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MuchimeX v0.5 (MuchimeX: Multi Chinese Machine Emulator for Xbox)


This is a new emulator that I am working on. MuchimeX emulates the SPG2XX family processors manufactured by Sunplus. These processors are used by hundreds of devices: consoles, TV plug-and-play games, multimedia players... Once we have emulated the processor, if we add the emulation of the rest of their components, we should be able to emulate all these machines. So, MuchimeX hopes to emulate a huge amount of 16-bit machines that use this kind of processors :)

At the moment, some consoles like JungleTac's Sport Vii or some Jakks Pacific TV Plug 'n Play videogames are already emulated (although the sound is not emulated yet). The emulation is almost perfect and full-speed, except in the sound.

As a final surprise for people with children, the Vtech V.smile console use the same kind of Sunplus processor, so in the future this emulator will probably be able to perform a partial emulation of this console. At the moment, some V.smile games like the Cinderella and Ariel ones do load, but they are still not playable because I have not emulated the controls yet.

MuchimeX: Multi Chinese Machine Emulator for Xbox


MuchimeX tries to emulate a lot of machines that use a SPG2xx processor (manufactured by Sunplus) with the u'nSP instruction set. This includes several consoles like JungleTac's Sport Vii, a lot of Jakks Pacific TV Plug 'n Play videogames, and lots of other electronic devices.

Furthermore, there are other consoles like the Vtech V.smile that use this same processor. Currently this emulator doesn't support their games, but in the future it will probably do it.

The emulation is almost perfect and full-speed, except in the sound. The sound is not emulated, because the original PC emulator has not emulated the sound neither.


It is really difficult to find roms/bios dumps for this kind of devices, but at the moment I have managed to test it with success, wiith all these systems/bios/roms:

* Sport Vii / Chintendo Vii: All the internal games work, mainly controlled with the HandyBar/Viimote (read the "Controls" and the "Viimote" sections for more information to play these games).

* Sport Vii / Chintendo VII cartridges: I have tested the VC_1 and VC_2 (named "7 in 1" and "10 in 1"), with success. The VC_3 cartridge probably works too, but I have not been able to find a dump of it. Please, let me know if you managed to test it.

* Jakks Pacific plug 'n play games: I have tested if with the games Batman and Wall-e, with success. Other games like the Winnie the Pooh one, must work too. And a lot of other Jakks Pacific games should work with a few adds/changes in the emulator. If you find more dumps and they don't work, let me know and I will try to patch the emulator to support them.

* As a final surprise, there are a few V.smile games that already load (like the Cinderella and the Ariel ones) but they are still not playable because the controls are still not emulated. But you can load them and see the title screen, as a proof that we are really close to achieve a partial emulation of the Vtech V.smile console. On the other hand, games that use other devices like the VMotion or the V.smile CD, will not work yet, because these devices are not emulated in this emulator yet.

* Besides, there are a lot of 16-bit chinese cheap consoles with hundreds of internal games that use this same Sunplus processor, so if we manage to find a dump of their bios/roms, they will probable work in this emulator too (maybe a little patch will be needed, some kind of "2 minutes fix").


If you search for ROMS, you will probably find only 2: Chintendo VC_1 and VC_2 (or "10 in 1" and "7 in 1"), because those are "roms" (cartridges). The rest of the games are internal of these consoles, so you must search for the keyword "BIOS", not "roms". For example, the "Batman" and "Wall-e" games are the BIOS of these Plug 'n Play consoles. Also, the keyword "dump" can be usefull to find these kind of roms/bios.


The button mapping is extremely easy:

D-pad: D-pad
A-button: A-button
B-button: B-button
X-button: C-button
Start button: Menu button

The BACK button displays the Viimote configuration options, and START+BACK will exit from the game/emulator.


If you play the internal games of the Vii (the "Vii.bin" bios) you should use the Handybar/Viimote to control them. As the Xbox does not have a viimote-like device, I have mapped our analog thumbsticks to the movement of the viimote in its 3 axis. Remember that the Viimote can move in 3 axis (x,Y,Z), basically: left-right, up-down, forward-backward.

These are the mappings to emulate the 3 possible movements of the Viimote:

LEFT-RIGHT movement: You must move the LEFT thumbstick to the Left/Right

UP/DOWN movement: You must move the LEFT thumbstick to Up/Down

FORWARD/BACKWARD: You must move the RIGHT thumbstick to Up/Down


If you select to play a game that needs the Viimote, the emulator will prompt the Viimote configuration options. Also, you can change these options by pressing the BACK button during the game. These are the options:

* Viimote accuracity: You can choose between "Very accurate" (default value), "Accurate" or "Average". If you choose "Very accurate", the value of the Viimote movement will depend of the movement of the thumbstick with a big accuracy: if you move the thumbstick to the maximum, that will be like a movement of the Viimote with a maximum acceleration. If you move the thumbstick a few, that will be like a very light movement of the Viimote.

On the other extreme, if you select "Average", every move that you do in the thumbstick, will be mapped to an average movement of the Viimote (it is like moving it with a medium acceleration).

And if you select "Accurate", it is similar to the "Very accurate" option but with less accuracy. Usually, the "Accurate" option gives faster values than the "Very accurate" one.

* X-axis: You can choose between "Normal" and "Inverted". If you choose "Inverted", the left and right movement of the left thumbstick will be inverted. This is very usefull to play a couple of games that (I don't know why) have inverted this X axis, like "Bird Knight" or "Come On!".


Copy the emulator in the hard disk, and put your roms and/or BIOS in the "roms" folder. They must be uncompressed, with the BIN extension. After that, run the "default.xbe" and select the "rom" or "bios" that you want to play to.


I have found only a few BIOS/ROMS but all of them play very well (at full speed) but without sound. Sound is still not emulated. You can play to the games "10in1", "7in1", the Vii internal games, Batman, and Walle, and probably some more if you find their dumps.

All the games work with the normal buttons, except the internal games of the Vii, that use both the normal buttons and the Viimote.

I want to say some things about the internal games of the Vii that use the Viimote:

* Almost all the games are easy to control, because you must move only one of the thumbsticks in them (for example, in the Darts game, you move only the right thumbstick to drop the dart).

* The games Alacrity Golf, Baseball and Ping Pong can be difficult to control, because you must move both thumbsticks at the same time. They are playable though.

* There is one game that I have not been able to control well: "Come On!". I allways launch the fish too far.







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