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An update to MAME 72 Release2 for the xbox 360 originally coded by lantus.
new update by Gamezfan.
compiled by Traace

Sourecode included in download

New games now supported

Dunk Dream 95
Grand Striker 2
Heavy Smash ( see below )
Hoops '96
Mouse Shooter GoGo
Skull Fang
World Cup Volley 95 ( see below )

Games fixed and now working

Avengers In Galactic Storm

Games now with sound or improved sound

Alien Syndrome
Altered Beast
Combat School
Dharma Doujou
ESWAT Cyber Police
Golden Axe
Lady Killer
Last Fortress - Toride
Pang Poms
Passing Shot
Riot City
Sky Alert
Sonic Boom
Space Firebird (Via Samples)
The Karate Tournament
Time Scanner
Toride II Adauchi Gaiden
Wonderboy III Monsterlair (Set 1)


Added sound sample support for Nintendo's Space Firebird
Fixed a sprite bug in Ghost's n Goblins
Improved the MCU simulation for Renegade
Hooked up the Metro driver with the UPD7810 sound CPU core
Updated the UPD7759 soundcore to MAME78 fixing sound issues with lots of Sega System 16 games
Fixed slowdown issues in Double Dragon (code via BritneysPAIRS)
improved sound tempo and pitch for Combat School
Updated the ARM CPU core making some changes so the new Data East games will work
Updated the UPD7810 CPU core as some changes were needed to get the sound to work in the Metro games
Added support for iq_132's Deco_mlc video code into vidhrdw/avengrgs.c
added support for the Deco_mlc driver via drivers/avengrgs.c
Fixed sound pitch and levels for Asterix

Information about sourcecode

Changelog (Diffs. between this and gamez fan source) :
- Replaced AtgFramework 2008 with AtgFramework 2010
- Fixed Xbox audio driver symbole error
- Fixed deployment order
- Temp.exclude asurabld, asurabus, denjinmk
- Added cage.c to solutions | Added deco156.c to solutions
- Uncomment wcvol195, wcvol195x, hvysmsh, hvysmsha, hvysmshj in drives.c

link for MAME72_Release7_2018

link for new roms added to this release

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