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I like the video games and booze, but not alot and only wine or rum in small doses.


My friends are all into pot, good for them but bad for an armed forces girl :msncry:

So what is everyone into?


My vice is the internet. I have troubles focusing on my own programming projects as it is with ADHD.


I have been working on an offline copy of the portions I use(not wikipedia), mainly reference material thanks to wget magic, but the challenge is to just disconnect myself :/


Probably the Internet, and everything it embodies and offers. It's become so integrated with my life that I would be a sobbing wreck if I didn't have an Internet connection.

I can still handle myself socially, mind you, so I'm not exactly a complete shut-in.




I'm addicted to problem solving. Seriously. I love to do it. I have a beaten up Rubik's Cube on my desk that I scramble and solve constantly while working on other puzzles and problems. I don't excessively drink - I don't smoke, use any narcotics, have porn issues, chase women around or anything else.


I just solve puzzles.


Can I ask, what do you mean by "porn issues"?


Those sad people who would rather sit around all day with a remote in one hand, and their meat in the other. No job, no school, no relationships of any sort.. just a mountain of porn.


Indeed sad people, From a societal standpoint, porn, sex, et al, can be and are addictions as bad as meth. All consuming addictions, which includes the previous enumerated, are a black hole for activity, money, manhours, et al, which provides no benefit for the society.


Part of the governments' systems problems are only compounded because so many people are occupied trying to fulfill their primitive desires, and do not otherwise spend time that could benefit their society.


If you want to see what I mean, read Brave New World.

They are too consumed in their own addictions administered by the media/government that they don't look at the problems in front of them, they're too infatuated with their lusts and self-rewarding desires that nothing ever improves.

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