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Lately I've been feeling pretty frank. Im at a stage currently where dumbasses agitate me more than usual. I have not pulled many punches when someone acts up... I crush them with the logic hammer.


I cannot abide useless people. A quote I heard on Firefly and it stuck.


Ill save examples of the logic hammer for later, but when some asshat tries to defend themselves with lies and/or nonsense... I let them have it.









I dont know what my problem is, but I cant let shit slide anymore, or nearly as much. I wish I could compile thoughts on my feet quicker and blast them better than I have... but I've been "educating" these individuals lately and I hope what I say burns in their mind after the fact. Fucking assholes.


If you act a fool, BAM, Uppercut with the logic hammer...


Good man.

I think a lot of guys go through this we go "passive for a while. Then it feels like we are been rolled over and we ignite.

I cant think on my feet all that well due to the other million nano thoughts I have leading me up to the as you call it the logic hammer.


There was a time when i seriosuly didnt give a shit, the old me leveld everything and didnt give a shit.

Now I think of other peoples feelings like a fag.

Good man.

I think a lot of guys go through this we go "passive for a while. Then it feels like we are been rolled over and we ignite.

I cant think on my feet all that well due to the other million nano thoughts I have leading me up to the as you call it the logic hammer.

I know how that feels.


One of the most disappointing things at my job is the reality check that comes with it every day. The amount of stupid people in this world far exceed any number imaginable.

One of the most disappointing things at my job is the reality check that comes with it every day. The amount of stupid people in this world far exceed any number imaginable.


What do you work as Aki?

Retail :'(. It's a job to get by.


I bet you work with many as well...while I've never worked retail/customer service(and never would), I've told off plenty of customers infront of me that were flipping out.

Many a time I've tapped on someones shoulder and told them "Can you please shut the fuck up, stop bitching at that girl for something that isn't her fault, and let me get MY shit you ignorant fuck?". I've also met my fair share of dumb as a fucking post retail workers too, that make me want to bang my head off the cash register...I just don't get all ignorant with them.

Retail :'(. It's a job to get by.


I bet you work with many as well...while I've never worked retail/customer service(and never would), I've told off plenty of customers infront of me that were flipping out.

Many a time I've tapped on someones shoulder and told them "Can you please shut the fuck up, stop bitching at that girl for something that isn't her fault, and let me get MY shit you ignorant fuck?". I've also met my fair share of dumb as a fucking post retail workers too, that make me want to bang my head off the cash register...I just don't get all ignorant with them.


you are one pumped guy Ken, thought canada was chill place.




That's a common occurrence at the store, people come in all the time requesting compensation for their mistakes. You tell a guy that the warranty he just bought doesn't cover physical damage and he comes back a week later with an iPod's screen shattered beyond recognition. People like this do not leave usually and although rare the police have gotten involved with them before.


Why are people so quick with the trigger finger on strangers :/?


Pfft! Bouncer in a strp club riiiiiiiiiight here. Try dealing with drunk and horny customers.

Pfft! Bouncer in a strp club riiiiiiiiiight here. Try dealing with drunk and horny customers.


I should think that one could be the worst.

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