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MESS, MESSUI and MAMEUI 0.213 are released.





- I've included my collection of controller files. As I don't have a controller, it would be useful to get feedback of what works and what doesn't.


Notes for 32-bit versions:

- dc (Dreamcast) and clones - crash at start;

- hapyfsh2, kof2002um, kof2002umj all crash at start because the roms are too big to fit in memory.



What's new in HBMAME 0.213

2019-08-28 0.213

New Games
- [bbugtest1]         Cinematic Ram Test Rom
- [captcomms61]       Captain Commando (Elite Version 2019-05-13)
- [captcomms62]       Captain Commando (Nightmare 2019-06-06)
- [captcomms63]       Captain Commando (Shape Shifting Version 2019-05-05)
- [captcomms64]       Captain Commando (Caller Mount Version 2019-08-02)
- [dinos194]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Fighting God Version 2019-06-12)
- [dinos195]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Purgatory 2019-04-21)
- [dinos196]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Majin Ranbu 2019-02-22)
- [dinos197]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Warlord Version 2019-05-30)
- [dinos198]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Warriors 2019-05-02)
- [dinos199]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (1V3 Enhanced Version 2019 2019-08-02)
- [dinos200]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Devil dance Series A 2019-07-30)
- [dinos201]          Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (Devil dance Series B 2019-07-30)
- [kf2k5unis14]       Kof 10th Anniversary 2005 Unique (Optimized Version 2019 2019-06-05)
- [kof2k2s83]         Kof2002 (All Mix Version 2018-04-22)
- [kof97s146]         Kof'97 (Heavenly Divine 2019-03-25)
- [kof98hh120]        Kof'98 (Combo 2019-07-09)(Original)
- [kof98hh121]        Kof'98 (Combo 2019-07-09)(Simplify)
- [kof98hh122]        Kof'98 (ECK 2019-07-25)
- [kovpluss348]       Knights of Valour Plus (2012 Musou Edition 2019-04-15)
- [mhavocpex2]        Major Havoc - The Promised End (v0.50)
- [mslug4hh47]        Metal Slug 4 (Fully Decrypted [?] Version)
- [nbajamtexxx]       NBA Jam Tournament Edition (XXX)
- [sagaiav2]          Sagaia v2
- [sfz2ns01]          Street Fighter Zero 2 (Crazy Edition 2019-04-10)
- [tk2h140]           Tenchi wo Kurau II (Master Version 2019-05-06)
- [tk2h141]           Tenchi wo Kurau II (Fighting Spirit 2019-05-06)
- [tk2h142]           Tenchi wo Kurau II (Xu Wei Musou Edition 2019-08-14)
- [tk2h143]           Tenchi wo Kurau II (Daren Fighting Edition 2019-08-02)
- [tk2h144]           Tenchi wo Kurau II (Dragon Edition 2019-07-14)
- [uccopsjs01]        Undercover Cops (Edition Enhanced 2019-07-22)
- [warrior4j1]        Warrior (4 joysticks, version 1)
- [warrior4j2]        Warrior (4 joysticks, version 2)



  • Thanks 1

Compile error on latest toolchain. Don't know what it means. Might be waiting on the new toolchain for vanilla 213 since it's not released yet. You seem to have fewer problems with the not-bleeding-edge compiler.

Version line: gcc version 9.2.0 (Rev1, Built by MSYS2 project)

Here's where it barfed:

Compiling src/mame/drivers/aci_borisdpl.cpp...
internal error in mingw32_gt_pch_use_address, at config/i386/host-mingw32.c:186: MapViewOfFileEx: Attempt to access invalid address.
<command-line>: fatal error: had to relocate PCH
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [adc.make:314: ../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/mame/drivers/super6.o] Error 1
internal error in mingw32_gt_pch_use_address, at config/i386/host-mingw32.c:186: MapViewOfFileEx: Attempt to access invalid address.
<command-line>: fatal error: had to relocate PCH
compilation terminated.
make[1]: *** [Makefile:421: adc] Error 2
make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[2]: *** [act.make:345: ../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/mame/drivers/apricot.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Compiling src/mame/drivers/apricotf.cpp...
Compiling src/mame/drivers/manohman.cpp...
Compiling src/mame/drivers/aci_ggm.cpp...
Compiling src/mame/drivers/accomm.cpp...
Compiling src/mame/drivers/stellafr.cpp...
Compiling src/mame/drivers/acrnsys.cpp...
make[1]: *** [Makefile:418: act] Error 2
Compiling src/mame/drivers/aci_prodigy.cpp...
internal error in mingw32_gt_pch_use_address, at config/i386/host-mingw32.c:186: MapViewOfFileEx: Attempt to access invalid address.
<command-line>: fatal error: had to relocate PCH
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [aci.make:334: ../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/mame/drivers/aci_ggm.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
Compiling src/mame/drivers/acrnsys1.cpp...
Archiving libadp.a...
internal error in mingw32_gt_pch_use_address, at config/i386/host-mingw32.c:186: MapViewOfFileEx: Attempt to access invalid address.
<command-line>: fatal error: had to relocate PCH
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [acorn.make:438: ../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/mame/drivers/acrnsys.o] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
make[1]: *** [Makefile:415: aci] Error 2
make[1]: *** [Makefile:103: acorn] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:1061: windows_x64] Error 2


Posted (edited)

Here's another dump fresh off of the .lay processing. I can't find "host-mingw32.c" in my environment anywhere, so weirdness.

Rebuilt environment from scratch. Tried 'master' branch instead of 'tag213.' Same problems.


Compressing src/mame/layout/h2hbaskb.lay...
Compressing src/mame/layout/escmars.lay...
Creating ../../../../mingw-gcc/bin/x64/Release
Precompiling src/emu/emu.h...
Compiling src/emu/drivers/empty.cpp...
internal error in mingw32_gt_pch_use_address, at config/i386/host-mingw32.c:186: MapViewOfFileEx: Attempt to access invalid address.
<command-line>: fatal error: had to relocate PCH
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [precompile.make:308: ../../../../mingw-gcc/obj/x64/Release/src/emu/drivers/empty.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [Makefile:88: precompile] Error 2
make: *** [makefile:1060: windows_x64] Error 2


Edited by hfball

Your version of gcc is too new. You have to roll back to 9.1 or earlier. 9.2 is buggy and will not compile official mame either.


Bingo. Rolled back to 8.3.0. Working fine now. I'm giving up on updating the mingw environment. 8.3 will do fine until it doesn't.

Why does gcc release when it's bugged up like that?

  • 2 weeks later...

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