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Gravis GamePad Pro! It's the best and it's only $10-$15!

They have it @ Best Buy, Circuit City, just about everywhere. It has the same feel as the PSX controller and will last a lifetime.


Also don't ever buy a Saitek Controller, they are the WORST quailty. I have one myself and I wish I didn't buy it.

bullschmit, i have one and i cant complain, what model is yours? ;)

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I use a PS2 controller with a USB converter from Radio Shack. I've used the Sidewinder which is okay, except I don't like the D-pad. It's kind of difficult to pull of some moves on fighters. I wish I'd known sooner that I could just buy a $10 PS/PS2 (now $5 when I bought another one!!) converter. Some of the places I went to like Circuit City, had really funky and crappy controllers, I mean there were rows and rows of them. By far the sidewinder was the best of the bunch, but just crap to use for me. Whether it's the PS or GC controller you like, you can find USB converters for pretty much any system. IMO the PS controller is the best.

Posted (edited)

Nostromo n45 Dual Analog USB GamePad By Belkin



that's all you need... here are some photos i took of mines :)




here is a shot from above



side view ;)


now just buy it ;)




and that ENTER BUTTON can PAUSE KAWAKS which i think is neat

Edited by -VIOLENCE-

15.99 $ USD at FRY'S ELECTRONICS "Fremont" and "San Jose, but i don't go to that one, too far ;) "


probably 19.99 $ at other places like best buy or somthing :(


Well, the control looks comfortable and seems ergonomic. However I don't like how the D-pad is totally exposted like that, as compared to the Playstation pad in which the diagonal sections are underneath. Controllers with exposed pads like that tend to be to lose.

Posted (edited)

I have tried out a few PC gamepads, Gravis Gamepad Pro, Microsoft Sidewinder, a pad that came with a capcom game, Wingman Rumblepad, and Saitek P880 dual analog.


I liked the sidewinder but after a while it's d-pad started breaking (becoming unresponsive). So I started shopping around for a pad. One major thing for me is that I want to have 6 buttons on the top for fighting games such as the Capcom fighters and have analog sticks, rumble is a plus. So gamepads with 4 on the top are automatically disqualified for me. The logitech pad fit the bill and had great rumble in force feedback games, but it's d-pad was horrible for fighters. I had a hard time pulling off the moves.


I then took that back and I was looking for the new Saitek pads that have rumble, 6-buttons on the top, and dual analog. But my local Game Stop only had the one without rumble but anyway I got it and it's d-pad is a heck of a lot better than the logitech wingman rumblepad. I pull off the moves with ease with that pad (though the pad is exposed on the top but it still works good anyway, best of any I tried maybe a little better than the sidewinder). The only bad part of either pads is that the d-pad by default is a hat switch and you have to hit a button to toggle the main joystick axis between the d-pad and the left analog stick.


Though after all is said and done I think the ultimate pad is not a pad at all. Rather, it is a arcade joystick if you are a hardcore fighting game fan.

Edited by smoke

Weirdanzeige -


:( you will not regret it it's a very far out control pad!


it's TOPS! Smashing! ROXY! Best of the lot! :P


Hey, does the sidewinder say thrustmaster where there "sony" would be on the controller? Because mine has that, well it's tight cuz it has like 12 buttons, 2 next to the d-pad, 6 buttons where the regual ones go and 2 on each side where the L and R buttons would go. it's good for those 6 butto capcom fighters but what i really want is either that negeo arcade stick that come with the system or one of those X arcade sticks, they're like $80 on e-bay i think.

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