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I think things may have been fixed in newer version of the SNES emulators. Honestly, the only game I can tell is SMW and they sound equally off in both Zsnes and Snex9box. I bet it could be fixed if a newer core were ported. I may actually mess with the most up to date emus on the PC side just to see how they do.

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I've always thought we needed a proper GUI for NeoCD/SDLx Unleased. That would be a HUGE thing for me. Also, DaphneX needs a way to remap keys so that some games will actually be playable. If memory serves me right a couple games run just fine but you can only watch yourself die cuz you can't DO anything. I think its Us vs Them that only needs a fire button.


I have two guesses for team ZOD: MAME and\or another Emulation Frontend where all the games are available under one big menu but its setup in a much more traditional Xport kind of way.

(Hooray for run-on sentences!)


Or if we're really lucky one of the PSone emulator devs gave permission to port something over to xbox now that its a dead system.


I say a new mame is in order......personally with a new gui and new core...hyperspin one would be great and it runs console stuff as well why limit it to one system thats so last year

A newer MAME core would have a very difficult time running on XBOX - even on an upgraded one. I have this on good authority from IQ. Also, BP is particular and opinionated, but he isn't an egomaniac. Remember, he does all this stuff for free - as do all the other devs. Show some appreciation.



i second the MAME request. Having an up to date MAME would be cool, especially if the project is not run by an egomaniac...lol.


where did I mention BP? you did that yourself..lol.


it good news more development to our beloven xbox, i will suggest


- znesbox: better sound, more compatibility for games like star fox 2, dirt trax, top gear 3000 etc... overall this is a great emulator


- pcsxbox: better compability, put a ini. file games configuration


- nestopia 1.0: a new skin,


MAME is in great place. :)


well I hope your dreams come true guys..... I am a realist at times.....I wish I was wrong most of the time....its sad that often im not
I've always thought we needed a proper GUI for NeoCD/SDLx Unleased. That would be a HUGE thing for me. Also, DaphneX needs a way to remap keys so that some games will actually be playable. If memory serves me right a couple games run just fine but you can only watch yourself die cuz you can't DO anything. I think its Us vs Them that only needs a fire button.


Your right - both of those emulators need some love. Lantus did a great job with that NeoCD port. It has the best scanline filter on the XBOX in my opinion and matches the quality of the SLG3000 precisely.


I have two guesses for team ZOD: MAME and\or another Emulation Frontend where all the games are available under one big menu but its setup in a much more traditional Xport kind of way.

(Hooray for run-on sentences!)


Doing MAME with XPort's GUI would be a pain in my opinion, but to each their own.


Or if we're really lucky one of the PSone emulator devs gave permission to port something over to xbox now that its a dead system.


That'd be interesting. I'm trying to build a set of ROMs that are 2D only - so this would be welcome. I've had some good luck - better than I expected, although, the trial and error of tweaking the settings is a real pain.

Posted (edited)

OK - I tested the two emulators out on the PC and here are the results:


ZSnes v1.51 - Sounds just like the XBOX version, so that's a dead-end I believe


SNes9x v1.52 - Sounds MUCH, MUCH better. I think it may be very slightly off - but if it is, its not very noticeable.


This update was from Jan 2009, so I'm guessing its newer than Xport's port. Here is the site: http://www.snes9x.com


This would be a great update if it can be done.




Sounds good...! It's research like that, which is imperative for future development :)
Edited by PhilExile

Excited about the thought of new developments.


A few things I would like addressed in Snes9x - I've noticed that a few games (like Donkey Kong and F-zero) run in "hyper-mode" on the latest release - the music is fast and so is the gameplay.


Also - when attempting to view vg maps - certain .png's work whereas others do not - I'm not sure if it has something to do with the file naming or the size of the file.


Just thought I'd throw those things out there.


Thanks for all the work!

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