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Reading this makes me think of the AVGN episode of R.O.B. where he made that ROB-Pad lol


i have to admit, that episode was funny as hell.



Posted (edited)

Hi Xtecuter, good to hear for an update


As far as i am concerned, Nestopia is the only emu that should run Nintendo world championship 90 correctly:

in the pc version of nestopia, i can set the dipswitch of the cartridge through the emulator and its the only way to play the game with 6min21 time limit like everyone know it was the setting used in the tournament (there are 4 dip switch in the cartridge, and if you want 6min21, thats "switch3" on "1" and all the other switch set to "0")

Unfortunatelly in the Nes6502 port there is no way to set the dipswitchs and we play with the default 5min timer, not enough to recreate the world tournament conditions.




Do you think there is a way to be able to set the dipswitches fr your futures releases?

thanks man, your work is really appreciated


p.s.: do you think you could include Franckmorris NESMES skin since its SOOO much cooler than the default skin?(with francky permission of course)

Edited by Gilou9999
Posted (edited)

That skin is amazing, but I don't think there is a 480i/p version. Could that be created? If I could get the layered PSDs, I could move the stuff around and then pass it onto someone to configure properly.


EDIT - It does exist! When the hell did that happen? Anyway, here are links for both 720p and 480i/p for those that are interested:


NESMES - 720p


NESMES - 480i/p


p.s.: do you think you could include Franckmorris NESMES skin since its SOOO much cooler than the default skin?(with francky permission of course)
Edited by PhilExile

Thought i would bump a subject worth reading as


"what's your favourite colour Yellow or Pink" topics are getting rather mundane.

Thought i would bump a subject worth reading as


"what's your favourite colour Yellow or Pink" topics are getting rather mundane.



haha thanks man!



as far as nintendo world championships goes, yes im looking into adding a feature where you can pick an option to run the 5 minute timer and the time will display at the bottom of the screen. we will see what happens but its something i am looking into.




a timer dispaly like on the pc nestopia, would be perfect , good to hear that XT

i know nestopiaX can technically set the correct 6min21sec game time because,:

if you play nintendo world championships on nestopia on pc, then set the timer to 6min21 (like on the real us tournament), then make a savestate

then transfer that savestate to your xbox (after renaming it) it works, you'll have those 6min 21

but for some reasons after launching the savestate a second time it return to its 5 min default value

if you could add a user friendly way to set the dipswitch it would be very welcomed


Hi could someone help me is this I have already Nestopia x 1.0 and switched to version 1.1,1.2,1.3 so that in the release notes is always Emulator 1.0 has a proper way to change the emulator please help me.

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