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PCSXR-360 2.1.0




- Just one build. No more 2 builds(old and new cdr plugin). Cdda
games are working fine and the compatibility was maintained (dead or
alive and others games), in a single default.xex

- Added option to exit to dash on main menu.(right thumb click button)

- Added linear filter options(again)

- Fixed the weird characters that appears in the end of the text when you load a game guide. Byte order mark issues. Still, remember to
set any gameguide text on notepad to unicode big endian format ( File->save as, then change from ansi to unicode big endian, then save the gameguide.txt).

- Back("B") button is really a back button now, like it should be, in the main menu. On previous version, this button was used to load the
profile settings,sorry for my stupidity :P

- Added cpu bias option. Turning this option "on" will make the emulator run faster,
setting the bias in the core to "3", but it
will underclock the psx cpu. It's good for some
games that dont use the full psx power, most 2d games or some
3d games with less cpu demand like brigandine. Heavy cpu games (tekken 2,3) will suffer from a lot of slowdowns.

- Added Front mission 3 fix on main menu

* Bug regression-freeze fixes

- Soul Calibur(when you finish the game)
- Tomb Raider 3 (when entering on ingame menu and try to return to the game again)
- Brave Fencer Musashi (voices)
- Valkirie Profile (BGM)

* Freeze Fix

- Front Mission 3 (random freezes in battles when your wanzer or the enemy wanzer has the legs smashed)


Important notes about the fixes and other stuff.

Some people are getting trouble to make the emulator work. It seems a compatibility issue between the new versions of freestyle dash and the emulator. For now, the only workaround i know is use a old version of freestyle. I'm using freestyle 3.0 revision 483 and it works fine smile1.gif

These fixes was not made by me. It was made thanks to efforts of lots of devs(shalma,edgbla,notaz,ckain and a lot others from the pscsx,
pcsx-df and reloaded teams. Big thanks to these devs, and of course, to ced2911, that brought to us the first stable 360 release smile1.gif


source code included with this version

cheers !!!



-fixed default.xex (crash-team-racing-fix)






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