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UnleasherSpin project
by gilou9999

original release thread.


quote taken from readme file

UnleasherSpin launcher by Gilou9999 (only for CRT tv or SDtv users!)

The original Xbox is perfect for the retro gaming experience, but unfortunatelly it lacks seriously a Good launcher
with a serious "retro gaming" spirit on it; that's why i decided to create one.
Especially my launcher features ALL the capabilities of UnleashX (ftp transfer, file editing, file explorer, all the xbox system settings etc..)
wich is a REAL advantage!

HOW to use:

it's really easy, you just have to have unleashX on your xbox (wich is certainly the case if you have softmodded it),then:


1) open the "config.xml" and "itemlist.xml" with notepad and edit them to have your emu names to match mines (it can seems
its long but believe me you'll save time doing this); the manual method works well but is a lot longer.
2) put the "unleasherspin" folder on F (or E if you want but you'll have to edit more)
3) put the "unleasherspin skin" on /E/dashboard/skins/unleasherspin
4) select the new skin on unleash and don't forget to press "start" to validate it (or else it won't save properly)
if the skin doesn't save after a reboot, delete the unleash save folder (/E/UDATA/9e115330), and select the new skin again
5) put the new Uxsplash.jpeg on /E/UDATA/9e115330/0064122817A8/Uxsplash.jpeg (you'll have a beautifull pacman logo everytime you launch unleashX
6) put the new config.xml and itemlist.xml on E/dashboard


1) simply press start in front of any emu,apps or item when on unleashX, then, indicate manually where is the video and icon for each item;
it will be a little more long, but will work perfectly lol

Also you will be able to have a video preview for each xbox games of course, AND with unleasherspin you will also be able to use the XBOX GAMES WIDE icons (there is a big wide icons pack available on iso zone, no worries, it covers almost ALL xbox games)



2 link download and mirrorlinks ( 1 link at 140mb and 1 link at 107mb)

first part download and mirrorlinks (140mb)




second part download and mirrorlinks (107mb)




unrar with 7zip.

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