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Just releaed today is an update for xboyadvance for the xbox.
by cmkn1983

xboyadvance plays gba,gb,gbc games.
this is based off xboyadvane v23,the last version released by xport.
there is a newer v24 release but this released is based off the v23 source releae.

quote by cmkn1983

This is the last xport-xboyadvance source code compiled with some nice optimization made on vba next by libretro team and the vba-m autor,bgK.
The most noticiable improvement was the change of gfxDrawTextScreen to a tile-based rendering. Now, the emulator runs about 8 to 12 (depending on game) FPS more faster than the old xport version. Some gba games now run at fullspeed on xbox
with 0 frameskip, even with filter super scale 2x scanline enabled :-)

Here some results testing well known games with frameskip option on xboyadvanced set to 1:

- Donkey Kong Country 1 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Crash Bandicoot 2 n-tranced - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Mario Kart - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Metroid Fusion - Fullspeed (60FPS) (some dips to 58,57 FPS here an there) no filter
- Castlevaia Aria of Sorrow - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Castlevania Circle of the Moon - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Final Fantasy 1 & 2 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (FPS dips on batlle screen) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Golden Sun 1 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip, FPS dips on Battle) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Sonic Adventure - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) no filter
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled

Unfortunately, some games like donkey kong 2,3, tony hawk games and others are still slow :sad:, but i think this is a good choice for those who dont have a trusty xbox.

Hope you like it

the download is a default.xbe file so just replace the default.xbe in xboyadvance v23 with this new release.

first a download link for xboyadvance v23.


optimised default.xbe download.
1 link download and mirrorlinks




remember just replace the default.xbe in xboyadvance v23(first download) with the new optimised default.xbe(second download).


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