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well it doesnt matter what format the CD image is in, it can be BIN, ISO, CDI, NRG, or anything else, all that matters is that you burn it right, I suggest Using Alchohol 120% as it supports all major formats and has a PSX game burning setting so you know your doing it right


As for the CDs, No it can be any kind of disc as long as its CD-R, if you want it to look really official and you have a CD printer and everything go with the black ones, but it really doesnt matter, i use both, whatevers on sale hehe


1. that boot disc works, MAKE SURE YOU GET A SLIDE CARD TOO hehe it makes it soooo much easier (buy from www.consolesource.com they have the Discs and Slide card that i have and they work awsome)


2. Use Alchohol 120% to burn, its easy as hell and even has preset burning settings for PSX and PS2


I've been using that method you posted for burning PSX games with Nero, and the isos work just fine on ePSXe. I shouldn't have any problems when playing them on a Playstation or PS2, should I?


By the way, I'm thinking of getting the PS2 Boot Discs/slide card.


ok good, slide card and boot disc are better because


1. Theres no mod chip to detect, so all games will always boot

2. It doesnt edit or BIOS or any crap like that so when you play online then no one will know :D


anyway, If its an OFFICIAL game and it works in Epsxe then it will work in your PSX, im not sure about PS2, if you have the slide cards then it should work


Any homebrew/custom games SHOULD work, but theres no garuntee, Epsxe tends to have better compatibility than the real PSX nowadays hehe, but just try it, it should work if it works in Epsxe theres just no garuntee

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