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MAMEUI 0.218 is released.





There were some changes but I've forgotten what they were - I've had rather a lot on my mind with the wildfires and the terrible heat and humidity.

I've had to disable the creation of CPU.ini - it seems that one of the 6 new CPUs created this month in Mame is faulty. This issue caused MameUI to crash at start.


If anyone wants to make a 32-bit build, please post the links here in this thread.



I'm aware of the situation in Australia, I hope everything will be resolved very soon.


Thanks for everything Robert!

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Hope y'all are safe.      My thoughts & wishes go out to all those that have lost everything in the wild fires.



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Seems to be a little bug in MameUI. Setting more than a single path in swpath at machine.ini, when you want to open a file the explorer opens the snap directory. For example in cpc6128.ini:

-Media view, Floppy disk1,Mount file:

swpath                    Z:\Juegos\Amstrad\Disks    -->  Works great, opens the Disk folder

swpath                    Z:\Juegos\Amstrad\Disks; Z:\Juegos\Amstrad\Tapes    -->  Opens the snap folder

Happened in .0217 as well.


Yes you are right. I'll work on that now. The reason it worked before is because the 2nd and subsequent folder was totally ignored in the SW Files tab. When that was fixed, seems this other bug appeared.



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OK, been fixed for 0.219


To clarify how multiple swpaths work -

Multiple paths ONLY work for the SW Files tab.

Everywhere else (Media view, Newui, official Mame) - only the first path is used, the remainder being ignored.


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