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Will all XBOX360 pads if I get the lead to connect it to the PC work?

This is a black wireless one of a newer model 360.

I have a ps3 pad but my pad lead is really tiny so its not playable, besides windows takes the 360 pads much better than say motionjoy for the PS3. Motionjoy has a habit of crashing my rigs.



so it will take the wire if i can track one down?

I just remember once i had a 360 pad and it would only charge from the PC.


I use a wired 360 controller on my pc for emulators and south park. If it comes with a wire attached its better than the controllers with the detachable wire.

Posted (edited)

If it's wireless, you need to buy a dongle. See here: http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Windows/dp/B000HZFCT2


Honestly, like one person mentioned here, wired is better. it's cheaper and close to no latency.


I have a wired controller, but it's pretty beat up. Right now, I use a DS4, and it seems to work fine, I have not encountered any issues.

Edited by LoRd_SnOw
Posted (edited)

I don't have a 360pad, so I can't help with that, but...

IMO the PS3 pad is tons better wirelessly. You don't need the crappy MotionInjoy driver, the Scarlet.Crush productions driver is free/opensource and for $14.99 you can get a nice Bluetooth dongle to use your PS3 pad wirelessly with your pc :-)


I recommend the Trendnet TBW-107UB, I got it from bestbuy.com (search "trendnet bluetooth" there) w/free shipping.

Here's a link to the driver/info/forum:


Wiki: http://emulation-general.wikia.com/wiki/XInput_Wrapper_SCP

p.s. avoid the cheap bluetooth dongles, you might save $5, but it will cause you more than $5 worth of trouble in the longrun.


bye for now & best regards,

- dink

Edited by dink

I like dink's option best, however personally I would still go wired. Ever console I had up till the ps3 was wired and its what I'm comfortable with. Beyond that I also quite like that It doesn't need charging. The latency is a big deal in some of the games you may play. I've been trying to get the ps2 emulator working (I keep forgetting to use the utility on my ps2 to get the root info to run it) so I can play at work.


I know they developed the 360 controllers to work with windows computers pretty effortlessly. Plug n play style.


I have a wireless dongle for my 360 pad, as well as a wired controller. I don't use the wireless one on PC as it's a serious fucking pain in my ass sync'ing it back and forth between my 360 and PC.

Mind you I also don't use wireless on my 360 either, I always use the wired controller. I really think they need to start bundling TWO wired controllers with consoles...and make wireless shit an accessory. I don't sit 300 feet from my TV...

I don't care for cordless tools either, they're pieces of shit no matter the brand compared to corded tools.

  • Like 1

If it's wireless, you need to buy a dongle. See here: http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Wireless-Gaming-Receiver-Windows/dp/B000HZFCT2


Honestly, like one person mentioned here, wired is better. it's cheaper and close to no latency.


I have a wired controller, but it's pretty beat up. Right now, I use a DS4, and it seems to work fine, I have not encountered any issues.


Monies tight at the moment, should probably sell or PX the wireless pad because its next to brand new.

I think I have 70 bucks to last me 11 days.

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