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Released by team-carrot and originally posted by nesworld is this very rare unreleased n64 game glover 2.






Glover 2 - Unreleased Beta Version - CARROT


Title: Glover 2

Date: 03/11/2011

Company: Interactive Studios / Hasbro

Area: USA

System: Nintendo 64

Size: 256 MBits

Supplier: YECA



Hasbro Interactive had planned to release a sequel to "Glover" which had a boxing glove character and was to be released in 2000 named "Glover 2" but the idea was scrapped, though gameplay videos and pictures about the game surfaced on nesworld.com, which discovered a work-in-progress version of the game.



download link.



thanks go to team carrot for releasing this and to nesworld for posting it.


there are aquite a few hidden menus in this game.

first of all here is a way to get a level select.



another hiden menu.

also, in the game if you pause (press start) hit the left button, there's another hidden menu.


also there is a space invaders game and a pool game in there for you to try.

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