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/*void Scanlines(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 *,
		   u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
__asm {
	mov			eax, width;
	mov			edx, srcPitch;
	shr			eax, 2;
	shl			eax, 3;
	sub			edx, eax;
	mov			srcPitch, edx;
	shr			eax, 3;
	mov			width, eax;
	mov			esi, srcPtr;
	mov			edi, dstPtr;
	mov			edx, edi;
	add			edx, dstPitch;
	mov			ecx, height;
	pxor		mm2, mm2;
	align 4;
	mov			eax, width;
	align 4;
	movq		mm0, qword ptr [esi];
	movq		mm1, mm0;
	punpcklwd	mm0, qword ptr [esi];
	punpckhwd	mm1, qword ptr [esi];
	movq		qword ptr [edi], mm0;
	movq		qword ptr [edx], mm2;
	movq		qword ptr [edi + 8], mm1;
	movq		qword ptr [edx + 8], mm2;

	add			esi, 8;
	add			edi, 16;
	add			edx, 16;
	dec			eax;
	jnz			label1;

	add			esi, srcPitch;
	add			edi, dstPitch;
	add			edx, dstPitch;

	dec			ecx;
	jnz			label0;


#define RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK 0x0821

__int64 colorMask = ~((__int64)RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK |
				 ((__int64)RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK << 16) |
				 ((__int64)RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK << 32) |
				 ((__int64)RGB_LOW_BITS_MASK << 48));

void ScanlinesTV(u8 *srcPtr, u32 srcPitch, u8 * /* deltaPtr */,
			 u8 *dstPtr, u32 dstPitch, int width, int height)
__asm {
	mov			esi, srcPtr;
	mov			edi, dstPtr;
	mov			edx, edi;
	add			edx, dstPitch;
	mov			ecx, height;
	movq		mm7, colorMask;

	;fix tiger heli and others
	mov         ebx,srcPitch;
	shl         ebx,1;
	mov         eax,dstPitch;
	sub         eax,ebx;
	add         dstPitch,eax;

	mov			eax, width;              
	mov			ebx, srcPitch;
	shl			eax, 1;                //width *2
	sub			ebx, eax;              // srcpitch - width*2
	mov			srcPitch, ebx;          
	shr			eax, 3;                 // width /4
	mov			width, eax;

	align 4;
	mov			eax, width;
	mov			ebx, dword ptr[esi];
	align 4;
	movq		mm0, qword ptr [esi];
	movq		mm1, mm0;
	movq		mm2, mm0;
	psllq		mm1, 16;
	pand		mm2, mm7;
	pinsrw		mm1, ebx, 0;
	psrlw		mm2, 1;
	pand		mm1, mm7;
	pextrw		ebx, mm0, 3;
	psrlw		mm1, 1;
	paddw		mm1, mm2;
	movq		mm0, mm1;
	punpckhwd	mm1, qword ptr [esi];
	punpcklwd	mm0, qword ptr [esi];
	movq		mm3, mm1;
	movq		mm2, mm0;
	pand		mm3, mm7;
	pand		mm2, mm7;
	psrlw		mm3, 1;
	psrlw		mm2, 1;
	movq		mm5, mm3;
	movq		mm4, mm2;
	pand		mm5, mm7;
	pand		mm4, mm7;
	psrlw		mm5, 1;
	psrlw		mm4, 1;
	paddw		mm3, mm5;
	paddw		mm2, mm4;

	movq qword ptr [edi], mm0;
	movq qword ptr [edx], mm2;
	movq qword ptr [edi + 8], mm1;
	movq qword ptr [edx + 8], mm3;

	add esi, 8;
	add edi, 16;
	add edx, 16;
	dec eax;
	jnz label3;

	add esi, srcPitch;
	add edi, dstPitch;
	add edx, dstPitch;

	dec ecx;
	jnz label2;



Looks like ASM to me... :P Notice the first one is commented out.


The one used by Zsnes.. copy640x480x16bwin



%include "macros.mac"

EXTSYM vesa2selec,vidbuffer,GUIOn,MMXSupport,resolutn,En2xSaI,antienab,scanlines
EXTSYM hirestiledat,res512switch,curblank,spritetablea
EXTSYM lineleft,_2xSaILineW,_2xSaISuperEagleLineW, _2xSaISuper2xSaILineW
EXTSYM newengen,cfield,HalfTrans
EXTSYM SpecialLine
EXTSYM vidbufferofsb
EXTSYM HalfTransB,HalfTransC

NEWSYM AddEndBytes, resd 1         ; Number of bytes between each line
NEWSYM NumBytesPerLine, resd 1     ; Total number of bytes per line (1024+AddEndBytes)
NEWSYM WinVidMemStart, resd 1

NEWSYM copy640x480x16bwin
   cmp byte[curblank],40h
   jne .startcopy
   mov esi,[vidbuffer]
   mov edi,[WinVidMemStart]
   add esi,16*2+256*2+32*2
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .not239
   cmp byte[resolutn],239
   jne .not239
   add esi,8*288*2
   xor eax,eax
   ; Check if interpolation mode
   cmp byte[FilteredGUI],0
   jne .yi
   cmp byte[GUIOn2],1
   je .nointerp
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   jne .nommx
   cmp byte[En2xSaI],0
   jne near Process2xSaIwin
   cmp byte[antienab],1
   je near interpolate640x480x16bwin
   mov dl,224
   dec dl
   dec dl
   cmp byte[scanlines],1
   je near .scanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],3
   je near .halfscanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],2
   je near .quartscanlines

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopa
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   mov ecx,256
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   je near .yeshires
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .ignorehr
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   ja near .yeshiresng
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmx
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a
   sub esi,256*2
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,256
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a2
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec dl
   jnz near .loopa
   xor byte[res512switch],1
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je .mmx2
   mov byte[ebx],0
   test byte[res512switch],1
   jnz .rightside
   push ebx
   mov ebx,[NumBytesPerLine]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],ax
   mov [edi+ebx],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .b
   pop ebx
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   jmp .return
   push ebx
   mov ebx,[NumBytesPerLine]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi+2],ax
   mov [edi+2+ebx],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .c
   pop ebx
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   jmp .return
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq [eax],mm0
   movq [eax+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,32
   add eax,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq mm2,[eax+16]
   movq [edi+16],mm2
   movq mm3,[eax+24]
   movq [edi+24],mm3
   add eax,32
   add edi,32
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2
   jmp .return
   call HighResProc
   jmp .return

   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bng
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,256*2
   mov ecx,256
   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bngb
   jmp .return

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopab
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopab
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   mov ecx,256
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   je near .yeshiresb
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrb
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returnb
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmxsl
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,256
   mov dword[edi],0
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .fslloop
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec dl
   jnz .loopab
   xor byte[res512switch],1
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmx2
   mov byte[ebx],0
   test byte[res512switch],1
   jnz .rightsideb
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bb
   jmp .returnb
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi+2],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .cb
   jmp .returnb
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxrsl
   jmp .returnb

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopabh
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopabh
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrbh
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returnbh
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmxslh
   mov ecx,256
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abh
   mov ecx,256
   sub esi,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abhs
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec dl
   jnz near .loopabh
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmx2
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq [eax],mm0
   movq [eax+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxrslh
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,32
   add eax,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   movq mm4,[HalfTrans]
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   movq mm2,[eax+16]
   movq mm3,[eax+24]
   pand mm0,mm4
   pand mm1,mm4
   pand mm2,mm4
   pand mm3,mm4
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   psrlw mm2,1
   psrlw mm3,1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq [edi+16],mm2
   movq [edi+24],mm3
   add eax,32
   add edi,32
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2h
   jmp .returnbh

   mov [lineleft],dl
   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopabh2
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopabh2
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrbh2
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returnbh2
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmxslh2
   mov ecx,256
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abh2
   mov ecx,256
   sub esi,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov edx,eax
   and edx,[HalfTrans]
   shr edx,1
   add eax,edx
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abhs2
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopabh2
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .mmx2
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq [eax],mm0
   movq [eax+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxrslh2
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   movq mm4,[HalfTrans]
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   pand mm0,mm4
   pand mm1,mm4
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   movq mm2,mm0
   movq mm3,mm1
   pand mm2,mm4
   pand mm3,mm4
   psrlw mm2,1
   psrlw mm3,1
   paddd mm0,mm2
   paddd mm1,mm3
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add eax,16
   add edi,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2h2
   jmp .returnbh2

   mov ecx,256
   cmp byte[ebx],3
   je near .hiresmode7
   cmp byte[ebx],7
   je near .hiresmode7
   test byte[ebx],4
   jz .nofield
   cmp byte[scanlines],0
   jne .nofield
   test byte[cfield],1
   jz .nofield
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   test byte[ebx],3
   jnz near .hires
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a
   cmp byte[scanlines],0
   jne .nofield
   test byte[cfield],1
   jnz .nofielde
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je .yeshiresngmmxmode7
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a2
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,512
   mov ecx,256
   add esi,75036*4
   mov ax,[esi]
   shl eax,16
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a2b
   sub esi,75036*4
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,512
   add esi,75036*4
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   punpckhwd mm1,mm1
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxrb
   sub esi,75036*4
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near .yeshiresngmmx
   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bng
   test byte[ebx],4
   jz .nofieldb
   cmp byte[scanlines],0
   jne .nofieldb
   test byte[cfield],1
   jnz .lowerfield
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   cmp byte[scanlines],1
   je near .scanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],3
   je near .halfscanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],2
   je near .quartscanlines
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,256*2
   mov ecx,256
   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bngb
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm1,[esi+75036*4]
   movq mm2,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   movq [edi],mm0
   punpckhwd mm2,mm1
   movq [edi+8],mm2
   movq [eax],mm0
   movq [eax+8],mm2
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add eax,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .ngal
   test byte[ebx],4
   jz .nofieldc
   cmp byte[scanlines],0
   jne .nofieldc
   test byte[cfield],1
   jnz .lowerfieldb
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   cmp byte[scanlines],1
   je near .scanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],3
   je near .halfscanlinesmmx
   cmp byte[scanlines],2
   je near .quartscanlinesmmx
   test byte[ebx+1],3
   jz .noaa
   cmp byte[En2xSaI],0
   jne near .antialias
   cmp byte[antienab],0
   jne near .antialias
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,32
   add eax,512
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq mm2,[eax+16]
   movq [edi+16],mm2
   movq mm3,[eax+24]
   movq [edi+24],mm3
   add eax,32
   add edi,32
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   movq mm4,[HalfTrans]
   sub esi,256*2
   movq mm0,[esi+288*2]
   movq mm1,[esi+288*2+75036*4]
   movq mm2,mm0
   punpcklwd mm0,mm1
   punpckhwd mm2,mm1
   movq mm1,[eax]
   movq mm3,[eax+8]
   pand mm0,mm4
   pand mm1,mm4
   pand mm2,mm4
   pand mm3,mm4
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   psrlw mm2,1
   psrlw mm3,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   paddd mm2,mm3
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm2
   add eax,16
   add edi,16
   add esi,8
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2aa
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,256*2
   mov ecx,256
   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov edx,eax
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abhs
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub esi,256*2
   mov ecx,256
   mov eax,[esi+75036*4-2]
   mov ax,[esi]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov edx,eax
   and edx,[HalfTrans]
   shr edx,1
   add eax,edx
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .abhs2
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,32
   add eax,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   movq mm4,[HalfTrans]
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   movq mm2,[eax+16]
   movq mm3,[eax+24]
   pand mm0,mm4
   pand mm1,mm4
   pand mm2,mm4
   pand mm3,mm4
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   psrlw mm2,1
   psrlw mm3,1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   movq [edi+16],mm2
   movq [edi+24],mm3
   add eax,32
   add edi,32
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2h
   mov eax,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   add eax,512
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   movq mm4,[HalfTransC]
   movq mm0,[eax]
   movq mm1,[eax+8]
   pand mm0,mm4
   pand mm1,mm4
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   movq mm2,mm0
   movq mm3,mm1
   pand mm2,mm4
   pand mm3,mm4
   psrlw mm2,1
   psrlw mm3,1
   paddd mm0,mm2
   paddd mm1,mm3
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add eax,16
   add edi,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .mmxr2h2

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopabi
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopabi
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   mov [interPtr],ebx

;    add edi,[VESAAddr]
   mov dl,224
   sub dl,2    ; Compensate for top/bottom line + 2 lines in 2xSaI
   mov byte[lineleft],dl
   mov dword[esi+512],0
   mov dword[esi+512+576*2],0
   mov ebx,[vidbufferofsb]
   add ebx,288*2

   mov dword[esi+512+576*3],0

   mov eax,[interPtr]
   cmp byte[eax],1
   jbe .ignorehr
   push ebx
   mov ebx,[interPtr]
   call HighResProc
   pop ebx
   push ebx
   mov ecx,144
   mov dword[ebx],0FFFFFFFFh
   add ebx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .nextb
   pop ebx
   jmp .returninterp

;srcPtr        equ 8
;deltaPtr      equ 12
;srcPitch      equ 16
;width         equ 20
;dstOffset     equ 24
;dstPitch      equ 28
;dstSegment    equ 32

   push ebx
   mov eax,[NumBytesPerLine]
   push eax
   mov eax,edi         ; destination offset
   push eax
   mov eax,256         ; width
   push eax
   mov eax,576         ; source pitch
   push eax
   push ebx
   mov eax,esi         ; source pointer
   push eax
   cmp byte[En2xSaI],2
   je .supereagle
   cmp byte[En2xSaI],3
   je .super2xSaI
   call _2xSaILineW
   jmp .normal
   call _2xSaISuperEagleLineW
   jmp .normal
   call _2xSaISuper2xSaILineW
   add esp,24
   pop ebx
   add esi,576
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   add edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   add ebx,576
   inc dword[interPtr]
   dec dword[lineleft]
   jnz near .next
   mov ecx,256
   sub edi,[NumBytesPerLine]
   mov dword[es:edi],0
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .loop
   add esi,64
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   add ebx,576
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .next

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopab
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopab
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1

   mov dl,224
   dec dl
   dec dl
   dec dl
   movq mm2,[HalfTransC]
   cmp byte[scanlines],1
   je near .scanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],2
   je near .scanlinesquart
   cmp byte[scanlines],3
   je near .scanlineshalf
   inc ebx
   mov [lineleft],dl
   ; do scanlines
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,64
   mov eax,[esi+510]
   add edx,512
   mov [esi+512],eax
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm3,mm0
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm1,[esi+2]
   pand mm3,mm1
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   pand mm3,[HalfTransB]
   paddw mm0,mm3
   movq mm5,mm4
   ; mm4/mm5 contains original values, mm0 contains mixed values
   punpcklwd mm4,mm0
   punpckhwd mm5,mm0
   movq [edi],mm4
   movq [edi+8],mm5
   movq [edx],mm4
   movq [edx+8],mm5
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .a2
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehr
   call HighResProc
   movq mm2,[HalfTransC]
   jmp .returninterp
   mov eax,[esi+510]
   mov ecx,64
   mov [esi+512],eax
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   ; Process next line
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm3,mm0
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm1,[esi+2]
   pand mm3,mm1
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   pand mm3,[HalfTransB]
   paddw mm0,mm3
   movq mm5,mm4
   ; mm4/mm5 contains original values, mm0 contains mixed values
   movq mm6,[edx]
   movq mm7,[edx+8]
   punpcklwd mm4,mm0
   punpckhwd mm5,mm0
   movq [edx],mm4
   movq [edx+8],mm5
   pand mm0,mm4
   movq mm0,mm6
   pand mm4,mm2
   pand mm6,mm2
   psrlw mm4,1
   psrlw mm6,1
   pand mm0,[HalfTransB]
   paddd mm4,mm6
   paddw mm4,mm0
   movq mm0,mm5
   pand mm0,mm7
   pand mm5,mm2
   pand mm7,mm2
   psrlw mm5,1
   pand mm0,[HalfTransB]
   psrlw mm7,1
   paddd mm5,mm7
   paddw mm5,mm0
   movq [edi],mm4
   movq [edi+8],mm5
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz near .a3
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm0,[edx]
   movq mm1,[edx+8]
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .a4
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .a5

   inc dl
   mov [lineleft],dl
   ; do scanlines
   mov eax,[esi+510]
   mov ecx,64
   mov [esi+512],eax
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrs
   call HighResProc
   movq mm2,[HalfTrans]
   jmp .returninterps
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm1,[esi+2]
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   movq mm5,mm4
   ; mm4/mm5 contains original values, mm0 contains mixed values
   punpcklwd mm4,mm0
   punpckhwd mm5,mm0
   movq [edi],mm4
   movq [edi+8],mm5
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .a
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,256
   mov dword[edi],0
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .fslloop
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   mov ecx,64
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .asl

   inc dl
   mov [lineleft],dl
   ; do scanlines
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrhs
   call HighResProc
   movq mm2,[HalfTrans]
   jmp .returninterphs
   mov eax,[esi+510]
   mov ecx,64
   mov [esi+512],eax
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm1,[esi+2]
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   movq mm5,mm4
   ; mm4/mm5 contains original values, mm0 contains mixed values
   punpcklwd mm4,mm0
   punpckhwd mm5,mm0
   movq [edx],mm4
   movq [edx+8],mm5
   movq [edi],mm4
   movq [edi+8],mm5
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .ah
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub edx,16*64
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm0,[edx]
   movq mm1,[edx+8]
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .ahc
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   add esi,64
   inc ebx
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .ahb

   inc dl
   mov [lineleft],dl
   ; do scanlines
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrqs
   call HighResProc
   movq mm2,[HalfTransC]
   jmp .returninterpqs
   mov eax,[esi+510]
   mov ecx,64
   mov [esi+512],eax
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   movq mm0,[esi]
   movq mm3,mm0
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm1,[esi+2]
   pand mm3,mm1
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   paddd mm0,mm1
   pand mm3,[HalfTransB]
   paddw mm0,mm3
   movq mm5,mm4
   ; mm4/mm5 contains original values, mm0 contains mixed values
   punpcklwd mm4,mm0
   punpckhwd mm5,mm0
   movq [edx],mm4
   movq [edx+8],mm5
   movq [edi],mm4
   movq [edi+8],mm5
   add esi,8
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .ah2
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   sub edx,16*64
   mov ecx,64
   movq mm3,mm2
   movq mm0,[edx]
   movq mm1,[edx+8]
   pand mm0,mm2
   pand mm1,mm2
   psrlw mm0,1
   psrlw mm1,1
   movq mm4,mm0
   movq mm5,mm1
   pand mm4,mm2
   pand mm5,mm2
   psrlw mm4,1
   psrlw mm5,1
   paddd mm0,mm4
   paddd mm1,mm5
   movq [edi],mm0
   movq [edi+8],mm1
   add edi,16
   add edx,16
   dec ecx
   jnz .ahc2
   add esi,64
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .ahb2

NEWSYM interpolate640x480x16bwin
   cmp byte[MMXSupport],1
   je near MMXInterpolwin

   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopabi
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopabi
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   mov [interPtr],ebx

   mov dl,224
   dec dl
   dec dl
   dec dl
   cmp byte[scanlines],1
   je near .scanlines
   cmp byte[scanlines],2
   je near .scanlinesquart
   cmp byte[scanlines],3
   je near .scanlineshalf
   inc dword[interPtr]
   mov [lineleft],dl
   ; do first line
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov bx,[esi+2]
   and ebx,[HalfTrans+6]
   and eax,[HalfTrans+6]
   add ebx,eax
   shl ebx,15
   mov bx,[esi]
   mov [edi],ebx
   mov [edx],ebx
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .a
   add esi,66
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   add edi,4
   mov ebx,[interPtr]
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehr
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returninterp
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov bx,[esi+2]
   and ebx,[HalfTrans+6]
   and eax,[HalfTrans+6]
   add ebx,eax
   shl ebx,15
   mov eax,[edx]
   mov bx,[esi]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   mov [edx],ebx
   and ebx,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   shr ebx,1
   add eax,ebx
   mov [edi],eax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .c
   add edi,4
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   mov ecx,255
   mov eax,[edx]
   mov [edi],eax
   add edx,4
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .d
   add esi,66
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   add edi,4
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopb
   add esi,64
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopb

   xor eax,eax
   mov ebx,hirestiledat+1
   cmp byte[GUIOn],1
   je .loopabis
   cmp byte[newengen],0
   je .loopabis
   mov ebx,SpecialLine+1
   mov ecx,255
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrs
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returninterps
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   je near .yeshiresb
   push ebx
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov bx,[esi+2]
   and ebx,[HalfTrans+6]
   and eax,[HalfTrans+6]
   add ebx,eax
   shl ebx,15
   mov bx,[esi]
   mov [edi],ebx
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab
   pop ebx
   add esi,66
   add edi,4
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,256
   mov dword[edi],0
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .fslloop
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   inc ebx
   dec dl
   jnz .loopab
   xor byte[res512switch],1
   mov byte[ebx],0
   test byte[res512switch],1
   jnz .rightsideb
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .bb
   jmp .returnb
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov [edi+2],ax
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .cb
   jmp .returnb
   add esi,64
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,256
   mov dword[edi],0
   add edi,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .fslloop2
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopab

   xor eax,eax
   mov [lineleft],dl
   mov ebx,[interPtr]
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrhs
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returninterphs
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov bx,[esi+2]
   and ebx,[HalfTrans+6]
   and eax,[HalfTrans+6]
   add ebx,eax
   shl ebx,15
   mov bx,[esi]
   mov [edx],ebx
   mov [edi],ebx
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab2
   add edi,4
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   mov eax,[edx]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov [edi],eax
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab2b
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add esi,66
   add edi,4
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopab2
   add esi,64
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopab2

   xor eax,eax
   mov [lineleft],dl
   mov ebx,[interPtr]
   cmp byte[ebx],1
   jbe .ignorehrqs
   call HighResProc
   jmp .returninterpqs
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   mov ax,[esi]
   mov bx,[esi+2]
   and ebx,[HalfTrans+6]
   and eax,[HalfTrans+6]
   add ebx,eax
   shl ebx,15
   mov bx,[esi]
   mov [edx],ebx
   mov [edi],ebx
   add esi,2
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab3
   add edi,AddEndBytes
   add edi,4
   mov ecx,255
   mov edx,[spritetablea]
   add edx,512
   mov eax,[edx]
   and eax,[HalfTrans]
   shr eax,1
   mov ebx,eax
   and ebx,[HalfTrans]
   shr ebx,1
   add eax,ebx
   mov [edi],eax
   add edi,4
   add edx,4
   dec ecx
   jnz .ab3b
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add esi,66
   add edi,4
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopab3
   add esi,64
   inc dword[interPtr]
   add edi,[AddEndBytes]
   dec byte[lineleft]
   jnz near .loopab3

InterPtr dd 0

Posted (edited)
Looks like ASM to me... :) Notice the first one is commented out.


Looks like something spoken right from the mouth of the Devil to me!


Edited by Cospefogo
Posted (edited)

Thanks bunch, this is great stuff!


SDTV Setup

- Buy an Extron Emotia | See here for more details: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/

- Buy either a Frosty VGA cable, YUV -> VGA converter, or build your own VGA cable

- Set your dash/emulator to 480p

- Set your emulator to 'perfect pixel' size - i.e. 512x448

- Once everything is hooked up, stretch the horizontal size of the picture to the maximum on the Emotia

- Flip the interlacing switch on the front of the Emotia to activate 240p



I thought that 480p was ED, not SD but I'm known to be an idiot with this stuff.. I get some scan lines from the cheepo 480i SD TV I bought super cheep. I wonder how that compares to adding the Extron in the mix.

Edited by sharpfork

The Extron Emotia takes the 480p signal and converts it to 240p. If you are getting scanlines from the XBOX under 480i, its because the image is interlaced and the TV is refreshing a bit slowly. 240p is a stable signal, unlike interlaced. Check out this site for more information:




Its explained very well there. :P



Thanks bunch, this is great stuff!


SDTV Setup

- Buy an Extron Emotia | See here for more details: http://scanlines.hazard-city.de/

- Buy either a Frosty VGA cable, YUV -> VGA converter, or build your own VGA cable

- Set your dash/emulator to 480p

- Set your emulator to 'perfect pixel' size - i.e. 512x448

- Once everything is hooked up, stretch the horizontal size of the picture to the maximum on the Emotia

- Flip the interlacing switch on the front of the Emotia to activate 240p



I thought that 480p was ED, not SD but I'm known to be an idiot with this stuff.. I get some scan lines from the cheepo 480i SD TV I bought super cheep. I wonder how that compares to adding the Extron in the mix.

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