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I forgot how in-fucking-furiating working on fbal is. I've got everything in and compiled, but now when i go to load the roms, they start loading then quit back to the menu with no sort of error message of any sort. No idea what's going on, nothing. GRRRRR.


sounds like memory issue to me, thats what id check out first

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Too bad there's no way to show how much memory is being used. Not only that, ddp2 and dmnfrnt take less ram than kov2 or martmast.

And I'd love to generate a rom dat, but it freezes on that. :S


Annnd, that's every bit of patience I have. Done for this week.


I'll get back to it, I just don't have any time until at least monday. :S




someone needs to send me an xbox 1 + xdk


If you're serious, I have a 1.0 board with the extra ram. I still want to get a new power supply for it as it was randomly powering off after leaving it on over night. Anyways, when I'm done with it in the next week or so I'd send it to you at no charge. It's the least I could do for all the great work of yours I've hacked up. :P


Try changing the hardware tag. Games running with the "PolyGame Master" or "PolyGame Master based" hardware tag are configured to run on the psikyo.xbe so unless you've added the driver to that executable as well as the default.xbe it won't work. To force them to run in the default.xbe just change the tag to something random.


For the freezing when generating DATS; check the tools/ folder. You should find a partially generated DAT file in there. If you look at the end of this file you can normally figure out which rom caused the problem and why.


Try changing the hardware tag. Games running with the "PolyGame Master" or "PolyGame Master based" hardware tag are configured to run on the psikyo.xbe so unless you've added the driver to that executable as well as the default.xbe it won't work. To force them to run in the default.xbe just change the tag to something random.


For the freezing when generating DATS; check the tools/ folder. You should find a partially generated DAT file in there. If you look at the end of this file you can normally figure out which rom caused the problem and why.

ahh. Psikyo that's the problem. Thanks! I will try to find some time to work on it today. :)


FBL's multi-core setup really can be a pain, but it's all about getting as much free memory as possible. Let me know if I can be of any more help. I may not be much of a coder but I'm more than familiar with the various peculiarities of FBL. :)


This is getting very frustrating. I could have the two games up and running in a matter of minutes, but messing around actually getting fbal to recognize the sets and call the right routines is an absolute nightmare. I would rather spend this time having my teeth pulled without anesthetic. :sad:



As of right now, all the code is there, the sets are in the driverlists for both core and psykio, the roms are correct.

However, they refuse to show up in the scan for the sets. No idea...


Yay! Got it to show both sets. Now to see why the arm7 doesn't seem to be doing anything...

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