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Pcsxr 360 v2.0.6.a
ps1 emulator for jtag/rgh xbox 360

release info


- Better sound. Thanks to ced2911.
- Better Gui with game cover and profile settings. Thanks to dreamboy.
-Two game view modes in game seletion both with covers(horizontal mode and vertical mode). Thanks to dreamboy
-Games will be recognized with the extension .bin, .iso, .img, .mdf so all the other extensions will be ignored (no more duplicated roms because of the .cue files, etc). Thanks to dreamboy
- Ability to load and save profile settings, including shaders. Thanks to cmkn1983.
- Add a game guide reader. I'm still working on this :P


- Replace all files.
-Two little homebrew psx games are included in the release to show how the cover(back or front cover) files must be renamed and how the settings work.
-Put all your games(bin,cue, cdd, img,etc) files on "games" folder. Don't use a separated folder for each game inside the "games" folder.
- Make sure to make a game profile before launch a game, pressing Y button.
- Make sure to load a game profile before launch the game pressing B button(the game must be highlighted). A message showing profile loaded and game name will appear.
- Press “Back” Button to change the cdr plugin.
- Deleting files from memory card: Just load the psx bios(.bin file) on bios folder. you'll see a black screen. Press “start “and “Back “ buttons to go to OSD menu. Reset the game(bios) and the psx bios will be loaded.

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I got 2 games i tried and they both worked. My controls are a bit laggy. A great emu even with its flaws. defiantly waiting for another release.


@bambi reading online it seems that the last version of this emulator did not have issues with controller lag and was a bit more reliable.


here is a link to download the last version of this emulator if anyone wishes to try it out.



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