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Are you a Developer or XBOX Enthusiast? Start your FREE BLOG here on 1Emulation!

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Just wanted to let you guys all know you can create your very own 1Emulation.com Blog for free!


Are you a developer or XBOX enthusiast? Post your progress for works, upload your legal development projects, or keep your fans up to date with your latest programs or thoughts on XBOX hacking. :-)


Make your free blog here: http://www.1emulatio...m/forums/blogs/


NOTE: You must first be registered on the forums (free too!) to create a blog!

Once you are registered, a link will appear to create your own blog.


And even better, you aren't required to give all your personal details and real name... unlike SOME other blog sites.


And even better, you aren't required to give all your personal details and real name... unlike SOME other blog sites.

Indeed... a great point made. Unfortunately, blogging on places like Facebook and other social networking sites don't really allow you to truly say what you believe. Why? Because you don't have the ability of running under an anonymous alias, which you do have here with our amazing free blogging system.

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