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So this SWTOR has caught my attention... I really just want to play it as a single player with NO PLAYERS but I dont think they have a free single player version so yeah.

My question is,are MMOs really worth the monthly fee, or does it add up to me getting ripped off.

I mean when I think about how much money was spent on WOW per person for one year i shrudder and think "Was is worth it?"


My main grip is I dont see myself dedicating too much time to it with work n school so I just want to know you all think.


It's really only worth how much time you decide to put into it. I spent a ton of money on WoW when Cata came out but I was raiding every night with a dedicated guild, had I been alone I probably would've been done with just the monthly fee and that's it. If you're only going to play the game alone then Swotor is fairly decent since the campaign was designed with making you the star (however the quest line is still saturated with a bunch of "Kill X" or "Retrieve Y" quests).


If you want a good MMO that has single player at heart I'd recommend more Guild Wars, you pay for it once and that's it.


As for free MMO's, from my time dealt with them I don't recommend them all that much. They tend to cost a lot more than the ones you just pay up front with (whether or not that cost is your time or your money is up to you).


Im curious if i buy the game and stop paying can i at least play it offline?


From what I think I now about mmos, they need online conn, which is soo lame considering if your have to stop using internet you have to stop playing this game that you bought with your own money.


Im curious if i buy the game and stop paying can i at least play it offline?


From what I think I now about mmos, they need online conn, which is soo lame considering if your have to stop using internet you have to stop playing this game that you bought with your own money.


According to their website you can't play offline. (http://www.swtor.com/info/faq#170947)


I've only heard good things about SWTOR, if you want to try it I think there is a free trial period last I heard.


I just realized either way, i have to wait cuz my cpu can barely hold SW Knights of the old republic. Is there any site that has cpu giveaways ,lol.

But i guess I can make worth my money, i mean, i use Netflix which is almost the same.

But to think about it, in year i done spent about $280 for one game! Argh! Maybe im just a cheapo!


I'm anticipating The Secret World myself. Not religiously, still holding my breath but the idea of playing an MMO without hours and days and months of grinding character levels, and the occult settings with a bit of paranormal atmosphere drew me in.

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