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I had one set my bedroom on fire.

I had one know she was pregnant before she met me and told me the kid was mine.

I had one that thought it was ok to sleep with my friends and act like it was cool. (she still does this now she has 4 kids and never keeps a guy for longer than a few months or a year) I got a little revenge on facebook when she posted up on a friends status - I said "Oh my god you get about dont you alison!" Hah blam.

The last one i had although not a psyco was not able to take blame or change her patterns, the minute she knows she has no "guy in her life" she goes in to meltdown mode. CAN NOT COPE WITHOUT A GUY. This one gave birth to my son. Little tart.Little liar. Little tramp. The only thing that keeps her from being a total douche in my eyes is that she is a good mother to my son. I watch her like a hawk. As soon as she fucks up i will level a mountain down her throat.


I had one burgle my house because i sent her ass packing and she knew my front door was faulty. Scum.


I had one pretend she fell pregnant to me - Yawn, she was like the third one who tried this i got bored of it at this point, just said "come back when he is born and have a dna test" She wasnt even pregnant.


Leila wasnt a psyco but she had a coke problem - i couldnt cope with it anymore. Glad I got out. I once power slammed her.


My first girl - hahaha - gross, 4 kids - total cunt rag, think she fucked half the estate after i split from her. I used to have to hide when she came down the street she would walk up to me and be like "Where the fuck were you!!!!" Id be like "Yeah i dont go out with you anymore." Caught her walking the street with some guy - she then started to hit me. hahaha what a fucking clown.


I had my chances with a girl whos father was a millionaire but i dint take that chance.


Right now I have ZERO and I mean ZERO interest in women.

There is nothing available anyway, plus i know when i need to i can get my "game on" and go hunting.


Out of them all Leila and zoe were the closest i came to normal - after time though im not sure if leila cheated on me or not though, there was patches when i would totally turn off and not have sex with her. Zoe was just well we were both young, still learning.


For some reason I still love my "mean evil ex" if you can explain that to me im all ears but she is still the one i miss.

I cant have her so fuck it what does it matter.


For fucks sake man...


:Cant find the right smiley for this:


i just posted what I knew man, the gil who torched my bedroom, it was in my parents house, she would chill in there watching TV waiting for me to get home from work, We used to smoke a lot of pot and i had a gas canister refill for my lighters...

A chunk of my carpet was flamed. Haha - bloody kids!

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