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MESS/MESSUI, MAMEUI and HBMAME 0.203 released

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MESS 0.203 and MAMEUI 0.203 have been released and are available at the usual place:



As a Halloween bonus, MESSUI is also released. It is always created as part of the build process, so it's no problem to upload it one last time.

HBMAME 0.203 has also been released, and is available at



- Fixed a bug in 68k core that caused issues in King of Fighters (Neogeo) games. We said this last time, but it didn't work. Hopefully this time it really is fixed.

Changelog for HBMAME:

2018-10-31 0.203

Added support for 3rd player for wofch hacks

New Games
- [avspud] Alien vs Predator (USA 940520 Phoenix edition)
- [cnbe2018] Blut Engel 2018 fix [by Blastar]
- [ddsprdmo] Double Dragon SpritePool Demo [by Vasily Familiya]
- [dkchrmx] Donkey Kong Christmas Remix [by Sock Master]
- [dkspkyrmx] Donkey Kong Spooky Remix [by Sock Master]
- [kf2k2ps2re] The King of Fighters 2002 - PlayStation 2 Hack Ver.1.0 Public Test[by EGCG]
- [mspacii2] Ms. Pacman (Pink Plus) [by mameplus]
- [mspacatttur] Ms. Pac Attack Plus Turbo [by mameplus]
- [ms2600a] Ms. Pacman (Atari look) [by mameplus]
- [raroggame] Ryurik: Poteryannaya [by Vasily Familiya]
- [samantha] Everlasting Summer: Samantha [by Vasily Familiya]
- [vlad2000] Vladivostok 2000 [by Vasily Familiya]

Posted (edited)

The Kof bug with the countdow finally has been fixed :)

Edited by StHiryu
  • 2 weeks later...

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