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MESS, MESSUI and MAMEUI 0.221 are released.






- MESSUI / MAMEUI - Multipart software items will be loaded correctly via "SW Items".

- MESSUI / MAMEUI - Stability adjustments

- NewUI - If a multipart item had been loaded through MESSUI / MAMEUI / command-line, you can choose to load the other parts as needed

- NewUI - If a software-list item is loaded, you can view the usage (loading instructions), step by step as you work through the procedure.



If you wish to make available 32-bit versions of the above, please post the links here. Also please indicate if your builds work on XP.


The official release of Mameui64 on mameui.info does not happen until after the official release of MAME - and who knows if that will ever happen. The person who does that job is tied up in real-life matters, and we've heard nothing from him for a week.

The executable used on the official mameui is the one I've created above, so go ahead and use it.


I would like to know one thing: but the MAME code was somehow stopped on April 29 and the changes made afterwards will be included in the 0.222 release?


Yes, that is the intention. However, with still no word of a release of 0.221, all future actions are undefined.


I pulled source for MameUI from git on May 4th. .221 vanilla was released today, May 19. Has anything changed for MameUI tag-221 in that time?


No. The delay in official Mame was only because the person doing the release had a bunch of real-life issues, which were more important.

MAMEUI has not been touched since the tag.

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