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MessTrex V1b01 And XVectrex Version 1
by madmab

this is a release of 2 new emulator ports for the original xbox and they both emulate the vectrex.

xvectrex readme


Xvextrex v1(by madmab)

Thank you Rojola for the french translation.

Xvectrex is an xbox port of vecx, a vectrex emulator.
The screen and joystick are emulated.

* Don't forget. ROMs need to be unzipped.

* Added in overlay support from Vectrex SDL version

* Added in sound support from Vectrex Dingo (note: Annoying buzz sound fixed)

* Emulator now remembers the location of last selected rom.

* I included some extra system ROM files. To use them just rename them to "rom.dat". They are "fast.dat" and "skip.dat". Warning: Some games don't like "skip.dat".

* Filename are displayed in full case. Sort code modified to handle this.

* To Do *

+ Overlay positioning and/or size may be off just a little.

+ Maybe alternate controller configurations?

+ Convert to madmab edition interface.

I found a bug in XvectrecX where if you start a game, press start, display the file list and press start again the emu would get stuck in a loop.

messtrex readme


MessTrex - A GCE Vectrex Emulator port for XBox v1b01
Based on a7800x MESS core which is based on Mess 0.107 (yeah I know.. old!!)

* features *

* Sound!

* BIOS selectable between "Default", "Fast Intro", and "Skip Intro"

* Madmab edition interface with Xtras support and other goodies!


For now this emulator compliments my release of XvectreX v1b1 until that emulator is "madmabized"!. Here are the pros and cons of it compared to XvectreX.


* Uses madmab edition interface

* Appears to have slightly more accurate sound.

* Buttons are mappable, video mode selectable, etc (everything you've come to expect from a madmab edition emu).

* Analog joystick support may be possible.


* Slower in some cases (xvectrex is way faster)

* No overlay support (yet)

* What else is there to say? Just read the to do list and watch the progress of this emulator

* To do for MessTrex *

* Add in overlay support.

* Add in analog support for games that use it.

* Add option for Antialiased vectors (Yes/No)?

* Add option for Flicker (0 - 100% ) ?

* Add option for Beam Width ( 1 - 16 in 0.05 increments) ?

* Cheat system needs checking it should be working.

* Should I enable predefined controllers / config DB? (some games use funky setups)

* Issues *

* Rewind is b0rked and probably will stay b0rked. (Most likely an issue of old MESS render code VS new render code.

download link for xvectrex v1


download link for messtrex v1b01



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