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Thanks robert for keeping some form of mameui going. I have only ever used mameui but I always downloaded your master branch and patched it with the "hiscore/no nag" patch. I ran into a few compile issues throughout the releases but overall it was fairly simple to do. I had managed to download you arcade 178 source and merge it with the official mame 178 source to try and compile a build with the hi score/no nag patch and I was successful however with arcade 179 I am running into familiar compile issues of the past, namely the old 'windows_x64' recipe makefile stuff. I even get the same error when i just try to compile arcade 179 without the hi score/no nag patch.


does anyone know how to solve these errors


Archiving libatari.a...
makefile:950: recipe for target 'windows_x64' failed
make: *** [windows_x64] Error 2

yeah this is the error


Archiving libatari.a...
makefile:950: recipe for target 'windows_x64' failed
make: *** [windows_x64] Error 2
and then the compiling stops.
I have since downloaded your mameui-master.zip file and tried to compile that only to find similar problems using this command.
make -j12 SUBTARGET=arcade OSD=winui STRIP_SYMBOLS=1 and I get this
Compiling src/devices/cpu/m6502/n2a03.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/m6502/r65c02.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/m6809/hd6309.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/m6809/konami.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/mcs96/i8x9x.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/mcs96/i8xc196.cpp...
Compiling src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.cpp...
Archiving liboptional.a...
Compiling src/mame/mame.cpp...
Compiling src/version.cpp...
Building driver list...
Emitting mamevers.rc...
1331 source file(s) found
Compiling resources src/osd/winui/mame.rc...
31294 driver(s) found
Compiling generated/mame/arcade/drivlist.cpp...
Linking mamearcadeui64.exe...
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x4a73): undefined reference to `MyFillSoftwareList(int,
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x4cc2): undefined reference to `SoftwareList_GetNumberO
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x4f52): undefined reference to `MessReadMountedSoftware
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x67ee): undefined reference to `DevView_RegisterClass()
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x707f): undefined reference to `InitMessPicker()'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x73a9): undefined reference to `CreateMessIcons()'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x7ac6): undefined reference to `MySoftwareListClose()'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x8d95): undefined reference to `MessApproveImageList(HW
ND__*, int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x8df1): undefined reference to `MessApproveImageList(HW
ND__*, int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x949f): undefined reference to `MessApproveImageList(HW
ND__*, int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0x9ee1): undefined reference to `MessCommand(HWND__*, in
t, HWND__*, unsigned int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0xa20c): undefined reference to `MessApproveImageList(HW
ND__*, int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0xaf9d): undefined reference to `MessUpdateSoftwareList(
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0xb503): undefined reference to `MessUpdateSoftwareList(
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0xc7f5): undefined reference to `MessApproveImageList(HW
ND__*, int)'
../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release/libosd_winui.a(winui.o):winui.cpp:(.text+0xdc74): undefined reference to `MessUpdateSoftwareList(
: undefined reference to `g_szSelectedItem'
0x0): undefined reference to `g_szSelectedDevice'
re]+0x0): undefined reference to `g_szSelectedSoftware'
collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status
mamearcade.make:264: recipe for target '../../../../../mamearcadeui64.exe' failed
make[2]: *** [../../../../../mamearcadeui64.exe] Error 1
makefile:376: recipe for target 'mamearcade' failed
make[1]: *** [mamearcade] Error 2
makefile:954: recipe for target 'windows_x64' failed
make: *** [windows_x64] Error 2
I also see that there is a folder inside src/osd called "winui_fx". If I wish to compile mameuifx do I replace src/osd/winui with src/osd/winui_fx or is it compiled with options such as OSD=winui_fx?

okay thanks for your help however I managed to compile arcade64 .179 from muccis script here http://www.1emulation.com/forums/topic/35698-compile-script-for-arcade/ and it seems to work however everytime I try to load a rom I get this


[LUA ERROR] in run: plugin\boot.lua:23 stack index 1, expected

userdata, received userdata




[LUA ERROR] 7 loading Lua script


I didnt set any options in arcade64 to run any scripts/plugins so how do I fix this?

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