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New homebrew port for xbox DefendguinX 1.0.





Title: DefendguinX 1.0


This is an Xbox port of the game Defendguin.


Defendguin is a clone of the arcade game "Defender,"

but with a Linux theme. Your mission is to defend little

penguinoids from being captured and mutated.


With the Xbox being a hacked Microsoft product,

I'm shocked no one ported this sooner, as a huge Mr. Gates

is the final boss ;)


I wanted this to be a little more than a port, so

I added (what I think to be) improvements. I hope

you all enjoy it!


release info.

- Added a ship select screen. You can now pick

the red or the blue ship as player 1. Also

added 3 extra ships that did not appear in the

original game.


* Viper MK1 Ship unlocks after beating level 11

* Garbage truck fighter unlocks after beating the game.

* Secret ship unlocks only if the correct code is entered

on the main screen.


*ALL extra ships feature Linus Torvalds dancing at the end

when you beat the game, just like the original ships.


*Also created unique dancing Linus Torvalds for the red ship,

originally this shared the same sprites as the blue ship.


- Added the same ship select screen for the 2 player game.

Player 1 and 2 both choose their own ship. Both players

can be the blue ship if they want, or red, or any

of the other ships (if they are unlocked)


- Added screen resize, accessed through the options menu.


- Added graphical options menu. The original

was all text based using a super small font

the Xbox did not handle this well if you

re-sized the screen.


- Replaced the high-score font with TTF font on the

main menu. This displays a lot better than the original.


- Game auto-saves all data to the Xbox's HDD in the game-saves

folder. That means you can burn this to a disk and play it

if you wanted to. Also you can unlock all the ships and

transfer your game-save to another Xbox.


- Disabled P1 and P2 high-score display on main menu.

This was causing some slowdown with the stars and random

crashing. Might look into fixing it at a later time.


thanks go new breed for the original game and to neobomb for porting it to xbox.

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