual weapon... the battles becmae much more rewarding!

The only problme is I only have one warrior in my entire cast and so I have always bring the lady warrior wherever I go, and she's super loyal so I always piss her off with my "renegade" decisions.

I see its simplified, but "dumbed down" seems more of an insult rather accurate.


I started playing DA:O on the pc and loved the game instantly.


The insane difficulty and rpg elements had me hooked. About 10 deaths in, it started to get a little tedious but I continued on. My first character was a warrior and I didn't build him right and I didn't know tactics so I had to learn fast.


Fast forward three semi cleared game runs and I'm still hooked. I recently bought the collectors edition on ps3 which included the expansion and all the dlc so I'm going to replay the game again just with a controller instead of mouse and kb.


I haven't heard any reviews or watched any gameplay about da 2 but I love the game and will be starting 2 soon.


Also I started mass effect on the pc and about 20 mins in, I got bored. I keep hearing good things about the game so I will not miss it up but it didn't grab me like others.

but it didn't grab me like others.


You have to take your pants off. Bioware is Latin for Pantless Adventures.


Unlike DAO the challenge is not....challenging...

From HArd to nightmare it just seems tedious with the constant waves of bad guys always spawning AROUND you they'll throw in some guy with absurd health we end just mashing on one guy after barely killing all the hundreds underlings...sigh

I love to be challenged but I dont feel rewarded when i overcome a dungeon in this one.

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