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XboyAdvance v24b03
released by madmab.

i am not sure if this is an official release or a beta,either way thanks to everyone involved as always.

XBoyAdvance - GBA/GBC/GB/SGB/SGB2 Emulator for XBox v24b3

recent changes..

Updated to use the latest madmab edition interface changes. This is currently beta. More info and other goodies on actual release.

* Optimizations from VBA Next by libretro team, Vba-m team, bgK. cmkn1983 for porting the optimizations to the Xbox
* These optimizations include

- Graphic rendering engine change to tile-based rendering. Emulator runs about 8 to 12 (depending on game) FPS more faster. Some gba games now run at fullspeed on xbox with 0 frameskip, even with filter super scale 2x scanline enabled

Here are some results testing well known games with frameskip option on xboyadvanced set to 1:

- Donkey Kong Country 1 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Crash Bandicoot 2 n-tranced - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Mario Kart - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Metroid Fusion - Fullspeed (60FPS) (some dips to 58,57 FPS here an there) no filter
- Castlevaia Aria of Sorrow - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip) no filter
- Castlevania Circle of the Moon - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Final Fantasy 1 & 2 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (FPS dips on batlle screen) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Golden Sun 1 - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 Frameskip, FPS dips on Battle) super scale 2x scanline enabled
- Sonic Adventure - Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) no filter
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 Fullspeed (60FPS) (0 frameskip) super scale 2x scanline enabled

Unfortunately, some games like donkey kong 2,3, tony hawk games and others are still slow :sad:, but i think this is a good choice for those who dont have a trusty xbox.

* If a faster processor is detected (aka Trusty) the Frameskip will default to 0. This will only apply to games without configurations. On games without configurations you have to manually set the framerate to 0.

1 link download and mirrorlinks 22mb




update releaed.

bug found and fixed.

A little bug: GBA Perfect pixel defaults to GB screen resolution (only tested 720p)

just relace the default.xbe in the emulator from the download in thefirst post with this new default.xbe.

1 link download and mirrorlinks.




thanks to madmab.

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