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MAME 0.235 was released

* Official - https://mamedev.org/release.html
* ARCADE64 - http://arcade.mameworld.info/
* HBMAME - http://hbmame.1emulation.com/
* MESS, MESSUI - http://messui.1emulation.com/
* MAMEUI - http://www.mameui.info/
* WolfMame - https://github.com/mahlemiut/wolfmame/releases

Other releases

* Qemu 6.1.0 [PC] - https://download.qemu.org/

* Atari++ 1.84 [Atari 8-bit] - http://www.xl-project.com/downloads.html

* XRoar 0.37.1 [Dragon/Tandy Color Computer] - http://www.6809.org.uk/xroar/

* Nestopia UE 1.51.1 [NES] - http://0ldsk00l.ca/nestopia/

* no$GBA 3.05 [GBA/DS] - http://problemkaputt.de/gba.htm

* SimCoupe 1.2.5 [Sam Coupe] - https://github.com/simonowen/simcoupe/releases


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