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  Spitfie said:
We'll i got a lil package off of NG called New Kawa-X SE Default.xbe + Mslug5 Rom. When i installed the new default.xbe overwriting my old one the menu changed to Kawa-X for Newer Games in my xbox menu. But the SVC wont work. So i just took the new default.xbe added in the neogeozip, the mslug rom and the rest of the emulator files from the kawa x se folder. Made a new folder called Kawa X SE 2. Copied dat baby over and now i have to kawa x options in my menu. Kawa X SE and Kawa X SE for Newer Games. The first one is for all the Old goodies ie Sam Sho 5, SVC Chaos, Cthd 03 and whatever. And the Kawa X SE for Newer Games is what i use to Play Mslug 5. Let metal slug sit in his on little special program where no one bothers him since he wants to act nutty when everyone else *SVC Chaos Roms* are around. I can email the new default.xbe i got and peeps can use it like i did.  :rolleyes:

Default.xbe to play mslug5nd isn't mine, because I've not updated Kawa-X SE (SE means Second Edition).

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We'll i got a lil package off of NG called New Kawa-X SE Default.xbe + Mslug5 Rom.


yea that was my post of the default.xbe but if you've read a page or 2 back i explained what had to be done for svcplus to work cuz svcbl is replaced with mslug5n


but to save you the trouble of looking and to anyone else that grabed it, all you gotta do is rename the one m1 and 4 v roms to 268_xx.rom of svcplus (xx= v1-4 and the m1)


sorry about the mix up as i didn't know that there was only one set of v roms and one m1 that was to both svc's in the default.xbe (nice way the trick the meu Mr. X :rolleyes: )




Kawa-X is now ready on 2 default.xbe + mslug5nd support with all the censored games, all the games work perfectly


So, about the changes, on the 1st default.xbe (called Kawa-X 0.11) you can notice :


- mslug5nd instead of kof2k1nd ;


- kof99nd instead of garoup (prototype) ;


- kof2k1nd (now called kof2k1n because it is only predecrypted, but not fully decrypted) instead of kof99nd ;


- cthd2k3 (use Neorage X version because it is fully decrypted) instead of kof99p (prototype).


Finally, the only removed games around the 2 default.xbe are just the prototypes : kof99p & garoup. But garoun & kof99nd (the decrypted romsets) are fully playable.


On the 2nd default.xbe (called Kawa-Hex 0.11) you can notice :


- pim instead of kof98 ;


- kof2k2nd instead of kof2k1nd ;


- rotdn instead of s1945pn ;


- svcbl (bootleg) & svcplus instead of kof99p & kof99nd ;


- mslug4n instead of rbff2 ;


- samsho5 instead of garoup (prototype).


Finally, kof98, kof2k1n, s1945pn, kof99nd & rbff2 are fully playable on the 1st default.xbe.


I got Kawax-SE running good with mslug5 and all that...i am using svcplus.zip and have made svcbl.zip into my "all carachters unlocked" version of SVC...



my ? is...WHERE IS KOF 2003!!!!???



and when will this work day be over?



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